[Beignet] Assertion failed in newIntegerImmediate

Lorenzo Pistone blaffablaffa at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 12:07:50 PDT 2015

Hello, the following kernel causes an assertion failed:

    __kernel void test(__global float2* ff){
         float2 f1 = ff[0], f2 = ff[1];
         float2 dist = f1 - f2;
         dist += convert_float2(fabs(dist) > 0.5f) *
    convert_float2(copysign((coord)1, dist));
         ff[3] = dist;

Result is:

    ASSERTION FAILED: Not supported
       at file
    /home/pisto/sorgenti/beignet/backend/src/./ir/context.hpp, function
    gbe::ir::Context::newIntegerImmediate(int64_t, gbe::ir::Type), line 95

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