[Beignet] [PATCH v2] reimplement structurize algorithm.
xionghu.luo at intel.com
xionghu.luo at intel.com
Mon Jun 8 00:19:47 PDT 2015
From: Luo Xionghu <xionghu.luo at intel.com>
serial, loop and if pattern match from top to down.
v2: remove recursive sort since the blocks are in order already, just
copy it from Function;
add comments to explain the pattern match process.
Signed-off-by: Luo Xionghu <xionghu.luo at intel.com>
backend/src/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +
backend/src/ir/structurizer.cpp | 987 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
backend/src/ir/structurizer.hpp | 247 ++++++++++
backend/src/llvm/llvm_to_gen.cpp | 15 +
4 files changed, 1251 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 backend/src/ir/structurizer.cpp
create mode 100644 backend/src/ir/structurizer.hpp
diff --git a/backend/src/CMakeLists.txt b/backend/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 8f574d4..83fc168 100644
--- a/backend/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/backend/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ set (GBE_SRC
+ ir/structurizer.hpp
+ ir/structurizer.cpp
diff --git a/backend/src/ir/structurizer.cpp b/backend/src/ir/structurizer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb8e11b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/src/ir/structurizer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,987 @@
+ * Copyright © 2012 Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ */
+#include "structurizer.hpp"
+#include "sys/cvar.hpp"
+using namespace llvm;
+namespace gbe {
+namespace ir {
+ CFGStructurizer::~CFGStructurizer()
+ {
+ BlockVector::iterator iter = blocks.begin();
+ BlockVector::iterator iter_end = blocks.end();
+ while(iter != iter_end)
+ {
+ delete *iter;
+ iter++;
+ }
+ }
+ void CFGStructurizer::handleSelfLoopBlock(Block *loopblock, LabelIndex& whileLabel)
+ {
+ //BlockList::iterator child_iter = (*it)->children.begin();
+ BasicBlock *pbb = loopblock->getExit();
+ GBE_ASSERT(pbb->isLoopExit);
+ BasicBlock::iterator it = pbb->end();
+ it--;
+ if (pbb->hasExtraBra)
+ it--;
+ BranchInstruction* pinsn = static_cast<BranchInstruction *>(&*it);
+ if(!pinsn->isPredicated()){
+ std::cout << "WARNING:" << "endless loop detected!" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ Register reg = pinsn->getPredicateIndex();
+ /* since this block is an while block, so we remove the BRA instruction at the bottom of the exit BB of 'block',
+ * and insert WHILE instead
+ */
+ whileLabel = pinsn->getLabelIndex();
+ Instruction insn = WHILE(whileLabel, reg);
+ Instruction* p_new_insn = pbb->getParent().newInstruction(insn);
+ pbb->insertAt(it, *p_new_insn);
+ pbb->whileLabel = whileLabel;
+ pbb->erase(it);
+ }
+ /* recursive mark the bbs' variable needEndif*/
+ void CFGStructurizer::markNeedIf(Block *block, bool status)
+ {
+ if(block->type() == SingleBlockType)
+ {
+ BasicBlock* bb = ((SimpleBlock*)block)->getBasicBlock();
+ bb->needIf = status;
+ return;
+ }
+ BlockList::iterator it = block->children.begin();
+ while(it != block->children.end())
+ {
+ markNeedIf(*it,status);
+ it++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* recursive mark the bbs' variable needIf*/
+ void CFGStructurizer::markNeedEndif(Block *block, bool status)
+ {
+ if(block->type() == SingleBlockType)
+ {
+ BasicBlock* bb = ((SimpleBlock*)block)->getBasicBlock();
+ bb->needEndif = status;
+ return;
+ }
+ BlockList::iterator it = block->children.begin();
+ while(it != block->children.end())
+ {
+ markNeedEndif(*it, status);
+ it++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* recursive mark the bbs' variable mark*/
+ void CFGStructurizer::markStructuredBlocks(Block *block, bool status)
+ {
+ if(block->type() == SingleBlockType)
+ {
+ SimpleBlock* pbb = static_cast<SimpleBlock*>(block);
+ pbb->getBasicBlock()->belongToStructure = true;
+ }
+ block->mark = status;
+ BlockList::iterator it = block->children.begin();
+ while(it != block->children.end())
+ {
+ markStructuredBlocks(*it, status);
+ it++;
+ }
+ }
+ void CFGStructurizer::handleIfBlock(Block *block, LabelIndex& matchingEndifLabel, LabelIndex& matchingElseLabel)
+ {
+ BasicBlock *pbb = block->getExit();
+ BranchInstruction* pinsn = static_cast<BranchInstruction *>(pbb->getLastInstruction());
+ Register reg = pinsn->getPredicateIndex();
+ BasicBlock::iterator it = pbb->end();
+ it--;
+ /* since this block is an if block, so we remove the BRA instruction at the bottom of the exit BB of 'block',
+ * and insert IF instead
+ */
+ pbb->erase(it);
+ Instruction insn = IF(matchingElseLabel, reg, block->inversePredicate);
+ Instruction* p_new_insn = pbb->getParent().newInstruction(insn);
+ pbb->append(*p_new_insn);
+ pbb->matchingEndifLabel = matchingEndifLabel;
+ pbb->matchingElseLabel = matchingElseLabel;
+ }
+ void CFGStructurizer::handleThenBlock(Block * block, LabelIndex& endiflabel)
+ {
+ BasicBlock *pbb = block->getExit();
+ BasicBlock::iterator it = pbb->end();
+ it--;
+ Instruction *p_last_insn = pbb->getLastInstruction();
+ endiflabel = fn->newLabel();
+ //pbb->thisEndifLabel = endiflabel;
+ Instruction insn = ENDIF(endiflabel);
+ Instruction* p_new_insn = pbb->getParent().newInstruction(insn);
+ // we need to insert ENDIF before the BRA(if exists).
+ bool append_bra = false;
+ if((*it).getOpcode() == OP_BRA)
+ {
+ pbb->erase(it);
+ append_bra = true;
+ }
+ pbb->append(*p_new_insn);
+ if(append_bra)
+ pbb->append(*p_last_insn);
+ }
+ void CFGStructurizer::handleThenBlock2(Block *block, Block *elseblock, LabelIndex elseBBLabel)
+ {
+ BasicBlock *pbb = block->getExit();
+ BasicBlock::iterator it = pbb->end();
+ it--;
+ if((*it).getOpcode() == OP_BRA)
+ pbb->erase(it);
+ if(block->getExit()->getNextBlock() == elseblock->getEntry())
+ return;
+ // Add an unconditional jump to 'else' block
+ Instruction insn = BRA(elseBBLabel);
+ Instruction* p_new_insn = pbb->getParent().newInstruction(insn);
+ pbb->append(*p_new_insn);
+ }
+ void CFGStructurizer::handleElseBlock(Block * block, LabelIndex& elselabel, LabelIndex& endiflabel)
+ {
+ // to insert ENDIF properly
+ handleThenBlock(block, endiflabel);
+ BasicBlock *pbb = block->getEntry();
+ BasicBlock::iterator it = pbb->begin();
+ it++;
+ elselabel = fn->newLabel();
+ pbb->thisElseLabel = elselabel;
+ // insert ELSE properly
+ Instruction insn = ELSE(endiflabel);
+ Instruction* p_new_insn = pbb->getParent().newInstruction(insn);
+ pbb->insertAt(it, *p_new_insn);
+ }
+ void CFGStructurizer::handleStructuredBlocks()
+ {
+ BlockVector::iterator it;
+ BlockVector::iterator end = blocks.end();
+ BlockVector::iterator begin = blocks.begin();
+ it = end;
+ it--;
+ BlockVector::reverse_iterator rit = blocks.rbegin();
+ /* structured bbs only need if and endif insn to handle the execution
+ * in structure entry and exit BasicBlock, so we process the blocks backward, since
+ * the block at the back of blocks is always a 'not smaller' structure then
+ * the ones before it. we mark the blocks which are sub-blocks of the block
+ * we are dealing with, in order to ensure we are always handling the 'biggest'
+ * structures */
+ while(rit != blocks.rend())
+ {
+ if((*rit)->type() == IfThenType || (*rit)->type() == IfElseType|| (*rit)->type() == SelfLoopType)
+ {
+ if(false == (*rit)->mark && (*rit)->canBeHandled)
+ {
+ markStructuredBlocks(*rit, true);
+ /* only the entry bb of this structure needs 'if' at backend and
+ * only the exit bb of this structure needs 'endif' at backend
+ * see comment about needEndif and needIf at function.hpp for detail. */
+ markNeedEndif(*rit, false);
+ markNeedIf(*rit, false);
+ BasicBlock* entry = (*rit)->getEntry();
+ BasicBlock* eexit = (*rit)->getExit();
+ entry->needIf = true;
+ eexit->needEndif = true;
+ entry->endifLabel = fn->newLabel();
+ eexit->endifLabel = entry->endifLabel;
+ eexit->isStructureExit = true;
+ eexit->matchingStructureEntry = entry;
+ }
+ }
+ rit++;
+ }
+ rit = blocks.rbegin();
+ gbe::vector<BasicBlock *> &bblocks = fn->getBlocks();
+ std::vector<BasicBlock *> bbs;
+ bbs.resize(bblocks.size());
+ /* here insert the bras to the BBs, which would
+ * simplify the reorder of basic blocks */
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < bblocks.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ bbs[i] = bblocks[i];
+ if(i != bblocks.size() -1 &&
+ (bbs[i]->getLastInstruction()->getOpcode() != OP_BRA ||
+ (bbs[i]->isStructureExit && bbs[i]->isLoopExit)))
+ {
+ Instruction insn = BRA(bbs[i]->getNextBlock()->getLabelIndex());
+ Instruction* pNewInsn = bbs[i]->getParent().newInstruction(insn);
+ bbs[i]->append(*pNewInsn);
+ if (bbs[i]->isStructureExit && bbs[i]->isLoopExit)
+ bbs[i]->hasExtraBra = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /* now, reorder the basic blocks to reduce the unconditional jump we inserted whose
+ * targets are the 'else' blocks. the algorithm is quite simple, just put the unstructured
+ * BBs(maybe belong to another structure, but not this one) in front of the entry BB of
+ * this structure in front of all the others and put the other unstructured BBs at the
+ * back of the others. the sequence of structured is get through function getStructureSequence.
+ */
+ while(rit != blocks.rend())
+ {
+ if(((*rit)->type() == IfThenType || (*rit)->type() == IfElseType || (*rit)->type() == SerialBlockType ||(*rit)->type() == SelfLoopType) &&
+ (*rit)->canBeHandled && (*rit)->mark == true)
+ {
+ markStructuredBlocks(*rit, false);
+ std::set<int> ns = getStructureBasicBlocksIndex(*rit, bbs);
+ BasicBlock *entry = (*rit)->getEntry();
+ int entryIndex = *(ns.begin());
+ for(size_t i=0; i<bbs.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(bbs[i] == entry)
+ entryIndex = i;
+ }
+ std::set<int>::iterator iter = ns.begin();
+ int index = *iter;
+ std::vector<BasicBlock *> unstruSeqHead;
+ std::vector<BasicBlock *> unstruSeqTail;
+ iter = ns.begin();
+ while(iter != ns.end())
+ {
+ if(index != *iter)
+ {
+ if(index < entryIndex)
+ unstruSeqHead.push_back(bbs[index]);
+ else
+ unstruSeqTail.push_back(bbs[index]);
+ index++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ index++;
+ iter++;
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<BasicBlock *> struSeq;
+ getStructureSequence(*rit, struSeq);
+ int firstindex = *(ns.begin());
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < unstruSeqHead.size(); ++i)
+ bbs[firstindex++] = unstruSeqHead[i];
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < struSeq.size(); ++i)
+ bbs[firstindex++] = struSeq[i];
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < unstruSeqTail.size(); ++i)
+ bbs[firstindex++] = unstruSeqTail[i];
+ }
+ rit++;
+ }
+ /* now, erase the BRAs inserted before whose targets are their fallthrough blocks */
+ for(size_t i=0; i<bbs.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(bbs[i]->getLastInstruction()->getOpcode() == OP_BRA &&
+ !((BranchInstruction*)(bbs[i]->getLastInstruction()))->isPredicated())
+ {
+ if(((BranchInstruction *)bbs[i]->getLastInstruction())->getLabelIndex() == bbs[i+1]->getLabelIndex())
+ {
+ BasicBlock::iterator it= bbs[i]->end();
+ it--;
+ bbs[i]->erase(it);
+ if (bbs[i]->hasExtraBra)
+ bbs[i]->hasExtraBra = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(size_t i=0; i<bbs.size(); ++i)
+ bblocks[i] = bbs[i];
+ fn->sortLabels();
+ fn->computeCFG();
+ it = begin;
+ while(it != end)
+ {
+ if((*it)->canBeHandled)
+ {
+ switch((*it)->type())
+ {
+ case IfThenType:
+ {
+ BlockList::iterator child_iter = (*it)->children.end();
+ LabelIndex endiflabel;
+ child_iter--;
+ handleThenBlock(*child_iter, endiflabel); // this call would pass out the proper endiflabel for handleIfBlock's use.
+ child_iter--;
+ handleIfBlock(*child_iter, endiflabel, endiflabel);
+ }
+ break;
+ case IfElseType:
+ {
+ BlockList::iterator child_iter = (*it)->children.end();
+ LabelIndex endiflabel;
+ LabelIndex elselabel;
+ BlockList::iterator else_block;
+ child_iter--;
+ else_block= child_iter;
+ handleElseBlock(*child_iter, elselabel, endiflabel);
+ LabelIndex elseBBLabel = (*child_iter)->getEntry()->getLabelIndex();
+ child_iter--;
+ handleThenBlock2(*child_iter, *else_block, elseBBLabel);
+ child_iter--;
+ handleIfBlock(*child_iter, endiflabel, elselabel);
+ }
+ break;
+ case SelfLoopType:
+ {
+ LabelIndex whilelabel;
+ handleSelfLoopBlock(*it, whilelabel);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ it++;
+ }
+ }
+ void CFGStructurizer::getStructureSequence(Block *block, std::vector<BasicBlock*> &seq)
+ {
+ /* in the control tree, for if-then, if block is before then block; for if-else, the
+ * stored sequence is if-then-else, for block structure, the stored sequence is just
+ * their executed sequence. so we could just get the structure sequence by recrusive
+ * calls getStructureSequence to all the elements in children one by one.
+ */
+ if(block->type() == SingleBlockType)
+ {
+ seq.push_back(((SimpleBlock*)block)->getBasicBlock());
+ return;
+ }
+ BlockList::iterator iter = block->children.begin();
+ while(iter != block->children.end())
+ {
+ getStructureSequence(*iter, seq);
+ iter++;
+ }
+ }
+ std::set<int> CFGStructurizer::getStructureBasicBlocksIndex(Block* block, std::vector<BasicBlock *> &bbs)
+ {
+ std::set<int> result;
+ if(block->type() == SingleBlockType)
+ {
+ for(size_t i=0; i<bbs.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if(bbs[i] == ((SimpleBlock*)block)->getBasicBlock())
+ {
+ result.insert(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ BlockList::iterator iter = (block->children).begin();
+ BlockList::iterator end = (block->children).end();
+ while(iter != end)
+ {
+ std::set<int> ret = getStructureBasicBlocksIndex(*iter, bbs);
+ result.insert(ret.begin(), ret.end());
+ iter++;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ std::set<BasicBlock *> CFGStructurizer::getStructureBasicBlocks(Block *block)
+ {
+ std::set<BasicBlock *> result;
+ if(block->type() == SingleBlockType)
+ {
+ result.insert(((SimpleBlock*)block)->getBasicBlock());
+ return result;
+ }
+ BlockList::iterator iter = (block->children).begin();
+ BlockList::iterator end = (block->children).end();
+ while(iter != end)
+ {
+ std::set<BasicBlock *> ret = getStructureBasicBlocks(*iter);
+ result.insert(ret.begin(), ret.end());
+ iter++;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ Block* CFGStructurizer::insertBlock(Block *p_block)
+ {
+ blocks.push_back(p_block);
+ return p_block;
+ }
+ bool CFGStructurizer::checkForBarrier(const BasicBlock* bb)
+ {
+ BasicBlock::const_iterator iter = bb->begin();
+ BasicBlock::const_iterator iter_end = bb->end();
+ while(iter != iter_end)
+ {
+ if((*iter).getOpcode() == OP_SYNC)
+ return true;
+ iter++;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void CFGStructurizer::getLiveIn(BasicBlock& bb, std::set<Register>& livein)
+ {
+ BasicBlock::iterator iter = bb.begin();
+ std::set<Register> varKill;
+ while(iter != bb.end())
+ {
+ Instruction& insn = *iter;
+ const uint32_t srcNum = insn.getSrcNum();
+ const uint32_t dstNum = insn.getDstNum();
+ for(uint32_t srcID = 0; srcID < srcNum; ++srcID)
+ {
+ const Register reg = insn.getSrc(srcID);
+ if(varKill.find(reg) == varKill.end())
+ livein.insert(reg);
+ }
+ for(uint32_t dstID = 0; dstID < dstNum; ++dstID)
+ {
+ const Register reg = insn.getDst(dstID);
+ varKill.insert(reg);
+ }
+ iter++;
+ }
+ }
+ void CFGStructurizer::calculateNecessaryLiveout()
+ {
+ BlockVector::iterator iter = blocks.begin();
+ while(iter != blocks.end())
+ {
+ switch((*iter)->type())
+ {
+ case IfElseType:
+ {
+ std::set<BasicBlock *> bbs;
+ BlockList::iterator thenIter = (*iter)->children.begin();
+ thenIter++;
+ bbs = getStructureBasicBlocks(*thenIter);
+ Block *elseblock = *((*iter)->children.rbegin());
+ std::set<Register> livein;
+ getLiveIn(*(elseblock->getEntry()), livein);
+ std::set<BasicBlock *>::iterator bbiter = bbs.begin();
+ while(bbiter != bbs.end())
+ {
+ (*bbiter)->liveout.insert(livein.begin(), livein.end());
+ bbiter++;
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ iter++;
+ }
+ }
+ void CFGStructurizer::initializeBlocks()
+ {
+ BasicBlock& tmp_bb = fn->getTopBlock();
+ BasicBlock* p_tmp_bb = &tmp_bb;
+ Block* p = NULL;
+ if(NULL != p_tmp_bb)
+ {
+ Block *p_tmp_block = new SimpleBlock(p_tmp_bb);
+ p_tmp_block->label = p_tmp_bb->getLabelIndex();
+ if(checkForBarrier(p_tmp_bb))
+ p_tmp_block->hasBarrier() = true;
+ blocks.push_back(p_tmp_block);
+ bbmap[p_tmp_bb] = p_tmp_block;
+ bTobbmap[p_tmp_block] = p_tmp_bb;
+ p_tmp_bb = p_tmp_bb->getNextBlock();
+ p = p_tmp_block;
+ }
+ while(p_tmp_bb != NULL)
+ {
+ Block *p_tmp_block = new SimpleBlock(p_tmp_bb);
+ p_tmp_block->label = p_tmp_bb->getLabelIndex();
+ if(checkForBarrier(p_tmp_bb))
+ p_tmp_block->hasBarrier() = true;
+ p->fallthrough() = p_tmp_block;
+ p = p_tmp_block;
+ blocks.push_back(p_tmp_block);
+ bbmap[p_tmp_bb] = p_tmp_block;
+ bTobbmap[p_tmp_block] = p_tmp_bb;
+ p_tmp_bb = p_tmp_bb->getNextBlock();
+ }
+ if(NULL != p)
+ p->fallthrough() = NULL;
+ p_tmp_bb = &tmp_bb;
+ this->blocks_entry = bbmap[p_tmp_bb];
+ while(p_tmp_bb != NULL)
+ {
+ BlockSet::const_iterator iter_begin = p_tmp_bb->getPredecessorSet().begin();
+ BlockSet::const_iterator iter_end = p_tmp_bb->getPredecessorSet().end();
+ while(iter_begin != iter_end)
+ {
+ bbmap[p_tmp_bb]->predecessors().insert(bbmap[*iter_begin]);
+ iter_begin++;
+ }
+ iter_begin = p_tmp_bb->getSuccessorSet().begin();
+ iter_end = p_tmp_bb->getSuccessorSet().end();
+ while(iter_begin != iter_end)
+ {
+ bbmap[p_tmp_bb]->successors().insert(bbmap[*iter_begin]);
+ iter_begin++;
+ }
+ p_tmp_bb = p_tmp_bb->getNextBlock();
+ }
+ //copy the sequenced blocks to orderedBlks.
+ loops = fn->getLoops();
+ fn->foreachBlock([&](ir::BasicBlock &bb){
+ orderedBlks.push_back(bbmap[&bb]);
+ });
+ }
+ void CFGStructurizer::outBlockTypes(BlockType type)
+ {
+ if(type == SerialBlockType)
+ std::cout << " T:["<< "Serial" <<"]"<< std::endl;
+ else if(type == IfThenType)
+ std::cout << " T:["<< "IfThen" <<"]"<< std::endl;
+ else if(type == IfElseType)
+ std::cout << " T:["<< "IfElse" <<"]"<< std::endl;
+ else if(type == SelfLoopType)
+ std::cout << " T:["<< "SelfLoop" <<"]"<< std::endl;
+ else
+ std::cout << " T:["<< "BasicBlock" <<"]"<< std::endl;
+ }
+ /* dump the block info for debug use, only SingleBlockType has label.*/
+ void CFGStructurizer::printOrderedBlocks()
+ {
+ size_t i = 0;
+ std::cout << "\n ordered Blocks -> BasicBlocks -> Current BB: "<< *orderIter << std::endl;
+ for (auto iterBlk = orderedBlks.begin(), iterBlkEnd = orderedBlks.end(); iterBlk != iterBlkEnd; ++iterBlk, ++i) {
+ std::cout << "B:" << *iterBlk << " BB:" << bTobbmap[*iterBlk];
+ if((*iterBlk)->type() == SingleBlockType)
+ std::cout << " L:"<< bTobbmap[*iterBlk]->getLabelIndex() << std::endl;
+ else
+ outBlockTypes((*iterBlk)->type());
+ }
+ }
+ /* transfer the predecessors and successors from the matched blocks to new mergedBB.
+ * if the blocks contains backage, should add a successor to itself to make a self loop.*/
+ void CFGStructurizer::cfgUpdate(Block* mergedBB, const BlockSets& blockBBs)
+ {
+ for(auto iter= blockBBs.begin(); iter != blockBBs.end(); iter++)
+ {
+ for(auto p = (*iter)->pred_begin(); p != (*iter)->pred_end(); p++)
+ {
+ if(blockBBs.find(*p) != blockBBs.end())
+ continue;
+ (*p)->successors().erase(*iter);
+ (*p)->successors().insert(mergedBB);
+ mergedBB->predecessors().insert(*p);
+ if((*p)->fallthrough() == *iter)
+ (*p)->fallthrough() = mergedBB;
+ }
+ for(auto s = (*iter)->succ_begin(); s != (*iter)->succ_end(); s++)
+ {
+ if(blockBBs.find(*s) != blockBBs.end())
+ continue;
+ (*s)->predecessors().erase(*iter);
+ (*s)->predecessors().insert(mergedBB);
+ mergedBB->successors().insert(*s);
+ if((*iter)->fallthrough() == *s)
+ mergedBB->fallthrough() = *s;
+ }
+ }
+ if(mergedBB->type() != SelfLoopType) {
+ for(auto iter= blockBBs.begin(); iter != blockBBs.end(); iter++)
+ {
+ for(auto s = (*iter)->succ_begin(); s != (*iter)->succ_end(); s++)
+ {
+ if(blockBBs.find(*s) == blockBBs.end())
+ continue;
+ LabelIndex l_iter = (*iter)->getEntry()->getLabelIndex();
+ LabelIndex l_succ = (*s)->getEntry()->getLabelIndex();
+ if(l_iter > l_succ)
+ {
+ mergedBB->predecessors().insert(mergedBB);
+ mergedBB->successors().insert(mergedBB);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* delete the matched blocks and replace it with mergedBB to reduce the CFG.
+ * the mergedBB should be inserted to the entry block position. */
+ void CFGStructurizer::replace(Block* mergedBB, BlockSets blockBBs)
+ {
+ lIterator iter, iterRep;
+ bool flag = false;
+ for(iter = orderedBlks.begin(); iter!= orderedBlks.end() && !blockBBs.empty();)
+ {
+ if(!blockBBs.erase(*iter))
+ {
+ iter++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(flag == false)
+ {
+ iter = orderedBlks.erase(iter);
+ iterRep = iter;
+ orderIter = orderedBlks.insert(iterRep, mergedBB);
+ flag = true;
+ }else
+ {
+ iter = orderedBlks.erase(iter);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block* CFGStructurizer::mergeSerialBlock(BlockList& serialBBs)
+ {
+ Block* p = new SerialBlock(serialBBs);
+ BlockList::iterator iter = serialBBs.begin();
+ while(iter != serialBBs.end())
+ {
+ if((*iter)->canBeHandled == false)
+ {
+ p->canBeHandled = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ iter++;
+ }
+ return insertBlock(p);
+ }
+ /* if the block has only one successor, and it's successor has only one predecessor
+ * and one successor. the block and the childBlk could be merged to a serial Block.*/
+ int CFGStructurizer::serialPatternMatch(Block *block) {
+ if (block->succ_size() != 1)
+ return 0;
+ if(block->hasBarrier())
+ return 0;
+ Block *childBlk = *block->succ_begin();
+ if (childBlk->pred_size() != 1 )
+ return 0;
+ BlockList serialBBs;//childBBs
+ BlockSets serialSets;
+ serialBBs.push_back(block);
+ serialBBs.push_back(childBlk);
+ serialSets.insert(block);
+ serialSets.insert(childBlk);
+ Block* mergedBB = mergeSerialBlock(serialBBs);
+ if(mergedBB == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ cfgUpdate(mergedBB, serialSets);
+ replace(mergedBB, serialSets);
+ printOrderedBlocks();
+ ++numSerialPatternMatch;
+ if(serialSets.find(blocks_entry) != serialSets.end())
+ blocks_entry = mergedBB;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ Block* CFGStructurizer::mergeLoopBlock(BlockList& loopSets)
+ {
+ if(loopSets.size() == 1)
+ {
+ Block* p = new SelfLoopBlock(*loopSets.begin());
+ p->canBeHandled = true;
+ (*loopSets.begin())->getExit()->isLoopExit = true;
+ return insertBlock(p);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /*match the selfLoop pattern with llvm info or check whether the compacted node has a backage to itself.*/
+ int CFGStructurizer::loopPatternMatch(Block *block) {
+ Block* loop_header = NULL;
+ Block* b = block;
+ BlockSets loopSets;
+ BlockList loopBBs;
+ //if b is basic block , query the llvm loop info to find the loop whoose loop header is b;
+ if(block->type() == SingleBlockType){
+ for (auto l : loops) {
+ BasicBlock &a = fn->getBlock(l->bbs[0]);
+ loop_header = bbmap.find(&a)->second;
+ if(loop_header == b){
+ for (auto bb : l->bbs) {
+ BasicBlock &tmp = fn->getBlock(bb);
+ Block* block_ = bbmap.find(&tmp)->second;
+ loopBBs.push_front(block_);
+ loopSets.insert(block_);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ //b is compacted node, it would have a successor pointed to itself for self loop.
+ if(block->successors().find(b) != block->successors().end())
+ {
+ loopBBs.push_front(b);
+ loopSets.insert(b);
+ }
+ }
+ if(loopBBs.empty())
+ return 0;
+ Block* mergedBB = mergeLoopBlock(loopBBs);
+ if(mergedBB == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ cfgUpdate(mergedBB, loopSets);
+ replace(mergedBB, loopSets);
+ printOrderedBlocks();
+ ++numLoopPatternMatch;
+ if(loopSets.find(blocks_entry) != loopSets.end())
+ blocks_entry = mergedBB;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* match the if pattern(E: entry block; T: True block; F: False block; C: Converged block):
+ * for if-else pattern:
+ ** E
+ ** / \
+ ** T F
+ ** \ /
+ ** C
+ ** E has two edges T and F, T and F both have only one predecessor and one successor indepedently,
+ ** the successor of T and F must be the same. E's fallthrough need be treated as True edge.
+ *
+ * for if-then pattern E-T-C:
+ ** E
+ ** / |
+ ** T |
+ ** \ |
+ ** C
+ ** E has two edges T and C, T should have only one predecessor and one successor, the successor
+ ** of T must be C. if E's fallthrough is C, need inverse the predicate.
+ *
+ * for if-then pattern E-F-C:
+ ** E
+ ** | \
+ ** | F
+ ** | /
+ ** C
+ ** E has two edges C and F, F should have only one predecessor and one successor, the successor
+ ** of F must be C. if E's fallthrough is C, need inverse the predicate.
+ */
+ int CFGStructurizer::ifPatternMatch(Block *block)
+ {
+ //two edges
+ if (block->succ_size() != 2)
+ return 0;
+ if(block->hasBarrier())
+ return 0;
+ int NumMatch = 0;
+ Block *TrueBB = *block->succ_begin();
+ Block *FalseBB = *(++block->succ_begin());
+ Block *mergedBB = NULL;
+ BlockSets ifSets;
+ assert (!TrueBB->succ_empty() || !FalseBB->succ_empty());
+ if (TrueBB->succ_size() == 1 && FalseBB->succ_size() == 1
+ && TrueBB->pred_size() == 1 && FalseBB->pred_size() == 1
+ && *TrueBB->succ_begin() == *FalseBB->succ_begin()
+ && !TrueBB->hasBarrier() && !FalseBB->hasBarrier() ) {
+ // if-else pattern
+ ifSets.insert(block);
+ if(block->fallthrough() == TrueBB) {
+ ifSets.insert(TrueBB);
+ ifSets.insert(FalseBB);
+ mergedBB = new IfElseBlock(block, TrueBB, FalseBB);
+ }else if(block->fallthrough() == FalseBB) {
+ ifSets.insert(FalseBB);
+ ifSets.insert(TrueBB);
+ mergedBB = new IfElseBlock(block, FalseBB, TrueBB);
+ }else{
+ }
+ if(block->canBeHandled == false || TrueBB->canBeHandled == false || FalseBB->canBeHandled == false)
+ block->canBeHandled = false;
+ insertBlock(mergedBB);
+ } else if (TrueBB->succ_size() == 1 && TrueBB->pred_size() == 1 &&
+ *TrueBB->succ_begin() == FalseBB && !TrueBB->hasBarrier() ) {
+ // if-then pattern, false is empty
+ ifSets.insert(block);
+ ifSets.insert(TrueBB);
+ mergedBB = new IfThenBlock(block, TrueBB);
+ if(block->fallthrough() == FalseBB)
+ block->inversePredicate = false;
+ if(block->canBeHandled == false || TrueBB->canBeHandled == false)
+ block->canBeHandled = false;
+ insertBlock(mergedBB);
+ } else if (FalseBB->succ_size() == 1 && FalseBB->pred_size() == 1 &&
+ *FalseBB->succ_begin() == TrueBB && !FalseBB->hasBarrier() ) {
+ // if-then pattern, true is empty
+ ifSets.insert(block);
+ ifSets.insert(FalseBB);
+ mergedBB = new IfThenBlock(block, FalseBB);
+ if(block->fallthrough() == TrueBB)
+ block->inversePredicate = false;
+ if(block->canBeHandled == false || FalseBB->canBeHandled == false)
+ block->canBeHandled = false;
+ insertBlock(mergedBB);
+ }
+ else{
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(ifSets.empty())
+ return 0;
+ if(mergedBB == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ cfgUpdate(mergedBB, ifSets);
+ replace(mergedBB, ifSets);
+ printOrderedBlocks();
+ ++numIfPatternMatch;
+ if(ifSets.find(blocks_entry) != ifSets.end())
+ blocks_entry = mergedBB;
+ return NumMatch + 1;
+ }
+ /* match loop pattern, serail pattern, if pattern accordingly, update and replace block the CFG internally once matched. */
+ int CFGStructurizer::patternMatch(Block *block) {
+ int NumMatch = 0;
+ NumMatch += loopPatternMatch(block);
+ NumMatch += serialPatternMatch(block);
+ NumMatch += ifPatternMatch(block);
+ return NumMatch;
+ }
+ void CFGStructurizer::blockPatternMatch()
+ {
+ int increased = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ increased = numSerialPatternMatch + numLoopPatternMatch + numIfPatternMatch;
+ orderIter = orderedBlks.begin();
+ while(orderedBlks.size() > 1 && orderIter != orderedBlks.end())
+ {
+ printOrderedBlocks();
+ patternMatch(*orderIter);
+ orderIter++;
+ }
+ printOrderedBlocks();
+ if(increased == numSerialPatternMatch + numLoopPatternMatch + numIfPatternMatch)
+ break;
+ } while(orderedBlks.size()>1);
+ std::cout << "Serial:" << numSerialPatternMatch << "Loop:" << numLoopPatternMatch << "If:" << numIfPatternMatch << std::endl;
+ }
+ void CFGStructurizer::StructurizeBlocks()
+ {
+ initializeBlocks();
+ blockPatternMatch();
+ handleStructuredBlocks();
+ calculateNecessaryLiveout();
+ }
+} /* namespace ir */
+} /* namespace gbe */
diff --git a/backend/src/ir/structurizer.hpp b/backend/src/ir/structurizer.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8207644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/src/ir/structurizer.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+ * Copyright © 2012 Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ */
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "ir/unit.hpp"
+#include "ir/function.hpp"
+#include "ir/instruction.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace gbe {
+namespace ir {
+ using namespace llvm;
+ enum BlockType
+ {
+ SingleBlockType = 0,
+ SerialBlockType,
+ IfThenType,
+ IfElseType,
+ SelfLoopType
+ };
+ /* Block*/
+ class Block;
+ typedef std::set<Block *> BlockSets;
+ typedef std::list<Block *> BlockList;
+ typedef std::vector<Block *> BlockVector;
+ typedef std::set<Block *>::iterator sIterator;
+ typedef std::list<Block *>::iterator lIterator;
+ class Block
+ {
+ public:
+ Block(BlockType type, const BlockList& children): has_barrier(false), mark(false), canBeHandled(true), inversePredicate(true)
+ {
+ this->btype = type;
+ this->children = children;
+ }
+ virtual ~Block() {}
+ Block*& fallthrough() { return fall_through; }
+ BlockSets& successors() { return successor; }
+ size_t succ_size() { return successor.size(); }
+ sIterator succ_begin() { return successor.begin(); }
+ sIterator succ_end() { return successor.end(); }
+ bool succ_empty() { return successor.empty(); }
+ BlockSets& predecessors() { return predecessor; }
+ size_t pred_size() { return predecessor.size(); }
+ sIterator pred_begin() { return predecessor.begin(); }
+ sIterator pred_end() { return predecessor.end(); }
+ bool& hasBarrier() { return has_barrier; }
+ BlockType type() { return btype; }
+ virtual BasicBlock* getEntry()
+ {
+ return (*(children.begin()))->getEntry();
+ }
+ virtual BasicBlock* getExit()
+ {
+ return (*(children.rbegin()))->getExit();
+ }
+ public:
+ BlockType btype;
+ Block* fall_through;
+ BlockSets predecessor;
+ BlockSets successor;
+ BlockList children;
+ bool has_barrier;
+ bool mark;
+ bool canBeHandled;
+ //label is for debug
+ int label;
+ /* inversePredicate should be false under two circumstance,
+ * fallthrough is the same with succs:
+ * (1) n->succs == m && block->fallthrough == m
+ * block
+ * | \
+ * | \
+ * m<--n
+ * (2) m->succs == n && block->fallthrough == n
+ * block
+ * | \
+ * | \
+ * m-->n
+ * */
+ bool inversePredicate;
+ };
+ /* represents basic block */
+ class SimpleBlock: public Block
+ {
+ public:
+ SimpleBlock(BasicBlock *p_bb) : Block(SingleBlockType, BlockList()) { this->p_bb = p_bb; }
+ virtual ~SimpleBlock() {}
+ BasicBlock* getBasicBlock() { return p_bb; }
+ virtual BasicBlock* getEntry() { return p_bb; }
+ virtual BasicBlock* getExit() { return p_bb; }
+ virtual BasicBlock* getFirstBB() { return p_bb; }
+ private:
+ BasicBlock *p_bb;
+ };
+ /* a serial of Blocks*/
+ class SerialBlock : public Block
+ {
+ public:
+ SerialBlock(BlockList& children) : Block(SerialBlockType, children) {}
+ virtual ~SerialBlock(){}
+ };
+ /* If-Then Block*/
+ class IfThenBlock : public Block
+ {
+ public:
+ IfThenBlock(Block* pred, Block* trueBlock) : Block(IfThenType, InitChildren(pred, trueBlock)) {}
+ virtual ~IfThenBlock() {}
+ private:
+ const BlockList InitChildren(Block* pred, Block* trueBlock)
+ {
+ BlockList children;
+ children.push_back(pred);
+ children.push_back(trueBlock);
+ return children;
+ }
+ };
+ /* If-Else Block*/
+ class IfElseBlock: public Block
+ {
+ public:
+ IfElseBlock(Block* pred, Block* trueBlock, Block* falseBlock) : Block(IfElseType, InitChildren(pred, trueBlock, falseBlock)) {}
+ virtual ~IfElseBlock() {}
+ private:
+ const BlockList InitChildren(Block* pred, Block* trueBlock, Block* falseBlock)
+ {
+ BlockList children;
+ children.push_back(pred);
+ children.push_back(trueBlock);
+ children.push_back(falseBlock);
+ return children;
+ }
+ };
+ /* Self loop Block*/
+ class SelfLoopBlock: public Block
+ {
+ public:
+ SelfLoopBlock(Block* block) : Block(SelfLoopType, InitChildren(block)) {}
+ virtual ~SelfLoopBlock() {}
+ virtual BasicBlock* getEntry()
+ {
+ return (*(children.begin()))->getEntry();
+ }
+ virtual BasicBlock* getExit()
+ {
+ return (*(children.begin()))->getExit();
+ }
+ private:
+ const BlockList InitChildren(Block * block)
+ {
+ BlockList children;
+ children.push_back(block);
+ return children;
+ }
+ };
+ class CFGStructurizer{
+ public:
+ CFGStructurizer(Function* fn) { this->fn = fn; numSerialPatternMatch = 0; numLoopPatternMatch = 0; numIfPatternMatch = 0;}
+ ~CFGStructurizer();
+ void StructurizeBlocks();
+ private:
+ int numSerialPatternMatch;
+ int numLoopPatternMatch;
+ int numIfPatternMatch;
+ void outBlockTypes(BlockType type);
+ void printOrderedBlocks();
+ void blockPatternMatch();
+ int serialPatternMatch(Block *block);
+ Block* mergeSerialBlock(BlockList& serialBB);
+ void cfgUpdate(Block* mergedBB, const BlockSets& blockBBs);
+ void replace(Block* mergedBB, BlockSets serialSets);
+ int loopPatternMatch(Block *block);
+ Block* mergeLoopBlock(BlockList& loopSets);
+ int ifPatternMatch(Block *block);
+ int patternMatch(Block *block);
+ private:
+ void handleSelfLoopBlock(Block *loopblock, LabelIndex& whileLabel);
+ void markNeedIf(Block *block, bool status);
+ void markNeedEndif(Block *block, bool status);
+ void markStructuredBlocks(Block *block, bool status);
+ void handleIfBlock(Block *block, LabelIndex& matchingEndifLabel, LabelIndex& matchingElseLabel);
+ void handleThenBlock(Block * block, LabelIndex& endiflabel);
+ void handleThenBlock2(Block *block, Block *elseblock, LabelIndex elseBBLabel);
+ void handleElseBlock(Block * block, LabelIndex& elselabel, LabelIndex& endiflabel);
+ void handleStructuredBlocks();
+ void getStructureSequence(Block *block, std::vector<BasicBlock*> &seq);
+ std::set<int> getStructureBasicBlocksIndex(Block* block, std::vector<BasicBlock *> &bbs);
+ std::set<BasicBlock *> getStructureBasicBlocks(Block *block);
+ Block* insertBlock(Block *p_block);
+ bool checkForBarrier(const BasicBlock* bb);
+ void getLiveIn(BasicBlock& bb, std::set<Register>& livein);
+ void initializeBlocks();
+ void calculateNecessaryLiveout();
+ private:
+ Function *fn;
+ std::map<BasicBlock *, Block *> bbmap;
+ std::map<Block *, BasicBlock *> bTobbmap;
+ BlockVector blocks;
+ Block* blocks_entry;
+ gbe::vector<Loop *> loops;
+ BlockList orderedBlks;
+ BlockList::iterator orderIter;
+ };
+} /* namespace ir */
+} /* namespace gbe */
diff --git a/backend/src/llvm/llvm_to_gen.cpp b/backend/src/llvm/llvm_to_gen.cpp
index f16bf0f..e0f6bf2 100644
--- a/backend/src/llvm/llvm_to_gen.cpp
+++ b/backend/src/llvm/llvm_to_gen.cpp
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@
#include "sys/cvar.hpp"
#include "sys/platform.hpp"
#include "ir/unit.hpp"
+#include "ir/function.hpp"
+#include "ir/structurizer.hpp"
#include <clang/CodeGen/CodeGenAction.h>
@@ -308,6 +310,19 @@ namespace gbe
// Print the code extra optimization passes
+ const ir::Unit::FunctionSet& fs = unit.getFunctionSet();
+ ir::Unit::FunctionSet::const_iterator iter = fs.begin();
+ while(iter != fs.end())
+ {
+ ir::CFGStructurizer *structurizer = new ir::CFGStructurizer(iter->second);
+ structurizer->StructurizeBlocks();
+ delete structurizer;
+ iter->second->outputCFG();
+ iter++;
+ }
delete libraryInfo;
return true;
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