[avahi] mDns Service Filter

Nathan Butler nbutler at stlukes.nsw.edu.au
Tue Mar 12 17:15:23 PDT 2013

Hi all.

I've been trawling the we for any hints about how to limit what services avahi-daemon advertises when running as a reflector. I work at a school, and we are using a 12.10 Ubuntu server as a reflector, which is working but is reflecting all services. Everywhere I've looked on the web seems to show that this is all that avahi-daemon can do.

I am aware that AeroHive have a free product called the Bonjour Gateway, but we have had some major problems trying to get this set up properly, which is why I have turned to the Ubuntu server.

So, for a final word from those who are really in the know, is there a way to get avahi-daemon to only reflect the airplay packets currently (March 2013).

If it is something that needs to be developed or is being developed, would anyone be able to point me in the area of the modules that would be directly related?

Kind regards,
Nathan Butler

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