[avahi] DBus API

Amaury Van Bemten amo.vanbemten at student.ulg.ac.be
Thu Dec 18 10:05:48 PST 2014


I am currently working with the Bonjour protocol for my Master's thesis. 
I am using Avahi and browsing services on the network using Python and 
the DBus API. At some point, I connect a handling function to the  
'NewItem' signal of a RecordBrowser Interface. Later, I'd like to 
"disconnect" from this RecordBrowser, so that my handler is not called 
anymore and I'm not browsing records anymore. Is that the purpose of the 
'Free' method of all the Avahi interface? What is actually this method 
doing? Is there another way to disconnect from a browser?

Thanks a lot,

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