[avahi] Avahi Signalling that it is going offline??

Nathanael D. Noblet nathanael at gnat.ca
Mon Jan 30 11:39:27 PST 2012


   I have a few devices that have a .service file in 
/etc/avahi/services. It works well I can see the service etc. However my 
administration app which is using avahi to detect machines coming 
online/offline in a link-local setup never knows when they disappear 
because they are always there. The devices offering the service are 
portable so go to sleep and move around on the network. So I'm wondering 
if there is a way the avahi-daemon can signal that the service/device is 
going offline so I get the notifications? When I first started and had 
an actual app listening it was just somewhat built in when you 
unregistered, however now it never does that.

I'm basically using the service to help detect when the devices are 
online since the service I want to use is always there when the devices 
are available. If that makes any sense.

Nathanael d. Noblet
t 403.875.4613

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