[AppStream] Adding <filename> to <artifact>?

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 17:41:34 UTC 2021

On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 at 17:08, Matthias Klumpp <matthias at tenstral.net> wrote:
> (It's not like I didn't think of maybe naming this tag "basename", to
> distinguish it from filenames-with-paths, but tbh I think "filename"
> here is just as expressive and possibly makes the intent clearer for
> someone who casually reads the XML).

I also pondered <basename> -- if you'd rather that it's no problem to change.

> There's something else in your XML though that is also nonstandard:
> AppStream currently has no support for the "Interplanetary File
> System" URLs, so if you were going to validate that, appstreamcli
> would very much complain.
> So, should I permit the ipfs:// scheme for AppStream as well? ;-)

Ohh, I've done it again :) Yes please, ipfs:// and ipns:// too


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