[Authentication] Launching the secret service

Stef Walter stefw at collabora.co.uk
Sat Dec 4 10:07:33 PST 2010

On 2010-09-25 14:56, Michael Leupold wrote:
> I figured we haven't actually talked about how a user's desktop decides which 
> implementation of the secret service to launch and how it is actually 
> launched.
> As to which daemon is launched we could integrate with xdg-utils by creating 
> an xdg-secret-service script which launches the daemon configured by the user.
> Regarding the how D-Bus activation seems to be the way to go. It seems gnome-
> keyring already uses that approach. Does it work alright like that?

Yes, I think it works well. In most cases the service is already up and
running from when the user logs in. But if the service is not running
then DBus activation is used to start it.

I think that beyond DBus activation we don't really need to specify
anything else in the spec, although service implementations should be
free to startup in another way (beforehand) if necessary.



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