[Beignet] Testing on macbook

Jérôme Kieffer intel at terre-adelie.org
Wed Oct 15 22:56:11 PDT 2014

On Tue, 14 Oct 2014 11:49:33 +0800
"Zhigang Gong" <zhigang.gong at linux.intel.com> wrote:

> Jerome,
> I'm interested in which benchmarks you were using, and the details of the
> comparison of beignet and macos's.

Dear Zhigang,

I didn't use "specific" benchmarks but rather used the application I am developping as benchmark.

The benchmark measures the speed of images of various size, some
implementation are full OpenCL (i.e. no processing done outside OpenCL)
The methodology of the benchmark is explained in the EuroScipy proceedings:

> If you could share it directly on the mail list, I will be better. Thanks!

If you want to reproduce the benchmark:

* clone the project from GitHub
* the dependencies list is rather long: numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pyopencl and fabio.
* in the directory, run "python setup.py build test"
The tests are making a lot of warning. Be sure to be connected on internet as it downloads test images (~100MB).

Then in the benchmark directory run "python benchmark.py -c -g -r 3 -n 10"
-r3: take the best of 3 runs
-n10: average over 10 measurements
-c and -g to test OpenCL both on CPU & GPU


Jérôme Kieffer <intel at terre-adelie.org>

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