[avahi] avahi-daemon stops working after undetermined period of time

Brian McKee map at map-heb.com
Fri Sep 18 13:59:27 PDT 2009

On 18-Sep-09, at 4:19 PM, Kristian Domke wrote:

> OK, answering myself.
> I found the problem, at least in my system. Obviously there is
> something wrong with some network cards and multicast in Ubuntu /  
> Linux.
> I read about it in the german Ubuntu Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Avahi#Avahi-im-Netzwerk
> The solution is a simple
> sudo ifconfig eth0 allmulti
> To make it restart save add the following in the file /etc/network/
> interfaces in the section for the relevant NIC (take care of
> indentation):
> post-up infconfig eth0 allmulti
> Hope that helps

That's interesting!
> sudo ifconfig eth0 allmulti
does so far seem to be working.

Can you show me the way you added that to the interfaces file? I'm  
having trouble with the syntax. I've tried several variations.
I suppose I could put it in post-up.d/ but thought the interfaces file  
would be better....

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