[Beignet] [PATCH 2/5] Add new CL_Intel_performance_query extension support

Zhenyu Wang zhenyuw at linux.intel.com
Tue May 12 00:32:59 PDT 2015

This adds new extension to get Intel hardware performance counter
through i915 perf event interface.

This extension is mostly based on GL_Intel_performance_query extension
which is a generic method to access performance metrics on Intel GPU.

Signed-off-by: Zhenyu Wang <zhenyuw at linux.intel.com>
 include/CL/cl_intel.h     |   94 +++
 src/CMakeLists.txt        |    1 +
 src/cl_api.c              |  238 ++++++
 src/cl_context.c          |    6 +
 src/cl_context.h          |   83 +++
 src/intel/intel_defines.h |    1 +
 src/intel/intel_perf.c    | 1814 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/intel_perf.h          |   32 +
 8 files changed, 2269 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/intel/intel_perf.c
 create mode 100644 src/intel_perf.h

diff --git a/include/CL/cl_intel.h b/include/CL/cl_intel.h
index 28bcb62..f734eb2 100644
--- a/include/CL/cl_intel.h
+++ b/include/CL/cl_intel.h
@@ -133,6 +133,100 @@ typedef CL_API_ENTRY cl_int (CL_API_CALL *clGetMemObjectFdIntel_fn)(
                              cl_mem       /* Memory Obejct */,
                              int*         /* returned fd */);
+/* Intel performance query */
+#define PERFQUERY_COUNTER_EVENT_INTEL                0x94F0
+#define PERFQUERY_COUNTER_RAW_INTEL                  0x94F4
+#define PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT32_INTEL          0x94F8
+#define PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT64_INTEL          0x94F9
+typedef struct perf_query_object *cl_perf_query_intel;
+clGetFirstPerfQueryIdIntel(cl_context ctx, cl_uint *queryId);
+typedef CL_API_ENTRY void (CL_API_CALL *clGetFirstPerfQueryIdIntel_fn)(cl_context ctx,
+								       cl_uint *queryId);
+clGetNextPerfQueryIdIntel(cl_context ctx, cl_uint queryId, cl_uint *nextQueryId);
+typedef CL_API_ENTRY void (CL_API_CALL *clGetNextPerfQueryIdIntel_fn)(cl_context ctx,
+								      cl_uint queryId,
+								      cl_uint *nextQueryId);
+clGetPerfQueryInfoIntel(cl_context ctx,
+			cl_uint queryId,
+			cl_uint queryNameLength, cl_char *queryName,
+			cl_uint *dataSize, cl_uint *noCounters,
+			cl_uint *noInstances);
+typedef CL_API_ENTRY void (CL_API_CALL *clGetPerfQueryInfoIntel_fn)(cl_context ctx,
+								    cl_uint queryId,
+								    cl_uint queryNameLength,
+								    cl_char *queryName,
+								    cl_uint *dataSize,
+								    cl_uint *noCounters,
+								    cl_uint *noInstances);
+clGetPerfCounterInfoIntel(cl_context ctx,
+			  cl_uint queryId, cl_uint counterId,
+			  cl_uint counterNameLength, cl_char *counterName,
+			  cl_uint counterDescLength, cl_char *counterDesc,
+			  cl_uint *counterOffset, cl_uint *counterDataSize,
+			  cl_uint *counterTypeEnum, cl_uint *counterDataTypeEnum,
+			  cl_ulong *rawCounterMaxValue);
+typedef CL_API_ENTRY void
+(CL_API_CALL *clGetPerfCounterInfoIntel_fn)(cl_context ctx,
+					    cl_uint queryId,
+					    cl_uint counterId,
+					    cl_uint counterNameLength, cl_char *counterName,
+					    cl_uint counterDescLength, cl_char *counterDesc,
+					    cl_uint *counterOffset, cl_uint *counterDataSize,
+					    cl_uint *counterTypeEnum, cl_uint *counterDataTypeEnum,
+					    cl_ulong *rawCounterMaxValue);
+extern CL_API_ENTRY cl_int CL_API_CALL
+clCreatePerfQueryIntel(cl_context context, cl_uint queryId, cl_perf_query_intel *queryHandle);
+typedef CL_API_ENTRY cl_int
+(CL_API_CALL *clCreatePerfQueryIntel_fn)(cl_context context,
+					 cl_uint queryId,
+					 cl_perf_query_intel *queryHandle);
+extern CL_API_ENTRY cl_int CL_API_CALL
+clDeletePerfQueryIntel(cl_context context, cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle);
+typedef CL_API_ENTRY cl_int
+(CL_API_CALL *clDeletePerfQueryIntel_fn)(cl_context context,
+					 cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle);
+extern CL_API_ENTRY cl_int CL_API_CALL
+clBeginPerfQueryIntel(cl_context context, cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle);
+typedef CL_API_ENTRY cl_int (CL_API_CALL *clBeginPerfQueryIntel_fn)(cl_context context,
+								    cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle);
+extern CL_API_ENTRY cl_int CL_API_CALL
+clEndPerfQueryIntel(cl_context context, cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle);
+typedef CL_API_ENTRY cl_int (CL_API_CALL *clEndPerfQueryIntel_fn)(cl_context context,
+								  cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle);
+extern CL_API_ENTRY cl_int CL_API_CALL
+clGetPerfQueryDataIntel(cl_context context,
+			cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle,
+			cl_uint flags, size_t dataSize, void *data,
+			cl_uint *bytesWritten);
+typedef CL_API_ENTRY cl_int
+(CL_API_CALL *clGetPerfQueryDataIntel_fn)(cl_context context,
+					  cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle,
+					  cl_uint flags, size_t dataSize, void *data,
+					  cl_uint *bytesWritten);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 4e67c71..555a988 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ set(OPENCL_SRC
+    intel/intel_perf.c
 if (X11_FOUND)
diff --git a/src/cl_api.c b/src/cl_api.c
index 3e72deb..5d9de28 100644
--- a/src/cl_api.c
+++ b/src/cl_api.c
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
 #include "performance.h"
+#include "intel_perf.h"
 #ifndef CL_VERSION_1_2
 #define CL_MAP_WRITE_INVALIDATE_REGION              (1 << 2)
 #define CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CUSTOM                       (1 << 4)
@@ -3180,6 +3182,15 @@ internal_clGetExtensionFunctionAddress(const char *func_name)
+  EXTFUNC(clGetFirstPerfQueryIdIntel)
+  EXTFUNC(clGetNextPerfQueryIdIntel)
+  EXTFUNC(clGetPerfQueryInfoIntel)
+  EXTFUNC(clGetPerfCounterInfoIntel)
+  EXTFUNC(clCreatePerfQueryIntel)
+  EXTFUNC(clDeletePerfQueryIntel)
+  EXTFUNC(clBeginPerfQueryIntel)
+  EXTFUNC(clEndPerfQueryIntel)
+  EXTFUNC(clGetPerfQueryDataIntel)
   return NULL;
@@ -3348,3 +3359,230 @@ clGetMemObjectFdIntel(cl_context context,
   return err;
+/* Intel performance query extension */
+static bool
+_check_query_id_valid(cl_context ctx, cl_uint id)
+  return (id >= ctx->perfquery.n_queries) ? false : true;
+static bool
+_check_counter_id_valid(cl_context ctx, cl_uint query_id, cl_uint counter_id)
+  if (!_check_query_id_valid(ctx, query_id))
+    return false;
+  return (counter_id >= ctx->perfquery.queries[query_id].n_counters) ? false : true;
+clGetFirstPerfQueryIdIntel(cl_context ctx, cl_uint *queryId)
+  if (!ctx->perfquery.enable)
+    return;
+  intel_perf_query_first(ctx, queryId);
+clGetNextPerfQueryIdIntel(cl_context ctx, cl_uint queryId, cl_uint *nextQueryId)
+  if (!ctx->perfquery.enable)
+    return;
+  if (!_check_query_id_valid(ctx, queryId))
+    return;
+  intel_perf_query_next(ctx, queryId, nextQueryId);
+static void
+return_string(cl_char *stringRet, cl_uint stringMaxLen, const cl_char *string)
+  if (!stringRet)
+    return;
+  strncpy(stringRet, string ? string : "", stringMaxLen);
+  if (stringMaxLen > 0)
+    stringRet[stringMaxLen - 1] = '\0';
+clGetPerfQueryInfoIntel(cl_context ctx,
+			cl_uint queryId,
+			cl_uint queryNameLength, cl_char *queryName,
+			cl_uint *dataSize, cl_uint *noCounters,
+			cl_uint *noInstances)
+  cl_char *name;
+  cl_uint data_size;
+  cl_uint no_counter;
+  cl_uint no_instance;
+  if (!ctx->perfquery.enable)
+    return;
+  if (!_check_query_id_valid(ctx, queryId))
+    return;
+  intel_perf_query_info(ctx, queryId, &name,
+			&data_size, &no_counter, &no_instance);
+  return_string(queryName, queryNameLength, name);
+  if (dataSize)
+    *dataSize = data_size;
+  if (noCounters)
+    *noCounters = no_counter;
+  if (noInstances)
+    *noInstances = no_instance;
+clGetPerfCounterInfoIntel(cl_context ctx,
+			  cl_uint queryId, cl_uint counterId,
+			  cl_uint counterNameLength, cl_char *counterName,
+			  cl_uint counterDescLength, cl_char *counterDesc,
+			  cl_uint *counterOffset, cl_uint *counterDataSize,
+			  cl_uint *counterTypeEnum, cl_uint *counterDataTypeEnum,
+			  cl_ulong *rawCounterMaxValue)
+  cl_char *name;
+  cl_char *desc;
+  cl_uint offset;
+  cl_uint data_size;
+  cl_uint counter_type;
+  cl_uint data_type;
+  cl_ulong raw_max;
+  if (!ctx->perfquery.enable)
+    return;
+  if (!_check_counter_id_valid(ctx, queryId, counterId))
+    return;
+  intel_perf_counter_info(ctx, queryId, counterId,
+			  &name, &desc, &offset, &data_size,
+			  &counter_type, &data_type,
+			  &raw_max);
+  return_string(counterName, counterNameLength, name);
+  return_string(counterDesc, counterDescLength, desc);
+  if (counterOffset)
+    *counterOffset = offset;
+  if (counterDataSize)
+    *counterDataSize = data_size;
+  if (counterTypeEnum)
+    *counterTypeEnum = counter_type;
+  if (counterDataTypeEnum)
+    *counterDataTypeEnum = data_type;
+  if (rawCounterMaxValue)
+    *rawCounterMaxValue = raw_max;
+clCreatePerfQueryIntel(cl_context context, cl_uint queryId, cl_perf_query_intel *queryHandle)
+  cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
+  cl_perf_query_intel handle;
+  CHECK_CONTEXT (context);
+  if (!context->perfquery.enable) {
+    err = CL_INVALID_VALUE;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  if (!_check_query_id_valid(context, queryId)) {
+    err = CL_INVALID_VALUE;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  /* current allow 1 instance */
+  if (context->perfquery.n_query_instances) {
+    err = CL_INVALID_VALUE;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  err = intel_perf_query_create(context, queryId, &handle);
+  if (!err && queryHandle)
+    *queryHandle = handle;
+  return err;
+clDeletePerfQueryIntel(cl_context context, cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle)
+  cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
+  CHECK_CONTEXT (context);
+  if (!context->perfquery.enable) {
+    err = CL_INVALID_VALUE;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  err = intel_perf_query_delete(context, queryHandle);
+  return err;
+clBeginPerfQueryIntel(cl_context context, cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle)
+  cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
+  CHECK_CONTEXT(context);
+  if (!context->perfquery.enable) {
+    err = CL_INVALID_VALUE;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  err = intel_perf_query_begin(context, queryHandle);
+  return err;
+clEndPerfQueryIntel(cl_context context, cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle)
+  cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
+  CHECK_CONTEXT(context);
+  if (!context->perfquery.enable) {
+    err = CL_INVALID_VALUE;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  err = intel_perf_query_end(context, queryHandle);
+  return err;
+clGetPerfQueryDataIntel(cl_context context,
+			cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle,
+			cl_uint flags, size_t dataSize, void *data,
+			cl_uint *bytesWritten)
+  cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
+  CHECK_CONTEXT(context);
+  if (!context->perfquery.enable) {
+    err = CL_INVALID_VALUE;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  err = intel_perf_query_get_data(context, queryHandle, flags,
+				  dataSize, data, bytesWritten);
+  return err;
diff --git a/src/cl_context.c b/src/cl_context.c
index 0f08e6a..148c7c6 100644
--- a/src/cl_context.c
+++ b/src/cl_context.c
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
 #include "CL/cl.h"
 #include "CL/cl_gl.h"
+#include "intel_perf.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
@@ -150,6 +152,8 @@ cl_create_context(const cl_context_properties *  properties,
   ctx->pfn_notify = pfn_notify;
   ctx->user_data = user_data;
+  intel_perf_query_init(ctx);
   if (errcode_ret != NULL)
     *errcode_ret = err;
@@ -196,6 +200,8 @@ cl_context_delete(cl_context ctx)
   if (atomic_dec(&ctx->ref_n) > 1)
+  intel_perf_query_destroy(ctx);
   /* delete the internal programs. */
     if (ctx->internel_kernels[i]) {
diff --git a/src/cl_context.h b/src/cl_context.h
index 249fed8..fba81e1 100644
--- a/src/cl_context.h
+++ b/src/cl_context.h
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include "cl_khr_icd.h"
 #include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
 #include <pthread.h>
 /* DRI device created at create context */
@@ -93,6 +94,28 @@ struct _cl_context_prop {
+struct perf_query_counter;
+struct perf_oa_counter;
+struct perf_query
+   const char *name;
+   struct perf_query_counter *counters;
+   int n_counters;
+   size_t data_size;
+   /* OA specific */
+   int oa_metrics_set;
+   int oa_format;
+   struct perf_oa_counter *oa_counters;
+   int n_oa_counters;
 #define IS_EGL_CONTEXT(ctx)  (ctx->props.gl_type == CL_GL_EGL_DISPLAY)
 #define EGL_DISP(ctx)   (EGLDisplay)(ctx->props.egl_display)
 #define EGL_CTX(ctx)    (EGLContext)(ctx->props.gl_context)
@@ -127,6 +150,66 @@ struct _cl_context {
                                      /* User's callback when error occur in context */
   void *user_data;                   /* A pointer to user supplied data */
+  struct {
+    struct perf_query queries[MAX_PERF_QUERIES];
+    int n_queries;
+    bool enable;
+    /* A common OA counter that we want to read directly in several places */
+    uint64_t (*read_oa_report_timestamp)(uint32_t *report);
+    /* Needed to normalize counters aggregated across all EUs */
+    int eu_count;
+    /* The i915_oa perf event we open to setup + enable the OA counters */
+    int perf_oa_event_fd;
+    /* An i915_oa perf event fd gives exclusive access to the OA unit that
+     * will report counter snapshots for a specific counter set/profile in a
+     * specific layout/format so we can only start OA queries that are
+     * compatible with the currently open fd... */
+    int perf_oa_metrics_set;
+    int perf_oa_format;
+    /* The mmaped circular buffer for collecting samples from perf */
+    uint8_t *perf_oa_mmap_base;
+    size_t perf_oa_buffer_size;
+    struct perf_event_mmap_page *perf_oa_mmap_page;
+    /* The system's page size */
+    unsigned int page_size;
+    /* TODO: generalize and split these into an array indexed by the
+     * query type... */
+    int n_active_oa_queries;
+    /* The number of queries depending on running OA counters which
+     * extends beyond brw_end_perf_query() since we need to wait until
+     * the last MI_RPC command has been written. */
+    int n_oa_users;
+    /* We also get the gpu to write an ID for snapshots corresponding
+     * to the beginning and end of a query, but for simplicity these
+     * IDs use a separate namespace. */
+    int next_query_start_report_id;
+    /**
+     * An array of queries whose results haven't yet been assembled based on
+     * the data in buffer objects.
+     *
+     * These may be active, or have already ended.  However, the results
+     * have not been requested.
+     */
+    struct perf_query_object **unresolved;
+    int unresolved_elements;
+    int unresolved_array_size;
+    /* The total number of query objects so we can relinquish
+     * our exclusive access to perf if the application deletes
+     * all of its objects. (NB: We only disable perf while
+     * there are no active queries) */
+    int n_query_instances;
+  } perfquery;
 /* Implement OpenCL function */
diff --git a/src/intel/intel_defines.h b/src/intel/intel_defines.h
index 1080a91..50b835d 100644
--- a/src/intel/intel_defines.h
+++ b/src/intel/intel_defines.h
@@ -321,6 +321,7 @@
 #define GEN7_PIPE_CONTROL_WRITE_TIMESTAMP        (3 << 14)
 #define GEN7_PIPE_CONTROL_GLOBAL_GTT_WRITE       (1 << 2)
+#define MI_REPORT_PERF_COUNT ((0x28 << 23) | (3 - 2))
 #define GEN_MAPFILTER_NEAREST        0x0
 #define GEN_MAPFILTER_LINEAR         0x1
diff --git a/src/intel/intel_perf.c b/src/intel/intel_perf.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65ec2a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/intel/intel_perf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1814 @@
+ * Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
+ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
+ * of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * Author:
+ *     Zhenyu Wang <zhenyuw at linux.intel.com>
+ */
+#include <linux/perf_event.h>
+#include <asm/unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <stropts.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include "intel_driver.h"
+#include "intel_perf.h"
+#include "intel/intel_gpgpu.h"
+#include "intel/intel_defines.h"
+#include "intel/intel_batchbuffer.h"
+#include "cl_context.h"
+#include "cl_command_queue.h"
+#include "cl_device_id.h"
+#include "i915_drm.h"
+#define DBG(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args)
+/* Describes how to read one OA counter which might be a raw counter read
+ * directly from a counter snapshot or could be a higher level counter derived
+ * from one or more raw counters.
+ *
+ * Raw counters will have set ->report_offset to the snapshot offset and have
+ * an accumulator that can consider counter overflow according to the width of
+ * that counter.
+ *
+ * Higher level counters can currently reference up to 3 other counters + use
+ * ->config for anything. They don't need an accumulator.
+ *
+ * The data type that will be written to *value_out by the read function can
+ * be determined by ->data_type
+ */
+struct perf_oa_counter
+   struct perf_oa_counter *reference0;
+   struct perf_oa_counter *reference1;
+   struct perf_oa_counter *reference2;
+   union {
+      int report_offset;
+      int config;
+   };
+   int accumulator_index;
+   void (*accumulate)(struct perf_oa_counter *counter,
+                      uint32_t *start,
+                      uint32_t *end,
+                      uint64_t *accumulator);
+   unsigned int data_type;
+   void (*read)(struct perf_oa_counter *counter,
+                uint64_t *accumulated,
+                void *value_out);
+/* A counter that will be advertised and reported to applications */
+struct perf_query_counter
+   const char *name;
+   const char *desc;
+   unsigned int type;
+   unsigned int data_type;
+   uint64_t raw_max;
+   size_t offset;
+   size_t size;
+   union {
+      struct perf_oa_counter *oa_counter;
+      uint32_t pipeline_stat_reg;
+   };
+struct perf_query_builder
+   cl_context ctx;
+   struct perf_query *query;
+   size_t offset;
+   int next_accumulator_index;
+   int a_offset;
+   int b_offset;
+   int c_offset;
+   struct perf_oa_counter *gpu_core_clock;
+ * i965 representation of a performance query object.
+ *
+ * NB: We want to keep this structure relatively lean considering that
+ * applications may expect to allocate enough objects to be able to
+ * query around all draw calls in a frame.
+ */
+struct perf_query_object
+  const struct perf_query *query;
+  /* Use own batch for perf bo */
+  intel_batchbuffer_t *batch;
+  struct {
+    /**
+     * BO containing OA counter snapshots at query Begin/End time.
+     */
+    drm_intel_bo *bo;
+    int current_report_id;
+    /**
+     * We collect periodic counter snapshots via perf so we can account
+     * for counter overflow and this is a pointer into the circular
+     * perf buffer for collecting snapshots that lie within the begin-end
+     * bounds of this query.
+     */
+    unsigned int perf_tail;
+    /**
+     * Storage the final accumulated OA counters.
+     */
+    uint64_t accumulator[MAX_RAW_OA_COUNTERS];
+    /**
+     * false while in the unresolved_elements list, and set to true when
+     * the final, end MI_RPC snapshot has been accumulated.
+     */
+    bool results_accumulated;
+  } oa;
+/* Samples read from the perf circular buffer */
+struct oa_perf_sample {
+   struct perf_event_header header;
+   uint32_t raw_size;
+   uint8_t raw_data[];
+#define MAX_OA_PERF_SAMPLE_SIZE (8 +   /* perf_event_header */       \
+                                 4 +   /* raw_size */                \
+                                 256 + /* raw OA counter snapshot */ \
+                                 4)    /* alignment padding */
+#define TAKEN(HEAD, TAIL, POT_SIZE)	(((HEAD) - (TAIL)) & (POT_SIZE - 1))
+/* Note: this will equate to 0 when the buffer is exactly full... */
+#if defined(__i386__)
+#define rmb()           __asm__ volatile("lock; addl $0,0(%%esp)" ::: "memory")
+#define mb()            __asm__ volatile("lock; addl $0,0(%%esp)" ::: "memory")
+#if defined(__x86_64__)
+#define rmb()           __asm__ volatile("lfence" ::: "memory")
+#define mb()            __asm__ volatile("mfence" ::: "memory")
+/* TODO: consider using <stdatomic.h> something like:
+ *
+ * #define rmb() atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_seq_consume)
+ * #define mb() atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_seq_cst)
+ */
+/* Allow building for a more recent kernel than the system headers
+ * correspond too... */
+#include <linux/ioctl.h>
+#define PERF_EVENT_IOC_FLUSH                 _IO ('$', 8)
+static inline size_t
+pot_align(size_t base, int pot_alignment)
+    return (base + pot_alignment - 1) & ~(pot_alignment - 1);
+ * Emit an MI_REPORT_PERF_COUNT command packet.
+ *
+ * This writes the current OA counter values to buffer.
+ */
+static void
+emit_mi_report_perf_count(cl_context ctx,
+                          struct perf_query_object *obj,
+                          uint32_t offset_in_bytes,
+                          uint32_t report_id)
+  drm_intel_bo *bo = obj->oa.bo;
+  assert(offset_in_bytes % 64 == 0);
+  intel_batchbuffer_reset(obj->batch, 512);
+  /* Reports apparently don't always get written unless we flush first. */
+  /* XXX required? need to call pipe_control function in intel_gpgpu.c */
+  //  intel_batchbuffer_emit_mi_flush(brw);
+  BEGIN_BATCH(obj->batch, 3);
+	    offset_in_bytes);
+  OUT_BATCH(obj->batch, report_id);
+  ADVANCE_BATCH(obj->batch);
+  intel_batchbuffer_flush(obj->batch);
+  /* XXX */
+  /* Reports apparently don't always get written unless we flush after. */
+  //intel_batchbuffer_emit_mi_flush(brw);
+static unsigned int
+read_perf_head(struct perf_event_mmap_page *mmap_page)
+   unsigned int head = (*(volatile uint64_t *)&mmap_page->data_head);
+   rmb();
+   return head;
+static void
+write_perf_tail(struct perf_event_mmap_page *mmap_page,
+                unsigned int tail)
+   /* Make sure we've finished reading all the sample data we
+    * we're consuming before updating the tail... */
+   mb();
+   mmap_page->data_tail = tail;
+/* Update the real perf tail pointer according to the query tail that
+ * is currently furthest behind...
+ */
+static void
+update_perf_tail(cl_context ctx)
+   unsigned int size = ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_buffer_size;
+   unsigned int head = read_perf_head(ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_mmap_page);
+   int straggler_taken = -1;
+   unsigned int straggler_tail;
+   int i;
+   for (i = 0; i < ctx->perfquery.unresolved_elements; i++) {
+      struct perf_query_object *obj = ctx->perfquery.unresolved[i];
+      int taken;
+      if (!obj->oa.bo)
+         continue;
+      taken = TAKEN(head, obj->oa.perf_tail, size);
+      if (taken > straggler_taken) {
+         straggler_taken = taken;
+         straggler_tail = obj->oa.perf_tail;
+      }
+   }
+   if (straggler_taken >= 0)
+      write_perf_tail(ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_mmap_page, straggler_tail);
+ * Add a query to the global list of "unresolved queries."
+ *
+ * Queries are "unresolved" until all the counter snapshots have been
+ * accumulated via accumulate_oa_snapshots() after the end MI_REPORT_PERF_COUNT
+ * has landed in query->oa.bo.
+ */
+static void
+add_to_unresolved_query_list(cl_context ctx,
+                             struct perf_query_object *obj)
+   if (ctx->perfquery.unresolved_elements >=
+       ctx->perfquery.unresolved_array_size) {
+      ctx->perfquery.unresolved_array_size *= 1.5;
+      ctx->perfquery.unresolved = realloc(ctx->perfquery.unresolved,
+                                          sizeof(struct perf_query_object *) *
+					  ctx->perfquery.unresolved_array_size);
+   }
+   ctx->perfquery.unresolved[ctx->perfquery.unresolved_elements++] = obj;
+   if (obj->oa.bo)
+      update_perf_tail(ctx);
+ * Remove a query from the global list of "unresolved queries." once
+ * the end MI_RPC OA counter snapshot has been accumulated, or when
+ * discarding unwanted query results.
+ */
+static void
+drop_from_unresolved_query_list(cl_context ctx,
+                                struct perf_query_object *obj)
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < ctx->perfquery.unresolved_elements; i++) {
+    if (ctx->perfquery.unresolved[i] == obj) {
+      int last_elt = --ctx->perfquery.unresolved_elements;
+      if (i == last_elt)
+	ctx->perfquery.unresolved[i] = NULL;
+      else
+	ctx->perfquery.unresolved[i] = ctx->perfquery.unresolved[last_elt];
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (obj->oa.bo)
+    update_perf_tail(ctx);
+static uint64_t
+read_report_timestamp(cl_context ctx, uint32_t *report)
+   return ctx->perfquery.read_oa_report_timestamp(report);
+ * Given pointers to starting and ending OA snapshots, add the deltas for each
+ * counter to the results.
+ */
+static void
+add_deltas(cl_context ctx,
+           struct perf_query_object *obj,
+           uint32_t *start, uint32_t *end)
+   const struct perf_query *query = obj->query;
+   int i;
+#if 0
+   fprintf(stderr, "Accumulating delta:\n");
+   fprintf(stderr, "> Start timestamp = %" PRIu64 "\n", read_report_timestamp(ctx, start));
+   fprintf(stderr, "> End timestamp = %" PRIu64 "\n", read_report_timestamp(ctx, end));
+   for (i = 0; i < query->n_oa_counters; i++) {
+      struct perf_oa_counter *oa_counter = &query->oa_counters[i];
+      //uint64_t pre_accumulate;
+      if (!oa_counter->accumulate)
+         continue;
+      //pre_accumulate = query->oa.accumulator[counter->id];
+      oa_counter->accumulate(oa_counter,
+                             start, end,
+                             obj->oa.accumulator);
+#if 0
+      fprintf(stderr, "> Updated %s from %" PRIu64 " to %" PRIu64 "\n",
+              counter->name, pre_accumulate,
+              query->oa.accumulator[counter->id]);
+   }
+/* Handle restarting ioctl if interupted... */
+static int
+perf_ioctl(int fd, unsigned long request, void *arg)
+   int ret;
+   do {
+      ret = ioctl(fd, request, arg);
+   } while (ret == -1 && (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN));
+   return ret;
+static bool
+inc_n_oa_users(cl_context ctx)
+   if (ctx->perfquery.n_oa_users == 0 &&
+       perf_ioctl(ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_event_fd,
+                  PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE, 0) < 0)
+   {
+      return false;
+   }
+   ++ctx->perfquery.n_oa_users;
+   return true;
+static void
+dec_n_oa_users(cl_context ctx)
+   /* Disabling the i915_oa event will effectively disable the OA
+    * counters.  Note it's important to be sure there are no outstanding
+    * MI_RPC commands at this point since they could stall the CS
+    * indefinitely once OACONTROL is disabled.
+    */
+   --ctx->perfquery.n_oa_users;
+   if (ctx->perfquery.n_oa_users == 0 &&
+       perf_ioctl(ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_event_fd,
+                  PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE, 0) < 0)
+   {
+      DBG("WARNING: Error disabling i915_oa perf event: %m\n");
+   }
+ * Accumulate OA counter results from a series of snapshots.
+ *
+ * N.B. We write snapshots for the beginning and end of a query into
+ * query->oa.bo as well as collect periodic snapshots from the Linux
+ * perf interface.
+ *
+ * These periodic snapshots help to ensure we handle counter overflow
+ * correctly by being frequent enough to ensure we don't miss multiple
+ * wrap overflows of a counter between snapshots.
+ */
+static void
+accumulate_oa_snapshots(cl_context ctx,
+                        struct perf_query_object *obj)
+   uint32_t *query_buffer;
+   uint8_t *data = ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_mmap_base + ctx->perfquery.page_size;
+   const unsigned int size = ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_buffer_size;
+   const uint64_t mask = size - 1;
+   uint64_t head;
+   uint64_t tail;
+   uint32_t *start;
+   uint64_t start_timestamp;
+   uint32_t *last;
+   uint32_t *end;
+   uint64_t end_timestamp;
+   uint8_t scratch[MAX_OA_PERF_SAMPLE_SIZE];
+   if (perf_ioctl(ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_event_fd,
+                  PERF_EVENT_IOC_FLUSH, 0) < 0)
+      DBG("Failed to flush outstanding perf events: %m\n");
+   drm_intel_bo_map(obj->oa.bo, false);
+   query_buffer = obj->oa.bo->virtual;
+   start = last = query_buffer;
+   end = query_buffer + (SECOND_SNAPSHOT_OFFSET_IN_BYTES / sizeof(uint32_t));
+#warning "TODO: find a way to report OA errors from the kernel"
+   /* XXX: Is there anything we can do to handle this gracefully/
+    * report the error to the application? */
+   if (start[0] != obj->oa.current_report_id)
+      DBG("Spurious start report id=%"PRIu32"\n", start[0]);
+   if (end[0] != (obj->oa.current_report_id + 1))
+      DBG("Spurious end report id=%"PRIu32"\n", start[0]);
+   start_timestamp = read_report_timestamp(ctx, start);
+   end_timestamp = read_report_timestamp(ctx, end);
+   head = read_perf_head(ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_mmap_page);
+   tail = obj->oa.perf_tail;
+   //fprintf(stderr, "Handle event mask = 0x%" PRIx64
+   //        " head=%" PRIu64 " tail=%" PRIu64 "\n", mask, head, tail);
+   while (TAKEN(head, tail, size)) {
+      const struct perf_event_header *header =
+         (const struct perf_event_header *)(data + (tail & mask));
+      if (header->size == 0) {
+         DBG("Spurious header size == 0\n");
+         /* XXX: How should we handle this instead of exiting() */
+#warning "FIXME: avoid exit(1) in error condition"
+         exit(1);
+      }
+      if (header->size > (head - tail)) {
+         DBG("Spurious header size would overshoot head\n");
+         /* XXX: How should we handle this instead of exiting() */
+         exit(1);
+      }
+      //fprintf(stderr, "header = %p tail=%" PRIu64 " size=%d\n",
+      //        header, tail, header->size);
+      if ((const uint8_t *)header + header->size > data + size) {
+         int before;
+         if (header->size > MAX_OA_PERF_SAMPLE_SIZE) {
+            DBG("Skipping spurious sample larger than expected\n");
+            tail += header->size;
+            continue;
+         }
+         before = data + size - (const uint8_t *)header;
+         memcpy(scratch, header, before);
+         memcpy(scratch + before, data, header->size - before);
+         header = (struct perf_event_header *)scratch;
+         //fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: split\n");
+         //exit(1);
+      }
+      switch (header->type) {
+         case PERF_RECORD_LOST: {
+            struct {
+               struct perf_event_header header;
+               uint64_t id;
+               uint64_t n_lost;
+            } *lost = (void *)header;
+            DBG("i915_oa: Lost %" PRIu64 " events\n", lost->n_lost);
+            break;
+         }
+         case PERF_RECORD_THROTTLE:
+            DBG("i915_oa: Sampling has been throttled\n");
+            break;
+            DBG("i915_oa: Sampling has been unthrottled\n");
+            break;
+         case PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE: {
+            struct oa_perf_sample *perf_sample = (struct oa_perf_sample *)header;
+            uint32_t *report = (uint32_t *)perf_sample->raw_data;
+            uint64_t timestamp = read_report_timestamp(ctx, report);
+            if (timestamp >= end_timestamp)
+               goto end;
+            if (timestamp > start_timestamp) {
+               add_deltas(ctx, obj, last, report);
+               last = report;
+            }
+            break;
+         }
+         default:
+            DBG("i915_oa: Spurious header type = %d\n", header->type);
+      }
+      //fprintf(stderr, "Tail += %d\n", header->size);
+      tail += header->size;
+   }
+   add_deltas(ctx, obj, last, end);
+   DBG("Marking %p resolved - results gathered\n", obj);
+   drm_intel_bo_unmap(obj->oa.bo);
+   obj->oa.results_accumulated = true;
+   drop_from_unresolved_query_list(ctx, obj);
+   dec_n_oa_users(ctx);
+static uint64_t
+read_file_uint64 (const char *file)
+   char buf[32];
+   int fd, n;
+   fd = open(file, 0);
+   if (fd < 0)
+      return 0;
+   n = read(fd, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1);
+   close(fd);
+   if (n < 0)
+      return 0;
+   buf[n] = '\0';
+   return strtoull(buf, 0, 0);
+static uint64_t
+lookup_i915_oa_id (void)
+   return read_file_uint64("/sys/bus/event_source/devices/i915_oa/type");
+static long
+perf_event_open (struct perf_event_attr *hw_event,
+                 pid_t pid,
+                 int cpu,
+                 int group_fd,
+                 unsigned long flags)
+   return syscall(__NR_perf_event_open, hw_event, pid, cpu, group_fd, flags);
+static bool
+open_i915_oa_event(cl_context ctx,
+                   int metrics_set,
+                   int report_format,
+                   int period_exponent,
+                   int drm_fd,
+                   uint32_t ctx_id)
+   struct perf_event_attr attr;
+   drm_i915_oa_attr_t oa_attr;
+   int event_fd;
+   void *mmap_base;
+   memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr));
+   attr.size = sizeof(attr);
+   attr.type = lookup_i915_oa_id();
+   attr.sample_type = PERF_SAMPLE_RAW;
+   attr.disabled = 1; /* initially off */
+   attr.sample_period = 1;
+   memset(&oa_attr, 0, sizeof(oa_attr));
+   oa_attr.size = sizeof(oa_attr);
+   oa_attr.format = report_format;
+   oa_attr.metrics_set = metrics_set;
+   oa_attr.timer_exponent = period_exponent;
+   oa_attr.single_context = true;
+   oa_attr.ctx_id = ctx_id;
+   oa_attr.drm_fd = drm_fd;
+   attr.config = (uint64_t)&oa_attr;
+   event_fd = perf_event_open(&attr,
+                              -1, /* pid */
+                              0, /* cpu */
+                              -1, /* group fd */
+                              PERF_FLAG_FD_CLOEXEC); /* flags */
+   if (event_fd == -1) {
+      DBG("Error opening i915_oa perf event: %m\n");
+      return false;
+   }
+   /* NB: A read-write mapping ensures the kernel will stop writing data when
+    * the buffer is full, and will report samples as lost. */
+   mmap_base = mmap(NULL,
+                    ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_buffer_size + ctx->perfquery.page_size,
+                    PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, event_fd, 0);
+   if (mmap_base == MAP_FAILED) {
+      DBG("Error mapping circular buffer, %m\n");
+      close (event_fd);
+      return false;
+   }
+   ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_event_fd = event_fd;
+   ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_mmap_base = mmap_base;
+   ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_mmap_page = mmap_base;
+   ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_metrics_set = metrics_set;
+   ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_format = report_format;
+   return true;
+static bool
+begin_perf_query(cl_context ctx,
+		 struct perf_query_object *obj)
+   const struct perf_query *query = obj->query;
+   intel_driver_t *driver = (intel_driver_t *)ctx->drv;
+   /* If the OA counters aren't already on, enable them. */
+   if (ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_event_fd == -1) {
+     uint32_t ctx_id = drm_intel_gem_context_get_context_id(driver->ctx);
+     int period_exponent;
+     /* The timestamp for HSW+ increments every 80ns
+      *
+      * The period_exponent gives a sampling period as follows:
+      *   sample_period = 80ns * 2^(period_exponent + 1)
+      *
+      * The overflow period for Haswell can be calculated as:
+      *
+      * 2^32 / (n_eus * max_gen_freq * 2)
+      * (E.g. 40 EUs @ 1GHz = ~53ms)
+      *
+      * We currently sample every 42 milliseconds...
+      */
+     period_exponent = 18;
+     if (!open_i915_oa_event(ctx,
+			     query->oa_metrics_set,
+			     query->oa_format,
+			     period_exponent,
+			     driver->fd,
+			     ctx_id))
+       return false;
+   } else {
+     /* Opening an i915_oa event fd implies exclusive access to
+      * the OA unit which will generate counter reports for a
+      * specific counter set/profile with a specific layout/format
+      * so we can't begin any OA based queries that require a
+      * different profile or format unless we get an opportunity
+      * to close the event fd and open a new one...
+      */
+     if (ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_metrics_set != query->oa_metrics_set ||
+	 ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_format != query->oa_format)
+       {
+	 return false;
+       }
+   }
+   if (!inc_n_oa_users(ctx)) {
+     DBG("WARNING: Error enabling i915_oa perf event: %m\n");
+     return false;
+   }
+   if (obj->oa.bo) {
+     drm_intel_bo_unreference(obj->oa.bo);
+     obj->oa.bo = NULL;
+   }
+   obj->oa.bo =
+     drm_intel_bo_alloc(driver->bufmgr, "perf. query OA bo", 4096, 64);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+   /* Pre-filling the BO helps debug whether writes landed. */
+   drm_intel_bo_map(obj->oa.bo, true);
+   memset((char *) obj->oa.bo->virtual, 0x80, 4096);
+   drm_intel_bo_unmap(obj->oa.bo);
+   obj->oa.current_report_id = ctx->perfquery.next_query_start_report_id;
+   ctx->perfquery.next_query_start_report_id += 2;
+   /* Take a starting OA counter snapshot. */
+   emit_mi_report_perf_count(ctx, obj, 0,
+			     obj->oa.current_report_id);
+   ++ctx->perfquery.n_active_oa_queries;
+   /* Each unresolved query maintains a separate tail pointer into the
+    * circular perf sample buffer. The real tail pointer in
+    * perfquery.perf_oa_mmap_page.data_tail will correspond to the query
+    * tail that is furthest behind.
+    */
+   obj->oa.perf_tail = read_perf_head(ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_mmap_page);
+   memset(obj->oa.accumulator, 0, sizeof(obj->oa.accumulator));
+   obj->oa.results_accumulated = false;
+   add_to_unresolved_query_list(ctx, obj);
+   return true;
+static void
+end_perf_query(cl_context ctx,
+	       struct perf_query_object *obj)
+  /* Take an ending OA counter snapshot. */
+  emit_mi_report_perf_count(ctx, obj,
+			    obj->oa.current_report_id + 1);
+  --ctx->perfquery.n_active_oa_queries;
+  /* NB: even though the query has now ended, it can't be resolved
+   * until the end MI_REPORT_PERF_COUNT snapshot has been written
+   * to query->oa.bo */
+static void
+wait_perf_query(cl_context ctx,
+		struct perf_query_object *obj)
+  drm_intel_bo *bo = NULL;
+  bo = obj->oa.bo;
+  if (bo == NULL)
+    return;
+   /* If the current batch references our results bo then we need to
+    * flush first... */
+   if (drm_intel_bo_references(obj->batch->buffer, bo))
+      intel_batchbuffer_flush(obj->batch);
+#if 0 /* XXX */
+   if (drm_intel_bo_busy(bo))
+         perf_debug("Stalling GPU waiting for a performance query object.\n");
+   drm_intel_bo_wait_rendering(bo);
+ * Is a performance query result available?
+ */
+static bool
+is_perf_query_ready(cl_context ctx,
+		    struct perf_query_object *obj)
+   return (obj->oa.results_accumulated ||
+	   (obj->oa.bo &&
+	    !drm_intel_bo_references(obj->batch->buffer, obj->oa.bo) && 
+	    !drm_intel_bo_busy(obj->oa.bo)));
+/* Type safe wrappers for reading OA counter values */
+static uint64_t
+read_uint64_oa_counter(struct perf_oa_counter *counter, uint64_t *accumulated)
+   uint64_t value;
+   assert(counter->data_type == PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT64_INTEL);
+   counter->read(counter, accumulated, &value);
+   return value;
+static float
+read_float_oa_counter(struct perf_oa_counter *counter, uint64_t *accumulated)
+   float value;
+   assert(counter->data_type == PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_FLOAT_INTEL);
+   counter->read(counter, accumulated, &value);
+   return value;
+ * OA counter normalisation support...
+ */
+static void
+read_accumulated_oa_counter_cb(struct perf_oa_counter *counter,
+                               uint64_t *accumulator,
+                               void *value)
+   *((uint64_t *)value) = accumulator[counter->accumulator_index];
+static void
+accumulate_uint32_cb(struct perf_oa_counter *counter,
+                     uint32_t *report0,
+                     uint32_t *report1,
+                     uint64_t *accumulator)
+   accumulator[counter->accumulator_index] +=
+      (uint32_t)(report1[counter->report_offset] -
+                 report0[counter->report_offset]);
+#if 0
+/* XXX: we should factor this out for now, but notably BDW has 40bit counters... */
+static void
+accumulate_uint40_cb(struct perf_oa_counter *counter,
+                     uint32_t *report0,
+                     uint32_t *report1,
+                     uint64_t *accumulator)
+   uint32_t value0 = report0[counter->report_offset];
+   uint32_t value1 = report1[counter->report_offset];
+   uint64_t delta;
+   if (value0 > value1)
+      delta = (1ULL << 40) + value1 - value0;
+   else
+      delta = value1 - value0;
+   accumulator[counter->accumulator_index] += delta;
+static struct perf_oa_counter *
+add_raw_oa_counter(struct perf_query_builder *builder, int report_offset)
+   struct perf_oa_counter *counter =
+      &builder->query->oa_counters[builder->query->n_oa_counters++];
+   counter->report_offset = report_offset;
+   counter->accumulator_index = builder->next_accumulator_index++;
+   counter->accumulate = accumulate_uint32_cb;
+   counter->read = read_accumulated_oa_counter_cb;
+   counter->data_type = PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT64_INTEL;
+   return counter;
+static uint64_t
+hsw_read_report_timestamp(uint32_t *report)
+   /* The least significant timestamp bit represents 80ns on Haswell */
+   return ((uint64_t)report[1]) * 80;
+static void
+accumulate_hsw_elapsed_cb(struct perf_oa_counter *counter,
+                          uint32_t *report0,
+                          uint32_t *report1,
+                          uint64_t *accumulator)
+   uint64_t timestamp0 = hsw_read_report_timestamp(report0);
+   uint64_t timestamp1 = hsw_read_report_timestamp(report1);
+   accumulator[counter->accumulator_index] += (timestamp1 - timestamp0);
+static struct perf_oa_counter *
+add_hsw_elapsed_oa_counter(struct perf_query_builder *builder)
+   struct perf_oa_counter *counter =
+      &builder->query->oa_counters[builder->query->n_oa_counters++];
+   counter->accumulator_index = builder->next_accumulator_index++;
+   counter->accumulate = accumulate_hsw_elapsed_cb;
+   counter->read = read_accumulated_oa_counter_cb;
+   counter->data_type = PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT64_INTEL;
+   return counter;
+static void
+read_frequency_cb(struct perf_oa_counter *counter,
+                  uint64_t *accumulated,
+                  void *value) /* uint64 */
+   uint64_t clk_delta = read_uint64_oa_counter(counter->reference0, accumulated);
+   uint64_t time_delta = read_uint64_oa_counter(counter->reference1, accumulated);
+   uint64_t *ret = value;
+   if (!clk_delta) {
+      *ret = 0;
+      return;
+   }
+   *ret = (clk_delta * 1000) / time_delta;
+static struct perf_oa_counter *
+add_avg_frequency_oa_counter(struct perf_query_builder *builder,
+                             struct perf_oa_counter *timestamp)
+   struct perf_oa_counter *counter =
+      &builder->query->oa_counters[builder->query->n_oa_counters++];
+   assert(timestamp->data_type == PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT64_INTEL);
+   counter->reference0 = builder->gpu_core_clock;
+   counter->reference1 = timestamp;
+   counter->read = read_frequency_cb;
+   counter->data_type = PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT64_INTEL;
+   return counter;
+static void
+read_oa_counter_normalized_by_gpu_duration_cb(struct perf_oa_counter *counter,
+                                              uint64_t *accumulated,
+                                              void *value) /* float */
+   uint64_t delta = read_uint64_oa_counter(counter->reference0, accumulated);
+   uint64_t clk_delta = read_uint64_oa_counter(counter->reference1, accumulated);
+   float *ret = value;
+   if (!clk_delta) {
+      *ret = 0;
+      return;
+   }
+   *ret = ((double)delta * 100.0) / (double)clk_delta;
+static struct perf_oa_counter *
+add_oa_counter_normalised_by_gpu_duration(struct perf_query_builder *builder,
+                                          struct perf_oa_counter *raw)
+   struct perf_oa_counter *counter =
+      &builder->query->oa_counters[builder->query->n_oa_counters++];
+   counter->reference0 = raw;
+   counter->reference1 = builder->gpu_core_clock;
+   counter->read = read_oa_counter_normalized_by_gpu_duration_cb;
+   counter->data_type = PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_FLOAT_INTEL;
+   return counter;
+static void
+read_hsw_samplers_busy_duration_cb(struct perf_oa_counter *counter,
+                                   uint64_t *accumulated,
+                                   void *value) /* float */
+   uint64_t sampler0_busy = read_uint64_oa_counter(counter->reference0, accumulated);
+   uint64_t sampler1_busy = read_uint64_oa_counter(counter->reference1, accumulated);
+   uint64_t clk_delta = read_uint64_oa_counter(counter->reference2, accumulated);
+   float *ret = value;
+   if (!clk_delta) {
+      *ret = 0;
+      return;
+   }
+   *ret = ((double)(sampler0_busy + sampler1_busy) * 100.0) / ((double)clk_delta * 2.0);
+static struct perf_oa_counter *
+add_hsw_samplers_busy_duration_oa_counter(struct perf_query_builder *builder,
+                                          struct perf_oa_counter *sampler0_busy_raw,
+                                          struct perf_oa_counter *sampler1_busy_raw)
+   struct perf_oa_counter *counter =
+      &builder->query->oa_counters[builder->query->n_oa_counters++];
+   counter->reference0 = sampler0_busy_raw;
+   counter->reference1 = sampler1_busy_raw;
+   counter->reference2 = builder->gpu_core_clock;
+   counter->read = read_hsw_samplers_busy_duration_cb;
+   counter->data_type = PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_FLOAT_INTEL;
+   return counter;
+static void
+read_hsw_slice_extrapolated_cb(struct perf_oa_counter *counter,
+                               uint64_t *accumulated,
+                               void *value) /* float */
+   uint64_t counter0 = read_uint64_oa_counter(counter->reference0, accumulated);
+   uint64_t counter1 = read_uint64_oa_counter(counter->reference1, accumulated);
+   int eu_count = counter->config;
+   uint64_t *ret = value;
+   *ret = (counter0 + counter1) * eu_count;
+static struct perf_oa_counter *
+add_hsw_slice_extrapolated_oa_counter(struct perf_query_builder *builder,
+                                      struct perf_oa_counter *counter0,
+                                      struct perf_oa_counter *counter1)
+   struct perf_oa_counter *counter =
+      &builder->query->oa_counters[builder->query->n_oa_counters++];
+   counter->reference0 = counter0;
+   counter->reference1 = counter1;
+   counter->config = builder->ctx->perfquery.eu_count;
+   counter->read = read_hsw_slice_extrapolated_cb;
+   counter->data_type = PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT64_INTEL;
+   return counter;
+static void
+read_oa_counter_normalized_by_eu_duration_cb(struct perf_oa_counter *counter,
+                                             uint64_t *accumulated,
+                                             void *value) /* float */
+   uint64_t delta = read_uint64_oa_counter(counter->reference0, accumulated);
+   uint64_t clk_delta = read_uint64_oa_counter(counter->reference1, accumulated);
+   float *ret = value;
+   if (!clk_delta) {
+      *ret = 0;
+      return;
+   }
+   delta /= counter->config; /* EU count */
+   *ret = (double)delta * 100.0 / (double)clk_delta;
+static struct perf_oa_counter *
+add_oa_counter_normalised_by_eu_duration(struct perf_query_builder *builder,
+                                         struct perf_oa_counter *raw)
+   struct perf_oa_counter *counter =
+      &builder->query->oa_counters[builder->query->n_oa_counters++];
+   counter->reference0 = raw;
+   counter->reference1 = builder->gpu_core_clock;
+   counter->config = builder->ctx->perfquery.eu_count;
+   counter->read = read_oa_counter_normalized_by_eu_duration_cb;
+   counter->data_type = PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_FLOAT_INTEL;
+   return counter;
+static void
+read_av_thread_cycles_counter_cb(struct perf_oa_counter *counter,
+                                 uint64_t *accumulated,
+                                 void *value) /* uint64 */
+   uint64_t delta = read_uint64_oa_counter(counter->reference0, accumulated);
+   uint64_t spawned = read_uint64_oa_counter(counter->reference1, accumulated);
+   uint64_t *ret = value;
+   if (!spawned) {
+      *ret = 0;
+      return;
+   }
+   *ret = delta / spawned;
+static struct perf_oa_counter *
+add_average_thread_cycles_oa_counter(struct perf_query_builder *builder,
+                                     struct perf_oa_counter *raw,
+                                     struct perf_oa_counter *denominator)
+   struct perf_oa_counter *counter =
+      &builder->query->oa_counters[builder->query->n_oa_counters++];
+   counter->reference0 = raw;
+   counter->reference1 = denominator;
+   counter->read = read_av_thread_cycles_counter_cb;
+   counter->data_type = PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT64_INTEL;
+   return counter;
+static void
+read_scaled_uint64_counter_cb(struct perf_oa_counter *counter,
+                              uint64_t *accumulated,
+                              void *value) /* uint64 */
+   uint64_t delta = read_uint64_oa_counter(counter->reference0, accumulated);
+   uint64_t scale = counter->config;
+   uint64_t *ret = value;
+   *ret = delta * scale;
+static struct perf_oa_counter *
+add_scaled_uint64_oa_counter(struct perf_query_builder *builder,
+                             struct perf_oa_counter *input,
+                             int scale)
+   struct perf_oa_counter *counter =
+      &builder->query->oa_counters[builder->query->n_oa_counters++];
+   counter->reference0 = input;
+   counter->config = scale;
+   counter->read = read_scaled_uint64_counter_cb;
+   counter->data_type = PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT64_INTEL;
+   return counter;
+static void
+read_max_of_float_counters_cb(struct perf_oa_counter *counter,
+                              uint64_t *accumulated,
+                              void *value) /* float */
+   float counter0 = read_float_oa_counter(counter->reference0, accumulated);
+   float counter1 = read_float_oa_counter(counter->reference1, accumulated);
+   float *ret = value;
+   *ret = counter0 >= counter1 ? counter0 : counter1;
+static struct perf_oa_counter *
+add_max_of_float_oa_counters(struct perf_query_builder *builder,
+                             struct perf_oa_counter *counter0,
+                             struct perf_oa_counter *counter1)
+   struct perf_oa_counter *counter =
+      &builder->query->oa_counters[builder->query->n_oa_counters++];
+   counter->reference0 = counter0;
+   counter->reference1 = counter1;
+   counter->read = read_max_of_float_counters_cb;
+   counter->data_type = PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_FLOAT_INTEL;
+   return counter;
+static void
+report_uint64_oa_counter_as_raw_uint64(struct perf_query_builder *builder,
+                                       const char *name,
+                                       const char *desc,
+                                       struct perf_oa_counter *oa_counter)
+   struct perf_query_counter *counter =
+      &builder->query->counters[builder->query->n_counters++];
+   counter->oa_counter = oa_counter;
+   counter->name = name;
+   counter->desc = desc;
+   counter->type = PERFQUERY_COUNTER_RAW_INTEL;
+   counter->data_type = PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT64_INTEL;
+   counter->raw_max = 0; /* undefined range */
+   counter->offset = pot_align(builder->offset, 8);
+   counter->size = sizeof(uint64_t);
+   builder->offset = counter->offset + counter->size;
+static void
+report_uint64_oa_counter_as_uint64_event(struct perf_query_builder *builder,
+                                         const char *name,
+                                         const char *desc,
+                                         struct perf_oa_counter *oa_counter)
+   struct perf_query_counter *counter =
+      &builder->query->counters[builder->query->n_counters++];
+   counter->oa_counter = oa_counter;
+   counter->name = name;
+   counter->desc = desc;
+   counter->data_type = PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT64_INTEL;
+   counter->offset = pot_align(builder->offset, 8);
+   counter->size = sizeof(uint64_t);
+   builder->offset = counter->offset + counter->size;
+static void
+report_float_oa_counter_as_percentage_duration(struct perf_query_builder *builder,
+                                               const char *name,
+                                               const char *desc,
+                                               struct perf_oa_counter *oa_counter)
+   struct perf_query_counter *counter =
+      &builder->query->counters[builder->query->n_counters++];
+   counter->oa_counter = oa_counter;
+   counter->name = name;
+   counter->desc = desc;
+   counter->data_type = PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_FLOAT_INTEL;
+   counter->raw_max = 100;
+   counter->offset = pot_align(builder->offset, 4);
+   counter->size = sizeof(float);
+   builder->offset = counter->offset + counter->size;
+static void
+report_uint64_oa_counter_as_throughput(struct perf_query_builder *builder,
+                                       const char *name,
+                                       const char *desc,
+                                       struct perf_oa_counter *oa_counter)
+   struct perf_query_counter *counter =
+      &builder->query->counters[builder->query->n_counters++];
+   counter->oa_counter = oa_counter;
+   counter->name = name;
+   counter->desc = desc;
+   counter->data_type = PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT64_INTEL;
+   counter->offset = pot_align(builder->offset, 8);
+   counter->size = sizeof(uint64_t);
+   builder->offset = counter->offset + counter->size;
+static void
+report_uint64_oa_counter_as_duration(struct perf_query_builder *builder,
+                                     const char *name,
+                                     const char *desc,
+                                     struct perf_oa_counter *oa_counter)
+   struct perf_query_counter *counter =
+      &builder->query->counters[builder->query->n_counters++];
+   counter->oa_counter = oa_counter;
+   counter->name = name;
+   counter->desc = desc;
+   counter->data_type = PERFQUERY_COUNTER_DATA_UINT64_INTEL;
+   counter->raw_max = 0;
+   counter->offset = pot_align(builder->offset, 8);
+   counter->size = sizeof(uint64_t);
+   builder->offset = counter->offset + counter->size;
+static void
+add_aggregate_counters(struct perf_query_builder *builder)
+   struct perf_oa_counter *raw;
+   struct perf_oa_counter *active, *stall, *n_threads;
+   struct perf_oa_counter *c;
+   int a_offset = builder->a_offset;
+   int aggregate_active_counter = a_offset + 17; /* aggregate active */
+   int aggregate_stall_counter = a_offset + 18; /* aggregate stall */
+   int n_threads_counter = a_offset + 20;
+   raw = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, a_offset + 41);
+   c = add_oa_counter_normalised_by_gpu_duration(builder, raw);
+   report_float_oa_counter_as_percentage_duration(builder,
+                                                  "GPU Busy",
+                                                  "The percentage of time in which the GPU has being processing GPU commands.",
+                                                  c);
+   raw = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, a_offset); /* aggregate EU active */
+   c = add_oa_counter_normalised_by_eu_duration(builder, raw);
+   report_float_oa_counter_as_percentage_duration(builder,
+                                                   "EU Active",
+                                                   "The percentage of time in which the Execution Units were actively processing.",
+                                                   c);
+   raw = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, a_offset + 1); /* aggregate EU stall */
+   c = add_oa_counter_normalised_by_eu_duration(builder, raw);
+   report_float_oa_counter_as_percentage_duration(builder,
+                                                   "EU Stall",
+                                                   "The percentage of time in which the Execution Units were stalled.",
+                                                   c);
+   active = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, aggregate_active_counter);
+   c = add_oa_counter_normalised_by_eu_duration(builder, active);
+   report_float_oa_counter_as_percentage_duration(builder,
+						  "CS EU Active",
+						  "The percentage of time in which compute shader were "
+						  "processed actively on the EUs.",
+						  c);
+   stall = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, aggregate_stall_counter);
+   c = add_oa_counter_normalised_by_eu_duration(builder, stall);
+   report_float_oa_counter_as_percentage_duration(builder,
+						  "CS EU Stall",
+						  "The percentage of time in which compute shader were "
+						  "stalled on the EUs.",
+						  c);
+   n_threads = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, n_threads_counter);
+   c = add_average_thread_cycles_oa_counter(builder, active, n_threads);
+   report_uint64_oa_counter_as_raw_uint64(builder,
+					  "CS AVG Active per Thread",
+					  "The average number of cycles per hardware "
+					  "thread run in which compute shader were processed actively "
+					  "on the EUs.",
+					  c);
+   c = add_average_thread_cycles_oa_counter(builder, stall, n_threads);
+   report_uint64_oa_counter_as_raw_uint64(builder,
+					  "CS AVG Stall per Thread",
+					  "The average number of cycles per hardware "
+					  "thread run in which compute shader were stalled "
+					  "on the EUs.",
+					  c);
+   #if 0
+   raw = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, a_offset + 32); /* hiz fast z passing */
+   raw = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, a_offset + 33); /* hiz fast z failing */
+   raw = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, a_offset + 42); /* vs bottleneck */
+   raw = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, a_offset + 43); /* gs bottleneck */
+   #endif
+static void
+hsw_add_compute_counters(struct perf_query_builder *builder)
+    struct perf_oa_counter *raw0;
+    struct perf_oa_counter *raw1;
+    struct perf_oa_counter *typed_read;
+    struct perf_oa_counter *typed_write;
+    struct perf_oa_counter *typed_atomics;
+    struct perf_oa_counter *untyped_read;
+    struct perf_oa_counter *untyped_write;
+    struct perf_oa_counter *slm_read;
+    struct perf_oa_counter *slm_write;
+    raw0 = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, 0xd0>>2);
+    raw0 = add_scaled_uint64_oa_counter(builder, raw0, 64);
+    raw1 = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, 0xd4>>2);
+    raw1 = add_scaled_uint64_oa_counter(builder, raw0, 64);
+    typed_read = add_hsw_slice_extrapolated_oa_counter(builder, raw0, raw1);
+    report_uint64_oa_counter_as_raw_uint64(builder,
+					   "TYPED_BYTES_READ",
+					   "TYPED_BYTES_READ",
+					   typed_read);
+    raw0 = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, 0xd8>>2);
+    raw0 = add_scaled_uint64_oa_counter(builder, raw0, 64);
+    raw1 = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, 0xdc>>2);
+    raw1 = add_scaled_uint64_oa_counter(builder, raw1, 64);
+    typed_write = add_hsw_slice_extrapolated_oa_counter(builder, raw0, raw1);
+    report_uint64_oa_counter_as_raw_uint64(builder,
+					   typed_write);
+    raw0 = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, 0xc0>>2);
+    raw0 = add_scaled_uint64_oa_counter(builder, raw0, 64);
+    raw1 = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, 0xc4>>2);
+    raw1 = add_scaled_uint64_oa_counter(builder, raw1, 64);
+    untyped_read = add_hsw_slice_extrapolated_oa_counter(builder, raw0, raw1);
+    report_uint64_oa_counter_as_raw_uint64(builder,
+					   untyped_read);
+    raw0 = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, 0xc8>>2);
+    raw0 = add_scaled_uint64_oa_counter(builder, raw0, 64);
+    raw1 = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, 0xcc>>2);
+    raw1 = add_scaled_uint64_oa_counter(builder, raw1, 64);
+    untyped_write = add_hsw_slice_extrapolated_oa_counter(builder, raw0, raw1);
+    report_uint64_oa_counter_as_raw_uint64(builder,
+					   untyped_write);
+    raw0 = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, 0xf8>>2);
+    raw0 = add_scaled_uint64_oa_counter(builder, raw0, 64);
+    raw1 = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, 0xfc>>2);
+    raw1 = add_scaled_uint64_oa_counter(builder, raw1, 64);
+    slm_read = add_hsw_slice_extrapolated_oa_counter(builder, raw0, raw1);
+    report_uint64_oa_counter_as_raw_uint64(builder,
+					   "SLM_BYTES_READ",
+					   "SLM_BYTES_READ",
+					   slm_read);
+    raw0 = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, 0xf0>>2);
+    raw0 = add_scaled_uint64_oa_counter(builder, raw0, 64);
+    raw1 = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, 0xf4>>2);
+    raw1 = add_scaled_uint64_oa_counter(builder, raw1, 64);
+    slm_write = add_hsw_slice_extrapolated_oa_counter(builder, raw0, raw1);
+    report_uint64_oa_counter_as_raw_uint64(builder,
+					   slm_write);
+    raw0 = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, 0xe0>>2);
+    raw1 = add_raw_oa_counter(builder, 0xe4>>2);
+    typed_atomics = add_hsw_slice_extrapolated_oa_counter(builder, raw0, raw1);
+    report_uint64_oa_counter_as_raw_uint64(builder,
+					   "TYPED_ATOMICS",
+					   "TYPED_ATOMICS",
+					   typed_atomics);
+static void
+hsw_add_compute_basic_oa_counter_query(cl_context ctx)
+    struct perf_query_builder builder;
+    struct perf_query *query = &ctx->perfquery.queries[ctx->perfquery.n_queries++];
+    int a_offset;
+    int b_offset;
+    int c_offset;
+    struct perf_oa_counter *elapsed;
+    struct perf_oa_counter *c;
+    struct perf_query_counter *last;
+    query->name = "Gen7 Compute Basic Observability Architecture Counters";
+    query->counters = malloc(sizeof(struct perf_query_counter) *
+    query->n_counters = 0;
+    query->oa_counters = malloc(sizeof(struct perf_oa_counter) *
+    query->n_oa_counters = 0;
+    query->oa_metrics_set = I915_OA_METRICS_SET_COMPUTE;
+    query->oa_format = I915_OA_FORMAT_A45_B8_C8_HSW;
+    //    query->perf_raw_size = 256; /* XXX */
+    builder.ctx = ctx;
+    builder.query = query;
+    builder.offset = 0;
+    builder.next_accumulator_index = 0;
+    builder.a_offset = a_offset = 3;
+    builder.b_offset = b_offset = a_offset + 45;
+    builder.c_offset = c_offset = b_offset + 8;
+    /* Can be referenced by other counters... */
+    builder.gpu_core_clock = add_raw_oa_counter(&builder, c_offset + 2);
+    elapsed = add_hsw_elapsed_oa_counter(&builder);
+    report_uint64_oa_counter_as_duration(&builder,
+					 "GPU Time Elapsed",
+					 "Time elapsed on the GPU during the measurement.",
+					 elapsed);
+    c = add_avg_frequency_oa_counter(&builder, elapsed);
+    report_uint64_oa_counter_as_uint64_event(&builder,
+					     "AVG GPU Core Frequency",
+					     "Average GPU Core Frequency in the measurement.",
+					     c);
+    add_aggregate_counters(&builder);
+    hsw_add_compute_counters(&builder);
+    assert(query->n_counters < MAX_PERF_QUERY_COUNTERS);
+    assert(query->n_oa_counters < MAX_OA_QUERY_COUNTERS);
+    last = &query->counters[query->n_counters - 1];
+    query->data_size = last->offset + last->size;
+static int
+get_oa_counter_data(cl_context ctx,
+                    struct perf_query_object *obj,
+                    size_t data_size,
+                    uint8_t *data)
+   const struct perf_query *query = obj->query;
+   int n_counters = query->n_counters;
+   int written = 0, i;
+   if (!obj->oa.results_accumulated) {
+      accumulate_oa_snapshots(ctx, obj);
+      assert(obj->oa.results_accumulated);
+   }
+   for (i = 0; i < n_counters; i++) {
+      const struct perf_query_counter *counter = &query->counters[i];
+      if (counter->size) {
+         counter->oa_counter->read(counter->oa_counter, obj->oa.accumulator,
+                                   data + counter->offset);
+         written = counter->offset + counter->size;
+      }
+   }
+   return written;
+ * Get the performance query result.
+ */
+static void
+get_perf_query_data(cl_context ctx,
+		    struct perf_query_object *obj,
+		    size_t data_size,
+		    cl_uint *data,
+		    cl_uint *bytes_written)
+   int written = 0;
+   //assert(is_perf_query_ready(ctx, queue, obj));
+   /* XXX handle in flags */
+   wait_perf_query(ctx, obj);
+   written = get_oa_counter_data(ctx, obj, data_size, (uint8_t *)data);
+   if (bytes_written)
+      *bytes_written = written;
+static void
+close_perf(cl_context ctx)
+   if (ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_event_fd != -1) {
+      if (ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_mmap_base) {
+         size_t mapping_len =
+            ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_buffer_size + ctx->perfquery.page_size;
+         munmap(ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_mmap_base, mapping_len);
+         ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_mmap_base = NULL;
+      }
+      close(ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_event_fd);
+      ctx->perfquery.perf_oa_event_fd = -1;
+   }
+intel_perf_query_first(cl_context ctx, cl_uint *queryId)
+  *queryId = 0;
+intel_perf_query_next(cl_context ctx, cl_uint queryId, cl_uint *nextId)
+  if (queryId < ctx->perfquery.n_queries - 1)
+    *nextId = queryId + 1;
+  else
+    *nextId = queryId;
+intel_perf_query_info(cl_context ctx,
+		      cl_uint queryId,
+		      cl_char **queryName,
+		      cl_uint *dataSize,
+		      cl_uint *noCounters,
+		      cl_uint *noInstances)
+  struct perf_query *query = &ctx->perfquery.queries[queryId];
+  *queryName = query->name;
+  *dataSize = query->data_size;
+  *noCounters = query->n_counters;
+  *noInstances = 1; /* current initial allows 1 instance */
+intel_perf_counter_info(cl_context ctx,
+			cl_uint queryId, cl_uint counterId,
+			cl_char **counterName,
+			cl_char **counterDesc,
+			cl_uint *counterOffset, cl_uint *counterDataSize,
+			cl_uint *counterTypeEnum, cl_uint *counterDataTypeEnum,
+			cl_ulong *rawCounterMaxValue)
+  struct perf_query *query = &ctx->perfquery.queries[queryId];
+  struct perf_query_counter *counter = &query->counters[counterId];
+  *counterName = counter->name;
+  *counterDesc = counter->desc;
+  *counterOffset = counter->offset;
+  *counterDataSize = counter->size;
+  *counterTypeEnum = counter->type;
+  *counterDataTypeEnum = counter->data_type;
+  *rawCounterMaxValue = counter->raw_max;
+intel_perf_query_create(cl_context context, cl_uint queryId, cl_perf_query_intel *queryHandle)
+  struct perf_query *query = &context->perfquery.queries[queryId];
+  struct perf_query_object *obj =
+    calloc(1, sizeof(struct perf_query_object));
+  if (!obj)
+    return -1;
+  obj->query = query;
+  obj->batch = intel_batchbuffer_new((intel_driver_t *)context->drv);
+  if (!obj->batch) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "failed to create perf batch\n");
+    free(obj);
+    return -1;
+  }
+  context->perfquery.n_query_instances++;
+  *queryHandle = obj;
+  return 0;
+intel_perf_query_delete(cl_context context, cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle)
+  struct perf_query_object *obj = (struct perf_query_object *)queryHandle;
+  if (obj->oa.bo) {
+    if (!obj->oa.results_accumulated) {
+      drop_from_unresolved_query_list(context, obj);
+      dec_n_oa_users(context);
+    }
+    drm_intel_bo_unreference(obj->oa.bo);
+    obj->oa.bo = NULL;
+  }
+  obj->oa.results_accumulated = false;
+  intel_batchbuffer_delete(obj->batch);
+  free(obj);
+  if (--context->perfquery.n_query_instances == 0)
+    close_perf(context);
+  return 0;
+intel_perf_query_begin(cl_context context, cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle)
+  bool ret;
+  struct perf_query_object *obj = (struct perf_query_object *)queryHandle;
+  ret = begin_perf_query(context, obj);
+  if (!ret)
+    return -1;
+  return 0;
+intel_perf_query_end(cl_context context, cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle)
+  struct perf_query_object *obj = (struct perf_query_object *)queryHandle;
+  end_perf_query(context, obj);
+  return 0;
+intel_perf_query_get_data(cl_context context,
+			  cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle,
+			  cl_uint flags, size_t dataSize, void *data,
+			  cl_uint *bytesWritten)
+  struct perf_query_object *obj = (struct perf_query_object *)queryHandle;
+  /* XXX flags? */
+  get_perf_query_data(context, obj,
+		      dataSize, data,
+		      bytesWritten);
+  return 0;
+intel_perf_query_init(cl_context context)
+  intel_driver_t *drv = (intel_driver_t *)context->drv;
+  if (!IS_HASWELL(drv->device_id)) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Perf query only supports on HSW now.\n");
+    context->perfquery.enable = false;
+    return;
+  }
+  /* XXX test kernel for i915 PMU driver available */
+  if (lookup_i915_oa_id() == 0) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Kernel has no i915 PMU driver.\n");
+    context->perfquery.enable = false;
+    return;
+  }
+  context->perfquery.eu_count = context->device->max_compute_unit;
+  context->perfquery.read_oa_report_timestamp = hsw_read_report_timestamp;
+  /* initialize intel query structs depends on device */
+  hsw_add_compute_basic_oa_counter_query(context);
+  context->perfquery.unresolved = calloc(2, sizeof(struct perf_query_object *));
+  context->perfquery.unresolved_elements = 0;
+  context->perfquery.unresolved_array_size = 2;
+  context->perfquery.page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
+  context->perfquery.perf_oa_event_fd = -1;
+  context->perfquery.perf_oa_buffer_size = 1024 * 1024; /* NB: must be power of two */
+  context->perfquery.next_query_start_report_id = 1000;
+  context->perfquery.enable = true;
+intel_perf_query_destroy(cl_context context)
+  int i;
+  struct perf_query *query;
+  for (i = 0; i < context->perfquery.n_queries; i++) {
+    query = &context->perfquery.queries[i];
+    free(query->counters);
+    free(query->oa_counters);
+  }
+  free(context->perfquery.unresolved);
diff --git a/src/intel_perf.h b/src/intel_perf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5099433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/intel_perf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#ifndef _INTEL_PERF_H
+#define _INTEL_PERF_H
+#include "CL/cl.h"
+#include "CL/cl_intel.h"
+void intel_perf_query_first(cl_context, cl_uint *queryId);
+void intel_perf_query_next(cl_context, cl_uint queryId, cl_uint *nextId);
+void intel_perf_query_info(cl_context, cl_uint queryId,
+			   cl_char **queryName,
+			   cl_uint *dataSize, cl_uint *noCounters, cl_uint *noInstances);
+void intel_perf_counter_info(cl_context, cl_uint queryId, cl_uint counterId,
+			     cl_char **counterName,
+			     cl_char **counterDesc,
+			     cl_uint *counterOffset, cl_uint *counterDataSize,
+			     cl_uint *counterTypeEnum, cl_uint *counterDataTypeEnum,
+			     cl_ulong *rawCounterMaxValue);
+cl_int intel_perf_query_create(cl_context context, cl_uint queryId,
+			       cl_perf_query_intel *queryHandle);
+cl_int intel_perf_query_delete(cl_context context, cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle);
+cl_int intel_perf_query_begin(cl_context context, cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle);
+cl_int intel_perf_query_end(cl_context context, cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle);
+cl_int intel_perf_query_get_data(cl_context context,
+				 cl_perf_query_intel queryHandle,
+				 cl_uint flags, size_t dataSize, void *data,
+				 cl_uint *bytesWritten);
+void intel_perf_query_init(cl_context context);
+void intel_perf_query_destroy(cl_context context);

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