Multiple Avahi instances?

Csókás Bence csokas.bence at
Mon Dec 2 16:50:05 UTC 2024

what's the preferred way of running two instances of Avahi on one 
computer? From what I can see in the code [1], the PID file path is 
hard-coded. We need to run two separate daemons with two different 
config files in two VRF network namespaces belonging to two VLANs.
One user has solved this [2] by running two Docker containers with one 
daemon each, but that is not an option as we're on an embedded system, 
without Docker, any form of virtualization.
I could alsos ee from the code that avahi-daemon can chroot itself, 
which could be an option, albeit a bit overkill. I was also thinking of 
patching the code [1] to introduce an "instance ID", but if there's an 
"official", easy-to-use straightforward way, then I'd rather use that.

Thanks in advance,


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