[avahi] Apple computers and name resolution

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.de
Tue Oct 4 15:45:19 PDT 2005

On Fri, 30.09.05 17:26, Marc Krochmal (marc at apple.com) wrote:

> I don't see why this is failing.  I see the iBook responding to the  
> query with a valid IPv6 address.
> Two things I noticed that are unrelated to the failure.  The Linux  
> machine sends two queries that are 5ms apart.  Not sure why it does  
> that.  Also, the queries being sent happen to be legacy queries.

nss-mdns uses "legacy queries" if it doesn't find a running Avahi
daemon. That's because it doesn't maintain any internal cache 
and needs to get prompt responses. 

That two-queries-5ms-apart thing looks suspicously to me. I'll
investigate this.


Lennart Poettering; lennart [at] poettering [dot] de
ICQ# 11060553; GPG 0x1A015CC4; http://0pointer.de/lennart/

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