[avahi] avahi-daemon stops working after undetermined period of time

Kristian Domke news at neither-nor.net
Fri Sep 18 11:12:49 PDT 2009

Hello All,

as I have the same problem and (almost?) the same setup, I will try to  
contribute to this thread.

My setup:

MacBook Pro, OS X 10.6.1
Linuxbox: Ubuntu Hardy Heron

Avahi 0.6.22 (Ubuntu original)

Exactly the same problem. After the start of avahi everything is fine,  
some (few) minutes later the linuxbox is not found anymore. After  
restarting avahi everything is fine again.

I have logged the whole procedure with wireshark. Quite long protocol  
(53k on disk). If you want to have a look into it, you find it under http://cl1p.net/mDNS-Avahi-Problem/

I still have the very same capture in original, including the complete  
afp traffic an so on. I just limited the Export to the mDNS packages.

Hope that helps you to help me ;-)



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