[Authentication] Solution to prompting and async operations

Michael Albinus michael.albinus at gmx.de
Thu Nov 12 13:42:10 PST 2009

Stef Walter <stef-list-Kw7WoRPxbEs9XoPSrs7Ehg at public.gmane.org> writes:

> I've finally come up with a solution the whole set of problems to do
> with prompting and long running or asynchronous operations. I believe
> this covers every requirement. This wasn't an easy task.
>  * Operations that may require prompting can optionally return
>    the object path to a 'prompt object'.
>  * The Prompt() method of the prompt object will then be called
>    by the client application.
>  * Prompts objects can be dismissed with the Dismiss() method
>    of the prompt objects.
>  * Prompt objects have a 'Completed' signal which is fired when
>    the prompt and operation completes. A result can be returned.

I've played a little bit with the current code. Works fine for me so

However, gnome-keyring registers itself for the
org.freedesktop.Secrets.Prompt interface at the prompt object path, and
starts its own GUI when calling org.freedesktop.Secrets.Prompt.Prompt.
Is there a way to implement that method by my own client? This I would
prefer, instead of seeing the GUI (which should always be the default).

Note, that my client could also run in a non-X11 environment, where a
GUI does not work.

> Cheers,
> Stef

Best regards, Michael.

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