[avahi] multiple ethernet ports

Jeff Koftinoff jeffk at jdkoftinoff.com
Mon Aug 27 09:52:33 PDT 2007

On 27-Aug-07, at 4:59 AM, Lennart Poettering wrote:

> On Thu, 23.08.07 05:47, Jeff Koftinoff (jeffk at jdkoftinoff.com) wrote:
>> Hello Avahi people!
>> I have a computer with 4 ethernet ports.  I want each of the ethernet
>> ports to get unique self assigned IP addresses, and I want avahi to
>> respond to mDNS requests on each port.
>> Is this possible?
> Yes. Avahi is perfectly capable of dealing with multihomed hosts.
> Lennart

Thank you for your response! Unfortunately, my extra network ports  
are firewire. I am using the eth1394 module.

When I do:
	avahi-autoipd eth0
I get:
	getsockname() returned invalid hardware address.

FWIW mac osx functions properly for generating link-local addresses  
on firewire networks...

I can dive in to try fix this if you wish.. Just point me in the  
right direction..

Jeff Koftinoff
jeffk at jdkoftinoff.com

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