[avahi] Avahi mailing list open again!

Till Kamppeter till.kamppeter at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 06:59:22 UTC 2022

On 11/10/2022 22:45, Petr Menšík wrote:
>> Do you also know Adrian?
> No, sorry. I am not directly involved in printing at all.

Adrian does not have to do anything with printing. I got aware of the 
mentioned issue report by the list of issues on GitHub. I simply wanted 
to see how much had accumulated with all my frustration of such a 
central part of the OS not being properly maintained.

I also tried to make some more people aware by mentioning this in my 
weekly report on the Ubuntu Discourse:


> Oh sure, I could come. But I work on RHEL, Fedora. I use those. I 
> haven't used any Ubuntu for several years, let alone make a package for 
> it. My focus is the DNS. I maintain dnsmasq, unbound and bind9 on Fedora 
> and RHEL. I am not sure there would be any topics related to my area of 
> expertise on Ubuntu Summit. But I admit having so big Linux-related 
> conference so near is tempting. Unlike Zdeněk I don't know about any 
> group related to my packages, which has any agenda on the summit. Once 
> they publish accepted call for papers, I might find a good reason for a 
> visit. Depends whether my visit would be sponsored from Red Hat or my 
> private activity. I know very little about Linux printing, but I know 
> some parts of mDNS.

First, many sessions are not Ubuntu-specific. You will see more when the 
submissions got selected, in a week from now.

Here is another blog post of a colleague of me in both the Ubuntu 
Desktop Team and in the organization team of the event:


>> https://openprinting.github.io/achievements/#localhost-support-in-avahi
> I have thought at least Canonical internals would have more direct ways 
> to contact Lloyd and make him merge important changes. Or delegate it to 
> someone with more time. Once he has to only review and merge pull 
> request, I think it could be escalated by managers in our company.

I did! I tried everything, including nagging my manager all the time 
that he nags Trent's manager and even defines some hours for him to take 
care of Avahi, to no avail. Trent is in field engineering, fire fighter 
for big customers, time is not predictable for him.

>> I hope as a co-worker of Adrian Cable.
> Oh, let's write message to Adrian, whether he had received any rights to 
> the repository. I will ask him to join here.

Great idea. Probably he is not aware of the mailing list.

Also we need to move Avahi to an organizational GitHub repo. It is on 
Trent; s personal repo. Unfortunately, "avahi" on GitHub is occupied by 
some dead project and I do not know how one can make GitHub admins free 
the "avahi" name for Avahi. Perhaps one could move to GitLab? I think it 
is not good to make it a sub-project of OpenPrinting, this way everyone 
will think that I am the maintainer, or people think Avahi (or DNS-SD) 
serves only for printing.

> I don't like Snapcraft very much and would like other 
> technologies instead, I favor Flatpak.

I am organizing the Snap Tutorial Track on the Ubuntu Summit and the 
Tutorial I am speaker of is the "Daemon Snapper's Workshop" about the 
domain of Snap which is not available in Flatpak: Daemons and system 
software. Due to the nature of my work (OpenPrinting) all the Snaps I 
maintain are of daemons ...

> I did not say the systemd does 
> not have a good side. As a services manager I think it is awesome. But I 
> think systemd guys reimplement too many things instead of making a good 
> integration with existing specialized products. Time synchronization and 
> DNS are the most prominent examples for me.

At least everything is well maintained there.


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