[avahi] CNAME Ubuntu 10.04

Jeff Koftinoff jeffk at jdkoftinoff.com
Wed Apr 6 08:26:30 PDT 2011

I tried and failed down the same path.

I'm interested as well to find if anyone else has had success.


On 2011-04-06, at 8:19 AM, Ben Griffith wrote:

> Hi,
> Using the avahi package (0.6.25) on my Ubuntu 10.04.2 server. I am trying to have a CNAME get registered in the local zone in order to have other avahi aware machines find virtual (apache) sites on that server. I am aware of the example python program(s) from the wiki. I have tried them, and none of them seem to publish a CNAME. I can never see the host alias that I am trying to publish in the local zone.
> I am not a programmer, so contributing a patch, or even advanced troubleshooting of the existing system/python scripts is beyond me. Does the CNAME functionality work for others? Is there a problem with the Ubuntu package? Any tips from anyone who has made this work? I'd love to not have to setup a DNS server in order to access multiple virtual sites on my server.
> TIA,
> 	--Ben--
> -- 
> Ben Griffith
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