[avahi] Resolving many ( > 200 ) items seems to lead to apparent congestion in the dbus

Daniel Wynne daniel.wynne at mobotix.com
Fri May 15 01:17:31 PDT 2009

Hi All!

Since we sometimes deal with more than 250 hosts, we often run into
timeouts from the Resolvers. For now, we immediately try again until all
Hosts are resolved. This can take up to 10 mins...

After restarting the application we end up resolving only about 50% of
the hosts. A restart of the dbus allows the application to find all
hosts again.

Is there a knwon issue about the dbus system that "free"-ed items remain
for an amount of time? Is there an easy workaround for this? 
Do you think it would be good practice to establish an queue system to
avoid the resolver-timeouts?

Thanx again for the great support so far!


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