[Beignet] [PATCH 7/9 newRT] Rewrite the bin generater for GEN backend.

junyan.he at inbox.com junyan.he at inbox.com
Sat Apr 1 09:43:32 UTC 2017

From: Junyan He <junyan.he at intel.com>

We use compiler API to generate the new type of ELF
binary for runtime usage.

Signed-off-by: Junyan He <junyan.he at intel.com>
 backend/src/gbe_bin_generater.cpp | 669 ++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 314 insertions(+), 355 deletions(-)

diff --git a/backend/src/gbe_bin_generater.cpp b/backend/src/gbe_bin_generater.cpp
index 8e42891..f621c0d 100644
--- a/backend/src/gbe_bin_generater.cpp
+++ b/backend/src/gbe_bin_generater.cpp
@@ -36,420 +36,379 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
-#include "backend/program.h"
-#include "backend/program.hpp"
-#include "backend/src/sys/platform.hpp"
-#include "src/cl_device_data.h"
+#include "elfio/elfio.hpp"
 using namespace std;
+using namespace ELFIO;
 #define FILE_NOT_FIND_ERR 1
 #define FILE_MAP_ERR 2
+extern "C" bool
+GenBuildProgram(uint32_t deviceID, const char *source, size_t src_length, const char *options,
+                size_t errBufSize, char *err, size_t *errRetSize, char **binary, size_t *binarySize);
+extern "C" bool
+GenCompileProgram(uint32_t deviceID, const char *source, size_t src_length, const char **headers,
+                  size_t *header_length, const char **header_names, int headerNum, const char *options,
+                  size_t errBufSize, char *err, size_t *errRetSize, char **binary, size_t *binarySize);
 static uint32_t gen_pci_id = 0;
-class program_build_instance {
+class program_build_instance
-    string prog_path;
-    string build_opt;
-    static string bin_path;
-    static bool str_fmt_out;
-    int fd;
-    int file_len;
-    const char* code;
-    gbe::Program* gbe_prog;
+  string prog_path;
+  string build_opt;
+  static string bin_path;
+  static bool str_fmt_out;
+  int fd;
+  int file_len;
+  const char *code;
+  char *binary;
+  size_t binary_sz;
+  char build_log[4096];
+  char *elf_bin;
+  size_t elf_bin_sz;
-    program_build_instance (void) : fd(-1), file_len(0), code(NULL), gbe_prog(NULL) { }
-    explicit program_build_instance (const char* file_path, const char* option = NULL)
-        : prog_path(file_path), build_opt(option), fd(-1), file_len(0),
-          code(NULL), gbe_prog(NULL) { }
-    ~program_build_instance () {
-        if (code) {
-            munmap((void *)(code), file_len);
-            code = NULL;
-        }
-        if (fd >= 0)
-            close(fd);
-        if (gbe_prog)
-            gbe_program_delete(reinterpret_cast<gbe_program>(gbe_prog));
-    }
-    program_build_instance(program_build_instance&& other) = default;
-#if 0
-    {
-#define SWAP(ELT) \
-	do { \
-	    auto elt = this->ELT; \
-	    this->ELT = other.ELT; \
-	    other.ELT = elt; \
-	} while(0)
-        SWAP(fd);
-        SWAP(code);
-        SWAP(file_len);
-        SWAP(prog_path);
-        SWAP(build_opt);
-#undef SWAP
-    }
-    explicit program_build_instance(const program_build_instance& other) = delete;
-    program_build_instance& operator= (const program_build_instance& other) {
-        /* we do not want to be Lvalue copied, but operator is needed to instance the
-           template of vector<program_build_instance>. */
-        assert(1);
-        return *this;
-    }
-    const char* file_map_open (void) throw (int);
-    const char* get_code (void) {
-        return code;
-    }
-    const string& get_program_path (void) {
-        return prog_path;
-    }
-    int get_size (void) {
-        return file_len;
-    }
-    void print_file (void) {
-        cout << code << endl;
+  program_build_instance(void) : fd(-1), file_len(0), code(NULL), binary(NULL), binary_sz(0) {}
+  explicit program_build_instance(const char *file_path, const char *option = NULL)
+    : prog_path(file_path), build_opt(option), fd(-1), file_len(0),
+      code(NULL), binary(NULL), binary_sz(0), elf_bin(NULL), elf_bin_sz(0) {}
+  ~program_build_instance()
+  {
+    if (code) {
+      munmap((void *)(code), file_len);
+      code = NULL;
-    void dump (void) {
-        cout << "program path: " << prog_path << endl;
-        cout << "Build option: " << build_opt << endl;
-        print_file();
-    }
-    static void set_str_fmt_out (bool flag) {
-        str_fmt_out = flag;
-    }
-    static int set_bin_path (const char* path) {
-        if (bin_path.size())
-            return 0;
-        bin_path = path;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    void build_program(void) throw(int);
-    void serialize_program(void) throw(int);
+    if (fd >= 0)
+      close(fd);
+    if (binary)
+      free(binary);
+    if (elf_bin)
+      free(elf_bin);
+  }
+  program_build_instance(program_build_instance &&other) = default;
+  explicit program_build_instance(const program_build_instance &other) = delete;
+  program_build_instance &operator=(const program_build_instance &other)
+  {
+    /* we do not want to be Lvalue copied, but operator is needed to instance the
+       template of vector<program_build_instance>. */
+    assert(1);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  const char *file_map_open(void) throw(int);
+  const char *get_code(void) { return code; }
+  const string &get_program_path(void) { return prog_path; }
+  int get_size(void) { return file_len; }
+  void print_file(void) { cout << code << endl; }
+  void dump(void)
+  {
+    cout << "program path: " << prog_path << endl;
+    cout << "Build option: " << build_opt << endl;
+    print_file();
+  }
+  static void set_str_fmt_out(bool flag) { str_fmt_out = flag; }
+  static int set_bin_path(const char *path)
+  {
+    if (bin_path.size())
+      return 0;
+    bin_path = path;
+    return 1;
+  }
+  void build_program(void) throw(int);
+  void serialize_program(void) throw(int);
 string program_build_instance::bin_path;
 bool program_build_instance::str_fmt_out = false;
-#define OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(elt) SERIALIZE_OUT(elt, oss, header_sz)
-#define OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(elt) SERIALIZE_OUT(elt, ofs, header_sz)
 void program_build_instance::serialize_program(void) throw(int)
-    ofstream ofs;
-    ostringstream oss;
-    size_t sz = 0, header_sz = 0;
-    ofs.open(bin_path, ofstream::out | ofstream::trunc | ofstream::binary);
-    char src_hw_info[4]="";
-    if(IS_IVYBRIDGE(gen_pci_id)){
-      src_hw_info[0]='I';
-      src_hw_info[1]='V';
-      src_hw_info[2]='B';
-      if(IS_BAYTRAIL_T(gen_pci_id)){
-        src_hw_info[0]='B';
-        src_hw_info[1]='Y';
-        src_hw_info[2]='T';
+  ofstream ofs;
+  ostringstream oss;
+  size_t sz = 0;
+  ofs.open(bin_path, ofstream::out | ofstream::trunc | ofstream::binary);
+  if (str_fmt_out) {
+    string array_name = "Unknown_name_array";
+    unsigned long last_slash = bin_path.rfind("/");
+    unsigned long last_dot = bin_path.rfind(".");
+    if (last_slash != string::npos && last_dot != string::npos)
+      array_name = bin_path.substr(last_slash + 1, last_dot - 1 - last_slash);
+    ofs << "#include <stddef.h>"
+        << "\n";
+    std::string all_kernel_names = "";
+    std::istringstream elf_str(std::string(elf_bin, elf_bin_sz));
+    elfio reader;
+    if (reader.load(elf_str) == false)
+      assert(0);
+    Elf_Half sec_num = reader.sections.size();
+    for (int i = 0; i < sec_num; ++i) {
+      section *psec = reader.sections[i];
+      // Check section type
+      if (psec->get_type() == SHT_SYMTAB) {
+        const symbol_section_accessor symbols(reader, psec);
+        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < symbols.get_symbols_num(); ++j) {
+          std::string name;
+          Elf64_Addr value;
+          Elf_Xword size;
+          unsigned char bind;
+          unsigned char type;
+          Elf_Half section_index;
+          unsigned char other;
+          // Read symbol properties
+          symbols.get_symbol(j, name, value, size, bind,
+                             type, section_index, other);
+          if (type != STT_FUNC)
+            continue;
+          if (bind != STB_GLOBAL)
+            continue;
+          all_kernel_names += name;
+          all_kernel_names += ";";
+        }
-    }else if(IS_HASWELL(gen_pci_id)){
-        src_hw_info[0]='H';
-        src_hw_info[1]='S';
-        src_hw_info[2]='W';
-    }else if(IS_BROADWELL(gen_pci_id)){
-        src_hw_info[0]='B';
-        src_hw_info[1]='D';
-        src_hw_info[2]='W';
-    }else if(IS_CHERRYVIEW(gen_pci_id)){
-        src_hw_info[0]='C';
-        src_hw_info[1]='H';
-        src_hw_info[2]='V';
-    }else if(IS_SKYLAKE(gen_pci_id)){
-        src_hw_info[0]='S';
-        src_hw_info[1]='K';
-        src_hw_info[2]='L';
-    }else if(IS_BROXTON(gen_pci_id)){
-        src_hw_info[0]='B';
-        src_hw_info[1]='X';
-        src_hw_info[2]='T';
+    all_kernel_names.erase(all_kernel_names.end() - 1);
+    ofs << "char *" << array_name << "_kernels = \""
+        << all_kernel_names << "\";\n";
-    if (str_fmt_out) {
-      if(gen_pci_id){
-        //add header to differeciate from llvm bitcode binary.
-        // (5 bytes: 1 byte for binary version, 4 byte for bc code, 'GENC' is for gen binary.)
-        char gen_header[6] = "\1GENC";
-        OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[0]);
-        OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[1]);
-        OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[2]);
-        OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[3]);
-        OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[4]);
-        OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(src_hw_info[0]);
-        OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(src_hw_info[1]);
-        OUTS_UPDATE_SZ(src_hw_info[2]);
-      }
-      string array_name = "Unknown_name_array";
-      unsigned long last_slash = bin_path.rfind("/");
-      unsigned long last_dot = bin_path.rfind(".");
-      if (last_slash != string::npos &&  last_dot != string::npos)
-        array_name = bin_path.substr(last_slash + 1, last_dot - 1 - last_slash);
-      ofs << "#include <stddef.h>" << "\n";
-      ofs << "char " << array_name << "[] = {" << "\n";
-      if(gen_pci_id){
-        sz = gbe_prog->serializeToBin(oss);
-        sz += header_sz;
-      }else{
-        char *llvm_binary;
-        size_t bin_length = gbe_program_serialize_to_binary((gbe_program)gbe_prog, &llvm_binary, 1);
-        oss.write(llvm_binary, bin_length);
-        sz += bin_length;
-        free(llvm_binary);
-      }
+    ofs << "char " << array_name << "[] = {"
+        << "\n";
-      for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
-        unsigned char c = oss.str().c_str()[i];
-        char asic_str[9];
-        sprintf(asic_str, "%2.2x", c);
-        ofs << "0x";
-        ofs << asic_str << ((i == sz - 1) ? "" : ", ");
-      }
-      ofs << "};\n";
+    if (gen_pci_id != 0) {
+      oss.write(elf_bin, elf_bin_sz);
+      sz += elf_bin_sz;
+    } else {
+      oss.write(binary, binary_sz);
+      sz += binary_sz;
+    }
-      string array_size = array_name + "_size";
-      ofs << "size_t " << array_size << " = " << sz << ";" << "\n";
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
+      unsigned char c = oss.str().c_str()[i];
+      char asic_str[9];
+      sprintf(asic_str, "%2.2x", c);
+      ofs << "0x";
+      ofs << asic_str << ((i == sz - 1) ? "" : ", ");
+    }
+    ofs << "};\n";
+    string array_size = array_name + "_size";
+    ofs << "size_t " << array_size << " = " << sz << ";"
+        << "\n";
+  } else {
+    if (gen_pci_id != 0) {
+      ofs.write(elf_bin, elf_bin_sz);
+      sz += elf_bin_sz;
     } else {
-      if(gen_pci_id){
-        //add header to differeciate from llvm bitcode binary.
-        // (5 bytes: 1 byte for binary version, 4 byte for bc code, 'GENC' is for gen binary.)
-        char gen_header[6] = "\1GENC";
-        OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[0]);
-        OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[1]);
-        OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[2]);
-        OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[3]);
-        OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(gen_header[4]);
-        OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(src_hw_info[0]);
-        OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(src_hw_info[1]);
-        OUTF_UPDATE_SZ(src_hw_info[2]);
-        sz = gbe_prog->serializeToBin(ofs);
-      }else{
-        char *llvm_binary;
-        size_t bin_length = gbe_program_serialize_to_binary((gbe_program)gbe_prog, &llvm_binary, 1);
-        ofs.write(llvm_binary, bin_length);
-        sz+=bin_length;
-        free(llvm_binary);
-      }
+      ofs.write(binary, binary_sz);
+      sz += binary_sz;
+  }
-    ofs.close();
+  ofs.close();
-    if (!sz) {
-    }
+  if (!sz) {
+  }
 void program_build_instance::build_program(void) throw(int)
-    gbe_program  opaque = NULL;
-    if(gen_pci_id){
-      opaque = gbe_program_new_from_source(gen_pci_id, code, 0, build_opt.c_str(), NULL, NULL);
-    }else{
-      opaque = gbe_program_compile_from_source(0, code, NULL, 0, build_opt.c_str(), NULL, NULL);
+  size_t err_log_sz = 0;
+  bool ret = false;
+  if (gen_pci_id) {
+    ret = GenBuildProgram(gen_pci_id, code, strlen(code) + 1, build_opt.c_str(), sizeof(build_log),
+                          build_log, &err_log_sz, &elf_bin, &elf_bin_sz);
+  } else {
+    ret = GenCompileProgram(gen_pci_id, code, strlen(code) + 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, build_opt.c_str(),
+                            sizeof(build_log),
+                            build_log, &err_log_sz, &binary, &binary_sz);
+    if (ret && str_fmt_out) {
+      err_log_sz = 0;
+      ret = GenBuildProgram(0x5A84, code, strlen(code) + 1, build_opt.c_str(), sizeof(build_log),
+                            build_log, &err_log_sz, &elf_bin, &elf_bin_sz); // Just build to get kernel name
-    if (!opaque)
-        throw FILE_BUILD_FAILED;
+  }
-    gbe_prog = reinterpret_cast<gbe::Program*>(opaque);
+  if (ret == false)
-    if(gen_pci_id){
-      assert(gbe_program_get_kernel_num(opaque));
-    }
+const char *program_build_instance::file_map_open(void) throw(int)
+  void *address;
+  /* Open the file */
+  fd = ::open(prog_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
+  if (fd < 0) {
+    throw FILE_NOT_FIND_ERR;
+  }
+  /* Map it */
+  file_len = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
+  lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
+  address = mmap(0, file_len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
+  if (address == NULL) {
+    throw FILE_MAP_ERR;
+  }
+  code = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(address);
+  return code;
-const char* program_build_instance::file_map_open(void) throw(int)
+typedef vector<program_build_instance> prog_vector;
+int main(int argc, const char **argv)
-    void * address;
+  prog_vector prog_insts;
+  vector<string> argv_saved;
+  const char *build_opt;
+  const char *file_path;
+  int i;
+  int oc;
+  deque<int> used_index;
+  if (argc < 2) {
+    cout << "Usage: kernel_path [-pbuild_parameter] [-obin_path] [-tgen_pci_id]" << endl;
+    return 0;
+  }
-    /* Open the file */
-    fd = ::open(prog_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
-    if (fd < 0) {
-        throw FILE_NOT_FIND_ERR;
-    }
+  used_index.assign(argc, 0);
-    /* Map it */
-    file_len = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
-    lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
-    address = mmap(0, file_len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
-    if (address == NULL) {
-        throw FILE_MAP_ERR;
-    }
+  /* because getopt will re-sort the argv, so we save here. */
+  for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+    argv_saved.push_back(string(argv[i]));
+  }
-    code = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(address);
-    return code;
+  while ((oc = getopt(argc, (char *const *)argv, "t:o:p:s")) != -1) {
+    switch (oc) {
+    case 'p': {
+      int opt_index;
-typedef vector<program_build_instance> prog_vector;
+      if (argv[optind - 1][0] == '-') { // -pXXX like
+        opt_index = optind - 1;
+      } else { // Must be -p XXXX mode
+        opt_index = optind - 2;
+        used_index[opt_index + 1] = 1;
+      }
-int main (int argc, const char **argv)
-    prog_vector prog_insts;
-    vector<string> argv_saved;
-    const char* build_opt;
-    const char* file_path;
-    int i;
-    int oc;
-    deque<int> used_index;
-    if (argc < 2) {
-        cout << "Usage: kernel_path [-pbuild_parameter] [-obin_path] [-tgen_pci_id]" << endl;
-        return 0;
-    }
+      /* opt must follow the file name.*/
+      if ((opt_index < 2) || argv[opt_index - 1][0] == '-') {
+        cout << "Usage note: Building option must follow file name" << endl;
+        return 1;
+      }
-    used_index.assign(argc, 0);
+      file_path = argv[opt_index - 1];
+      build_opt = optarg;
-    /* because getopt will re-sort the argv, so we save here. */
-    for (i=0; i< argc; i++) {
-        argv_saved.push_back(string(argv[i]));
+      prog_insts.push_back(program_build_instance(file_path, build_opt));
+      break;
-    while ( (oc = getopt(argc, (char * const *)argv, "t:o:p:s")) != -1 ) {
-        switch (oc) {
-        case 'p':
-        {
-            int opt_index;
-            if (argv[optind-1][0] == '-') {// -pXXX like
-                opt_index = optind - 1;
-            } else { // Must be -p XXXX mode
-                opt_index = optind - 2;
-                used_index[opt_index + 1] = 1;
-            }
-            /* opt must follow the file name.*/
-            if ((opt_index < 2 ) || argv[opt_index-1][0] == '-') {
-                cout << "Usage note: Building option must follow file name" << endl;
-                return 1;
-            }
-            file_path = argv[opt_index - 1];
-            build_opt = optarg;
-            prog_insts.push_back(program_build_instance(file_path, build_opt));
-            break;
-        }
+    case 'o':
+      if (!program_build_instance::set_bin_path(optarg)) {
+        cout << "Can not specify the bin path more than once." << endl;
+        return 1;
+      }
+      used_index[optind - 1] = 1;
+      break;
-        case 'o':
-            if (!program_build_instance::set_bin_path(optarg)) {
-                cout << "Can not specify the bin path more than once." << endl;
-                return 1;
-            }
-            used_index[optind-1] = 1;
-            break;
-        case 't':
-        {
-            char *s = optarg;
-            if (optarg[0] == '0' && (optarg[1] == 'x' || optarg[1] == 'X'))
-            s += 2;
-            if (s[0] < '0' || s[0] > '9') {
-                cout << "Invalid target option argument" << endl;
-                return 1;
-            }
-            std::stringstream str(s);
-            str >> std::hex >> gen_pci_id;
-            used_index[optind-1] = 1;
-            break;
-        }
+    case 't': {
+      char *s = optarg;
+      if (optarg[0] == '0' && (optarg[1] == 'x' || optarg[1] == 'X'))
+        s += 2;
-        case 's':
-            program_build_instance::set_str_fmt_out(true);
-            used_index[optind-1] = 1;
-            break;
+      if (s[0] < '0' || s[0] > '9') {
+        cout << "Invalid target option argument" << endl;
+        return 1;
+      }
-        case ':':
-            cout << "Miss the file option argument" << endl;
-            return 1;
+      std::stringstream str(s);
+      str >> std::hex >> gen_pci_id;
-        default:
-            cout << "Unknown opt" << endl;
-        }
+      used_index[optind - 1] = 1;
+      break;
-    for (i=1; i < argc; i++) {
-        //cout << argv_saved[i] << endl;
-        if (argv_saved[i].size() && argv_saved[i][0] != '-') {
-            if (used_index[i])
-                continue;
-            string file_name = argv_saved[i];
-            prog_vector::iterator result = find_if(prog_insts.begin(), prog_insts.end(),
-            [&](program_build_instance & prog_inst)-> bool {
-                bool result = false;
-                if (prog_inst.get_program_path() == file_name)
-                    result = true;
-                return result;
-            });
-            if (result == prog_insts.end()) {
-                prog_insts.push_back(program_build_instance(file_name.c_str(), ""));
-            }
-        }
-    }
+    case 's':
+      program_build_instance::set_str_fmt_out(true);
+      used_index[optind - 1] = 1;
+      break;
-    for (auto& inst : prog_insts) {
-        try {
-            inst.file_map_open();
-            inst.build_program();
-            inst.serialize_program();
-        }
-        catch (int & err_no) {
-            if (err_no == FILE_NOT_FIND_ERR) {
-                cout << "can not open the file " <<
-                     inst.get_program_path() << endl;
-            } else if (err_no == FILE_MAP_ERR) {
-                cout << "map the file " <<
-                     inst.get_program_path() << " failed" << endl;
-            } else if (err_no == FILE_BUILD_FAILED) {
-                cout << "build the file " <<
-                     inst.get_program_path() << " failed" << endl;
-            } else if (err_no == FILE_SERIALIZATION_FAILED) {
-                cout << "Serialize the file " <<
-                     inst.get_program_path() << " failed" << endl;
-            }
-            return -1;
-        }
+    case ':':
+      cout << "Miss the file option argument" << endl;
+      return 1;
+    default:
+      cout << "Unknown opt" << endl;
+    }
+  }
+  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+    //cout << argv_saved[i] << endl;
+    if (argv_saved[i].size() && argv_saved[i][0] != '-') {
+      if (used_index[i])
+        continue;
+      string file_name = argv_saved[i];
+      prog_vector::iterator result = find_if(prog_insts.begin(), prog_insts.end(),
+                                             [&](program_build_instance &prog_inst) -> bool {
+                                               bool result = false;
+                                               if (prog_inst.get_program_path() == file_name)
+                                                 result = true;
+                                               return result;
+                                             });
+      if (result == prog_insts.end()) {
+        prog_insts.push_back(program_build_instance(file_name.c_str(), ""));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (auto &inst : prog_insts) {
+    try {
+      inst.file_map_open();
+      inst.build_program();
+      inst.serialize_program();
+    } catch (int &err_no) {
+      if (err_no == FILE_NOT_FIND_ERR) {
+        cout << "can not open the file " << inst.get_program_path() << endl;
+      } else if (err_no == FILE_MAP_ERR) {
+        cout << "map the file " << inst.get_program_path() << " failed" << endl;
+      } else if (err_no == FILE_BUILD_FAILED) {
+        cout << "build the file " << inst.get_program_path() << " failed" << endl;
+      } else if (err_no == FILE_SERIALIZATION_FAILED) {
+        cout << "Serialize the file " << inst.get_program_path() << " failed" << endl;
+      }
+      return -1;
+  }
-    //for (auto& inst : prog_insts) {
-    //    inst.dump();
-    //}
+  //for (auto& inst : prog_insts) {
+  //    inst.dump();
+  //}
-    return 0;
+  return 0;

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