[avahi] Please test the Bonjour/HOWL compatibility layers

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.de
Thu Oct 27 18:10:12 PDT 2005


Avahi SVN now contains compatibility layers for HOWL and Bonjour. They
could use some testing with real world applications, since my set
of test cases was pretty limited. I would like to ask you all
to do some testing for us!

The two layers are both API and ABI compatible, so it shuold be very
easy to test Avahi with your favourite HOWL or libdns_sd/Bonjour

We're interested in both success and failure reports. As of now, we
know that the layers are perfectly compatible with:

        * gnome-vfs/nautilus
        * gobby
        * all examples from the HOWL 0.9.8 distribution


        * that simple dns-sd tool from the mDNSResponder distribution
        * A MacOSX tool called "Bonjour Browser"  (yes, Avahi runs on
          MacOSX too, these days)

And BTW: If you added Avahi support to one of your own applications,
we would like to ask you to add it to the list of compatible
applications on Avahi's homepage:

       (near the bottom)

It's a Wiki, so you can make that change yourself. In case you're to
lazy for that, just drop us an email, and we'll do it for you.        


Lennart Poettering; lennart [at] poettering [dot] de
ICQ# 11060553; GPG 0x1A015CC4; http://0pointer.de/lennart/

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