[avahi] Published service gets incorrect address

Trent Lloyd lathiat at bur.st
Mon Jul 10 10:25:03 UTC 2017

There's a good chance you're running into this issue:

Theres a bug right now causing avahi to conflict with itself on startup 
sometimes.  I hope to resolve that soon, but there is currently no fix.
It might help if you can get your init system to start avahi after your 
networking has come up instead of before.

- Trent

On 19/06/17 21:51, Denis Kharlamov wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m experiencing a peculiar issue with my avahi where the address of 
> the published service gets a “-2” appended to it.
> My use of Avahi is essentially this: 
> http://www.avahi.org/doxygen/html/client-publish-service_8c-example.html
> The service always gets published without fail, with the correct 
> service name, and TXT records. However, the address that 
> avahi-discover shows, has a -2 appended to it.
> I am not sure why, because in code I am passing a null pointer for the 
> host, as per documentation:
> “The host this services is residing on. We recommend to pass NULL 
> here, the daemon will than automatically insert the local host name in 
> that case”
> The only way I’ve been able to resolve this is by killing the 
> avahi-daemon and restarting it. Does anyone have any idea as to what 
> could be causing this behavior?
> Thank you,
> *Denis Kharlamov*
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