[avahi] Unexpected resolution failures

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Fri Aug 25 10:40:31 PDT 2006

On Fri, 25.08.06 10:40, Ludovic Courtès (ludovic.courtes at laas.fr) wrote:

> Hi,
> At my office, I often notice that, after `avahi-daemon' has been running
> for some time, several services suddenly become "unresolvable".
> Restarting the daemon magically makes them resolvable again.
> Concretely, here is what I observe:
>   $ avahi-browse -rk _daap._tcp
>   + eth0 IPv4 Juan                                          _daap._tcp           local
>   + eth0 IPv4 civodul                                       _daap._tcp           local
>   + eth0 IPv4 Marc                                          _daap._tcp           local
>   Failed to resolve service 'Juan' of type '_daap._tcp' in domain 'local': Timeout reached
>   Failed to resolve service 'civodul' of type '_daap._tcp' in domain 'local': Timeout reached
>   Failed to resolve service 'Marc' of type '_daap._tcp' in domain 'local': Timeout reached
>   Got SIGINT, quitting.

Is any of these three services on the local machine?

Do the other machines run Avahi or native Bonjour?

> Is it something that other people already experienced?  If not, how can
> I provide more useful information?

Nope, I for sure didn't experience that.

Could you please capture the mDNS traffic that happens when you call
avahi-browse like you did above?

Use this:
   tcpdump -i eth0 -n -w avahi.tcpdump udp port 5353

And send me the file avahi.tcpdump that this call creates.

Start tcpdump shortly before (10s) calling avahi-browse, and stop it shortly
after (10s).

Does the local machine run any application that browses for _daap._tcp
during the whole time? (i.e. the service-discovery-applet or rhythmbox or

One final request: could you please do a "killall -USR1 avahi-daemon"
once before doing that avahi-browse call (10s before) and once after
(10s after) and sent me the ouput the daemon prints to syslog? It
contains the mDNS cache.

Thank you very much in advance,


Lennart Poettering; lennart [at] poettering [dot] net
ICQ# 11060553; GPG 0x1A015CC4; http://0pointer.net/lennart/

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