[Authentication] CreateItem() @properties argument property names

Valentin Rusu kde at rusu.info
Mon Mar 14 15:30:58 PDT 2011

On 03/14/2011 10:01 PM, Stef Walter wrote:
> Something that Valentin brought up in another thread got me thinking.
> The CreateItem() and CreateCollection() methods accepts a @properties
> argument which is a a{sv} dict of the readwrite properties for the new
> item/collection. The property names used in this argument assume that
> the properties are for the org.freedesktop.Secret.Item or
> org.freedesktop.Secret.Collection interface.
> However in the future if item objects had additional properties on a new
> interface, then these would be unusable with the CreateItem() or
> CreateCollection() method.
> I propose that we pass full property strings with interface + name to
> CreateItem() and CreateCollection(). This is similar to how Telepathy
> does this stuff.
> For example instead of passing 'Label' in the CreateItem() @properties
> argument we would pass 'org.freedesktop.Secret.Item.Label'
This would introduce a sort of namespaces for the attributes.
Well, it's good idea. Only, the length of the string will call for
typing errors.
And unfortunately QT's qdbusxml2cpp doesn't handle macros or string
constants. Or is it?

> How does that sound?
This sounds OK for me.


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