[avahi] xmltoman versus xml2man build problems

Daniel S. Haischt me at daniel.stefan.haischt.name
Mon Apr 17 03:44:30 PDT 2006

Humm - I am not completly getting the issue. I have no xmltoman
or even xml2man on FreeBSD, and the port still compiles fine...

Trent Lloyd schrieb:
>>YEs it generates corrrects manpages, so why not use correct filename xml2man 
>>instead the unknown xmltoman?
> Because to repeat earlier, xmltoman is correct for the program we use.
> Can you please provide me a URL to the source for 'xml2man'

If searching on Google, you will notice that there are lots of
xml2man-mdk packages. So my first guess is that its simply
a mandrake/mandriva naming scheme, but at the end both binaries
are the same..

Tho, there exists a Perl script from Apple, called xml2man which
is installed on every Darwin OS.

And finaly there is xmlto:
-> http://cyberelk.net/tim/xmlto/

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / With kind regards
DAn.I.El S. Haischt

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