[Beignet] [PATCH] GBE: remove stacksize 64KB limitation.

Yang, Rong R rong.r.yang at intel.com
Thu Feb 25 07:17:20 UTC 2016

> > +      p->MUL(stackptr, stackptr, GenRegister::immud(perLaneSize)); //
> > + (threadId
> > * simdWidth + laneId)*perLaneSize
> According to Hardware Spec:
> For IVB and HSW, When both src0 and src1 are of type D or UD, only the low
> 16 bits of each element of src1 are used. The accumulator maintains full 48-
> bit precision.
> So looks like you should place (threadId * simdWidth + laneId) at src1.
> Have you ever do some try on IVB or HSW?
Yes, DW must be on src0 and W on src1. I will modify it and push it directly. 

> Thanks!
> Ruiling

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