[avahi] nss_mdns 0.10

Trent Lloyd lathiat at bur.st
Tue Oct 27 19:27:01 PDT 2009


On 28/10/2009, at 6:54 AM, dev nath wrote:

> Hi *,
> We were trying to use nss-mdns to support mdns query from the  
> applications. We want to use "enable-legacy" option which has the  
> mini MDNS stack.  But in this mode nss-mdns supports resolving IPv6  
> addresses but does so via IPv4 multicasts only. Is there any reason  
> why this is not supported on IPV6 packets.

IPv6 support was simply not coded into nss-mdns originally.

Since it was later replaced by the functionality to use Avahi - it is  
now deprecated and has not received any further work.  Using the avahi  
backend is the recommended method for full support.

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