[avahi] accept(): Too many open files

Mark Edwards mark at antsclimbtree.com
Sun Mar 23 23:49:59 PDT 2008

On Mar 23, 2008, at 11:24 PM, Trent Lloyd wrote:
>> I'm kind of at a loss as to what I'm looking for here.  Again, this
>> is only happening at 4:00am each day, and the only thing I can see
>> happening in particular at that point is a bunch of cron jobs
>> occurring at the same time.
> This is not a problem with Avahi I suspect but you are just seeing a
> symptom of it.
> Try this command
>  shell> lsof -n
> When it is happening, you'll probably notice some programming  
> holding a
> lot of FDs open.
> Regards,
> Trent

Thanks for the advice.  Avahi only complains between 04:00:08 and  
04:00:18 each day, so timing a command exactly then might be kind of  
hard.  In any case, even if its not to blame, why is avahi the only  
thing complaining?

I will try to issue a lsof -n command at 04:00:00, and hopefully that  
will catch it.

Mark Edwards

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