[Authentication] Announcing realmd 0.13

Stef Walter stefw at redhat.com
Mon Feb 18 22:18:50 PST 2013

realmd is a project for joining a machine in in realms/domains (like
Active Directory and FreeIPA) and configuring domain logins and related

What's new in 0.13:

  * Pull in translations from transifex
  * Detect incorrect passwords when using 'net ads join' login via RPC
  * Use ipa-client-install to provide join functionality for IPA domains
  * Don't assume that we can use kerberos to validate admin password
  * Allow specifying --membership-software when discovering a realm
  * Only use the XDG user data directory if it exists
  * Quit the daemon when SIGTERM or SIGINT received
  * Implement cancellation of operations
  * Documentation fixes
  * Add documentation about realmd internals
  * Update commands and packages for Debian
  * Use /var/cache/realmd instead of /tmp
  * Build fixes and lots of other bugs fixed

Detailed log:

Marius Vollmer (4):
       Export the Service interface.
       Implement support for Service.Cancel() method
       Make Example Provider cancellable

Nuno Araujo (1):
       Fix the build with automake 1.13

Piotr Drąg (1):
       Updated Polish translation

Stef Walter (35):
       Fix use of uninitialized variable.
       Allow specifying --membership-software when discovering a realm
       Quit the daemon when SIGTERM or SIGINT received
       Avoid race conditions when doing IPA discovery
       Fix race on DBus peer to peer connections
       Better handling of missing, blank or invalid known commands
       Only use the XDG user data directory if it exists
       Update the known commands and packages for debian
       No longer a need to restart accounts-service after a join
       Add some documentation about contributing
       Add option to realm command to only print out realm name
       Add function for getting all sections of INI conf file
       Add function for getting boolean from settings
       Add example provider, disabled by default
       Create the localstatedir for the example provider
       Don't assume that we can use kerberos to validate admin password
       Better handling of missing packages section in settings file.
       When running in --debug make warnings and criticals fatal
       Thread cancellation through basic operations
       Don't use gtk-doc for documentation
       Add some rough internal documentation
       Add back 'make upload' target for manual
       Some tweaks and clarifications to the internal documentation
       Don't wrap options in realm client manual page
       Add the internals documentation to the realmd website
       Move the example provider documentation to internals document
       Expose the method for updating an SSSD realm's properties
       Pull out function to build password input out of passwords
       Refactor out config domain identification logic
       Add a utility function for updating sssd.conf domains
       Use ipa-client-install to provide join functionality for IPA domai
       Detect incorrect passwords when using 'net ads join' login via RPC
       Pull translations from transifex
       Use a private cache directory for temp files
       Release version 0.13

Yassir Elley (7):
       Cleaned up "uninitialized variable" warning from gcc
       Replaced "active-directory" with "users" in user configuration pag
       Fixed omissions and typos in command line man page.
       Fixed blurb for Provider property's param-spec
       Fixed typos: inserted commas, added missing words, corrected mista
       add membership-software to dbus xml api - second try
       fixed typos for realm man page

Signed Sources:


Note: 0.13.1 was also packaged to solve a build problem which may not
affect all systems.



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