[Beignet] patch to get beignet to compile on gcc 3.5.0

Sean Lynch seanl at literati.org
Sat Mar 26 15:24:17 UTC 2016

Hi, folks. Due to the removal of isnan and friends from the global
namespace, beignet's master does not currently compile on Arch Linux and
probably other platforms using gcc 3.5.0 (not sure if this is when it
started but at least on this version). The following patch prepends std::
to isnan and friends and makes beignet compile and, as far as I've been
able to tell from my somewhat limited testing (generating simpex noise
using Reikna), work.


I have created a "beignet-git" package in the AUR (Arch User Repository)
that applies this patch, but I'll remove the patch once it's applied.

Also, please let me know if I shouldn't be using the master branch for the
package; the version numbers I'm getting from "git describe --long --tags |
sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'" look like "Release_v1.0.0.r676.gad86ed3"
when I would have thought I'd see 1.1.1 in there.
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