[avahi] avahi dropping out

Scott Amort amorts at queensu.ca
Tue Nov 6 07:08:59 PST 2007


I am using avahi-daemon to advertise a netatalk share from a linux box  
(the client's are all macs running OS X 10.4.10 or 10.5).  Everything  
works perfectly for about three to four minutes before the avahi  
broadcast disappears (i.e. I can still connect directly to the linux  
box via it's ip address, so netatalk is running fine, but the server  
no longer shows up in the network list).  If I restart the avahi- 
daemon, it comes back and works as expected, but eventually disappears  
again.  Has anyone else experienced this sort of behaviour?  I'm  
running avahi 0.6.2 on a gentoo box.

Thanks for any assistance,

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