[avahi] avahi-autoipd

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed Sep 6 08:29:49 PDT 2006

On Tue, 05.09.06 22:31, chris mcharg (chris at outtrack.org) wrote:

> I have a feeling good clear documentation will go a long way to  
> getting avahi-autoipd into the distributions.  I guess you were  
> planning on it anyway, but I'm sure it would be good to have a decent  
> page on the trac wiki for this too.

No, actually I hadn't planned that. ;-)

However, I now added a new page to the wiki describing the optimal
integration of avahi-autoipd and IPv4LL into distributions.

This is partially based on some emails I sent the debian maintainers
of Debian earlier and on the discussions we had on this mailing list.


It's a wiki, so you're welcome to edit it.


Lennart Poettering; lennart [at] poettering [dot] net
ICQ# 11060553; GPG 0x1A015CC4; http://0pointer.net/lennart/

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