[avahi] browsing for services on a specific multicast address

Trent Lloyd lathiat at bur.st
Wed Mar 18 15:20:19 PDT 2009


On 19/03/2009, at 3:09 AM, Lennart Poettering wrote:

> On Wed, 18.03.09 18:59, Alon Noy (alon.noy at ilsemedia.nl) wrote:
>> I guess I didn't quit understand what the apple util dns-sd suppose  
>> to
>> do (I'm not a maci :) ), and the partial (and misleading)  
>> documentation
>> which I received for this server farm didn't help either, but I think
>> that what is really going on is that I'm suppose to query for sub  
>> type:
>> _225_0_10_100._sub._ftp._tcp in order to identify the nodes of a  
>> cluster.
>> the sub type _225_0_10_100 is just a way to group the different
>> servers in a cluster. Its a way to say that these servers
>> communicate between themselves on multicasting address
>> and not as I initially thought that they are using a different
>> multicasting address for mDNS.
> I am not sure if I now get it, but this still smells like a misuse of
> mDNS/DNS-SD to me.

I had considered some type of similar logic to implement a "true"  
multi-user multi-cast chat using multicast messages.

Pick a multicast address, and multiple people advertise it as a  
service to the same hostname and messages are broadcast to it.

Never really specced or worked it out tho.


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