[Beignet] [PATCH 6/8] GBE: continue to refine interfering check.

Zhigang Gong zhigang.gong at intel.com
Tue Sep 22 21:44:52 PDT 2015

More aggresive interfering check, even if both registers are in
Livein set or Liveout set, they are still possible not interfering
to each other.

Liveout interfering check need to take care those BBs which has only one
register defined.

For example:

  MOV %r1, %src

Both %r1 and %r2 are in the BBn's liveout set, but %r2 is not defined or used
in BBn. The previous implementation ignore this BB which is incorrect. As %r1
was modified to a different value, it means %r1 could not be replaced with %r2
in this case.

Add comments and assertion to restrict the usage of interleve
check functions of DAG class.

Signed-off-by: Zhigang Gong <zhigang.gong at intel.com>
 backend/src/ir/value.cpp | 133 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 backend/src/ir/value.hpp |  13 +++--
 2 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/backend/src/ir/value.cpp b/backend/src/ir/value.cpp
index 19ecabf..d2f0c2e 100644
--- a/backend/src/ir/value.cpp
+++ b/backend/src/ir/value.cpp
@@ -577,13 +577,102 @@ namespace ir {
+  static void getBlockDefInsns(const BasicBlock *bb, const DefSet *dSet, Register r, set <const Instruction *> &defInsns) {
+    for (auto def : *dSet) {
+      auto defInsn = def->getInstruction();
+      if (defInsn->getParent() == bb)
+        defInsns.insert(defInsn);
+    }
+  }
+  static bool liveinInterfere(const BasicBlock *bb, const Instruction *defInsn, Register r1) {
+    BasicBlock::const_iterator iter = BasicBlock::const_iterator(defInsn);
+    BasicBlock::const_iterator iterE = bb->end();
+    if (defInsn->getOpcode() == OP_MOV &&
+        defInsn->getSrc(0) == r1)
+      return false;
+    while (iter != iterE) {
+      const Instruction *insn = iter.node();
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < insn->getDstNum(); i++) {
+        Register dst = insn->getDst(i);
+        if (dst == r1)
+          return false;
+      }
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < insn->getSrcNum(); i++) {
+        ir::Register src = insn->getSrc(i);
+        if (src == r1)
+          return true;
+      }
+      ++iter;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  // r0 and r1 both are in Livein set.
+  // Only if r0/r1 is used after r1/r0 has been modified.
+  bool FunctionDAG::interfereLivein(const BasicBlock *bb, Register r0, Register r1) const {
+    set <const Instruction *> defInsns0, defInsns1;
+    auto defSet0 = getRegDef(r0);
+    auto defSet1 = getRegDef(r1);
+    getBlockDefInsns(bb, defSet0, r0, defInsns0);
+    getBlockDefInsns(bb, defSet1, r1, defInsns1);
+    if (defInsns0.size() == 0 && defInsns1.size() == 0)
+      return false;
+    for (auto insn : defInsns0) {
+      if (liveinInterfere(bb, insn, r1))
+        return true;
+    }
+    for (auto insn : defInsns1) {
+      if (liveinInterfere(bb, insn, r0))
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  // r0 and r1 both are in Liveout set.
+  // Only if the last definition of r0/r1 is a MOV r0, r1 or MOV r1, r0,
+  // it will not introduce interfering in this BB.
+  bool FunctionDAG::interfereLiveout(const BasicBlock *bb, Register r0, Register r1) const {
+    set <const Instruction *> defInsns0, defInsns1;
+    auto defSet0 = getRegDef(r0);
+    auto defSet1 = getRegDef(r1);
+    getBlockDefInsns(bb, defSet0, r0, defInsns0);
+    getBlockDefInsns(bb, defSet1, r1, defInsns1);
+    if (defInsns0.size() == 0 && defInsns1.size() == 0)
+      return false;
+    BasicBlock::const_iterator iter = --bb->end();
+    BasicBlock::const_iterator iterE = bb->begin();
+    do {
+      const Instruction *insn = iter.node();
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < insn->getDstNum(); i++) {
+        Register dst = insn->getDst(i);
+        if (dst == r0 || dst == r1) {
+          if (insn->getOpcode() != OP_MOV)
+            return true;
+          if (dst == r0 && insn->getSrc(0) != r1)
+            return true;
+          if (dst == r1 && insn->getSrc(0) != r0)
+            return true;
+          return false;
+        }
+      }
+      --iter;
+    } while (iter != iterE);
+    return false;
+  }
+  // check instructions after the def of r0, if there is any def of r1, then no interefere for this
+  // range. Otherwise, if there is any use of r1, then return true.
   bool FunctionDAG::interfere(const BasicBlock *bb, Register inReg, Register outReg) const {
     auto dSet = getRegDef(outReg);
-    bool visited = false;
     for (auto &def : *dSet) {
       auto defInsn = def->getInstruction();
       if (defInsn->getParent() == bb) {
-        visited = true;
         if (defInsn->getOpcode() == OP_MOV && defInsn->getSrc(0) == inReg)
         BasicBlock::const_iterator iter = BasicBlock::const_iterator(defInsn);
@@ -602,19 +691,17 @@ namespace ir {
-    // We must visit the outReg at least once. Otherwise, something going wrong.
-    GBE_ASSERT(visited);
     return false;
   bool FunctionDAG::interfere(const Liveness &liveness, Register r0, Register r1) const {
-    // There are two interfering cases:
-    //   1. Two registers are in the Livein set of the same BB.
-    //   2. Two registers are in the Liveout set of the same BB.
     // If there are no any intersection BB, they are not interfering to each other.
-    // If they are some intersection BBs, but one is only in the LiveIn and the other is
-    // only in the Liveout, then we need to check whether they interefere each other in
-    // that BB.
+    // There are three different interfering cases which need further checking:
+    //   1. Both registers are in the LiveIn register set.
+    //   2. Both registers are in the LiveOut register set.
+    //   3. One is in LiveIn set and the Other is in LiveOut set.
+    // For the above 3 cases, we need 3 different ways to check whether they really
+    // interfering to each other.
     set<const BasicBlock *> bbSet0;
     set<const BasicBlock *> bbSet1;
     getRegUDBBs(r0, bbSet0);
@@ -624,20 +711,31 @@ namespace ir {
     set<const BasicBlock *> liveOutBBSet0, liveOutBBSet1;
     getLivenessBBs(liveness, r0, bbSet0, liveInBBSet0, liveOutBBSet0);
     getLivenessBBs(liveness, r1, bbSet1, liveInBBSet1, liveOutBBSet1);
+    GBE_ASSERT(liveInBBSet0.size() + liveOutBBSet0.size() > 0);
+    GBE_ASSERT(liveInBBSet1.size() + liveOutBBSet1.size() > 0);
     set<const BasicBlock *> intersect;
     set_intersection(liveInBBSet0.begin(), liveInBBSet0.end(),
                      liveInBBSet1.begin(), liveInBBSet1.end(),
                      std::inserter(intersect, intersect.begin()));
-    if (intersect.size() != 0)
-      return true;
+    for (auto bb : intersect) {
+      if (interfereLivein(bb, r0, r1))
+        return true;
+    }
-    set_intersection(liveOutBBSet0.begin(), liveOutBBSet0.end(),
-                     liveOutBBSet1.begin(), liveOutBBSet1.end(),
-                     std::inserter(intersect, intersect.begin()));
-    if (intersect.size() != 0)
-      return true;
+    for (auto &bb: liveOutBBSet0) {
+      if (liveness.getBlockInfo(bb).inLiveOut(r1))
+        intersect.insert(bb);
+    }
+    for (auto bb: liveOutBBSet1) {
+      if (liveness.getBlockInfo(bb).inLiveOut(r0))
+        intersect.insert(bb);
+    }
+    for (auto bb : intersect) {
+      if (interfereLiveout(bb, r0, r1))
+        return true;
+    }
     set<const BasicBlock *> OIIntersect, IOIntersect;
     set_intersection(liveOutBBSet0.begin(), liveOutBBSet0.end(),
                      liveInBBSet1.begin(), liveInBBSet1.end(),
@@ -647,7 +745,6 @@ namespace ir {
       if (interfere(bb, r1, r0))
         return true;
     set_intersection(liveInBBSet0.begin(), liveInBBSet0.end(),
                      liveOutBBSet1.begin(), liveOutBBSet1.end(),
                      std::inserter(IOIntersect, IOIntersect.begin()));
diff --git a/backend/src/ir/value.hpp b/backend/src/ir/value.hpp
index ba3ba01..b23dc0b 100644
--- a/backend/src/ir/value.hpp
+++ b/backend/src/ir/value.hpp
@@ -240,17 +240,20 @@ namespace ir {
     typedef map<ValueDef, UseSet*> DUGraph;
     /*! get register's use and define BB set */
     void getRegUDBBs(Register r, set<const BasicBlock *> &BBs) const;
-    /*! get register's livein and liveout BB set */
-    //void getLivenessBBs(const Liveness &liveness, Register r, set<const BasicBlock *> useDefSet,
-    //                    set<const BasicBlock *> &liveInSet, set<const BasicBlock *> &liveOutSet) const;
     // check whether two register interering in the specific BB.
     // This function must be called at the following conditions:
     // 1. The outReg is in the BB's liveout set and not in the livein set.
     // 2. The inReg is in the BB's livein set but not in the livout set.
     bool interfere(const BasicBlock *bb, Register inReg, Register outReg) const;
-    /*! check whether two register interfering to each other */
+    // check whether two register interfering to each other.
+    // This function must be called at the following conditions:
+    //   r0 and r1 are both not a local variable which means they have information
+    //   in the liveness object.
     bool interfere(const Liveness &liveness, Register r0, Register r1) const;
+    /*! check whether two registers which are both in liveout set interfering in the current BB. */
+    bool interfereLiveout(const BasicBlock *bb, Register r0, Register r1) const;
+    /*! check whether two registers which are both in livein set interfering in the current BB. */
+    bool interfereLivein(const BasicBlock *bb, Register r0, Register r1) const;
     UDGraph udGraph;                   //!< All the UD chains
     DUGraph duGraph;                   //!< All the DU chains

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