[avahi] SDA: Patch to install gobby if it's not already installed.

Jason Whitlark jwhitlark-avahi-ml at zentek.com
Tue Sep 25 17:14:29 PDT 2007

Hi all,

Here's a patch for service-discovery-applet that checks if gobby is in the system path, and asks for permission to
install it if it's not.  For the moment, it only works on Debian or Ubuntu, but eventually I'll add Red Hat, SUSE, and
Gentoo support, (after I get a couple of test VMs set up).  While it works as is, it's a little ugly in places; I want
to try the same thing with another plugin and add support for other distro's before I refactor it.

I've not decided if the installation logic should be a plugin superclass, or part of pluginutils.  Any thoughts?

I just started using svk to generate my patch; let me know if there's anything wrong with it.


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