[avahi] Need support for running avahi on scratchbox(ARM)

Rajesh Sai T tsairajesh at gmail.com
Wed Jun 30 02:23:04 PDT 2010


Could anyone guide me with the steps needed to compile Avahi0.6.25 on
scratchbox. I'm able to compile Avahi, but on launching daemon by


it segmentation faults or reports *** stack smashing detected ***:
avahi-daemon terminated.

I was compiling avahi with following options (Scratchbox on Ubuntu
9.10, ARM builds):

./configure --disable-glib --disable-gobject --disable-qt3
--disable-qt4 --disable-gtk --disable-dbus --disable-expat
--disable-gdbm --disable-python --disable-pygtk --disable-python-dbus
--disable-mono --disable-monodoc  --with-distro=none --sysconfdir=/etc

make && make install.

It compiles well but crashes immediately on launch. Is there any
specific steps to be followed ?


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