[Authentication] realmd: Faster discovery, generic kerberos discovery

Stef Walter stefw at gnome.org
Thu Aug 23 02:56:36 PDT 2012

Some more patches for realmd.

The first patch is one that makes the discovery of kerberos realms much


In particular discovery of IPA is harder to do in a fixed amount of
time. We actually try to connect to the server to retrieve its
certificate, and this can block for a long time given a firewall. This
was slowing down discovery of non IPA domains.

So the patches at the above bug, integrate the discovery into a single
class, which discovers everything about a server all at once. It does
IPA server in parallel and limits initial connection attempt to 5
seconds. If server is discovered as being AD, then we short-circuit IPA

Also another patch, which enables discovery of generic kerberos realms:


We can't actually enroll in generic kerberos realms, but discovery is
nice to have. gnome-online-accounts wants to use this feature.

Any review, sanity checking, or testing is super appreciated.



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