[Beignet] [PATCH] utests: add utest to double version of log, log2, log10

rander rander.wang at intel.com
Fri Mar 24 01:24:21 UTC 2017

Signed-off-by: rander <rander.wang at intel.com>
 kernels/builtin_double_logx.cl | 20 ++++++++++
 utests/CMakeLists.txt          |  3 +-
 utests/builtin_double_logx.cpp | 86 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 kernels/builtin_double_logx.cl
 create mode 100644 utests/builtin_double_logx.cpp

diff --git a/kernels/builtin_double_logx.cl b/kernels/builtin_double_logx.cl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed8e69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernels/builtin_double_logx.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
+__kernel void builtin_double_logx(__global double *X,
+												__global double *Z,
+												int max_input)
+	int i = get_global_id(0);
+	int j;
+	double dfloor;
+	for(j = 0; j < max_input; j++)
+		Z[i++] = log(X[j]);
+	for(j = 0; j < max_input; j++)
+		Z[i++] = log2(X[j]);
+	for(j = 0; j < max_input; j++)
+		Z[i++] = log10(X[j]);
diff --git a/utests/CMakeLists.txt b/utests/CMakeLists.txt
index 10b0172..41958e8 100644
--- a/utests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/utests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -308,7 +308,8 @@ set (utests_sources
-  builtin_double_fabs_floor_ceil_fract.cpp)
+  builtin_double_fabs_floor_ceil_fract.cpp
+  builtin_double_logx.cpp)
diff --git a/utests/builtin_double_logx.cpp b/utests/builtin_double_logx.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51f5412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utests/builtin_double_logx.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#include "utest_helper.hpp"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <algorithm>
+double argX[] {
+    0.0,
+    -0.0,
+    0x0.0000001p-256,
+    -0x0.0000000001p-1022,
+    0x1.0000001p1,
+    -0x1.ffffffp2,
+    0x1.01fffffffffp32,
+    -0x.10ffffffffp48,
+    0x1.7ffffffp64,
+    -0x.1cp96,
+    0x1.00000fp128
+    -0x1.000000000fp256,
+    0x1.00000000000001p512,
+    -0x1.00000000000001p768,
+    0x1.0000000000000fp1023,
+    -0x1.00000000000001p1023
+const char*  testFunc[] =
+    "OVERLOADABLE double log(double x)"
+    "OVERLOADABLE double log2(double x)"
+    "OVERLOADABLE double log10(double x)"
+unsigned long expectResult[] {
+    0xfff0000000000000, 0xfff0000000000000, 0xc0689b5252dd9845, 0xfff8000000000000, 0x3fe62e4300fa39ef, 0xfff8000000000000, 0x4036304101a0eae6, 0xfff8000000000000, 
+    0x4046622946ce63ca, 0xfff8000000000000, 0xfff8000000000000, 0x40762e42fefa39ef, 0xfff8000000000000, 0x408628b76e3a7b61, 0xfff8000000000000, 0xfff0000000000000, 
+    0xfff0000000000000, 0xfff0000000000000, 0xc071c00000000000, 0xfff8000000000000, 0x3ff0000001715476, 0xfff8000000000000, 0x4040016fe50b6ee5, 0xfff8000000000000, 
+    0x40502570068aa614, 0xfff8000000000000, 0xfff8000000000000, 0x4080000000000000, 0xfff8000000000000, 0x408ff80000000000, 0xfff8000000000000, 0xfff0000000000000, 
+    0xfff0000000000000, 0xfff0000000000000, 0xc0555f856d70eb57, 0xfff8000000000000, 0x3fd34413525c31b0, 0xfff8000000000000, 0x402345ce4de69c10, 0xfff8000000000000, 
+    0x40337127a1b19985, 0xfff8000000000000, 0xfff8000000000000, 0x40634413509f79ff, 0xfff8000000000000, 0x40733f424bcb5220, 0xfff8000000000000, 0xfff0000000000000
+double *input_data = argX;
+const int count_input = 16;
+const int max_function = 3;
+static void builtin_double_logx(void)
+  // Setup kernel and buffers
+  int k, i, index_cur;
+  unsigned long gpu_data[max_function * count_input] = {0};
+  float diff;
+  char log[256] = {0};
+  OCL_CREATE_KERNEL("builtin_double_logx");
+  OCL_CREATE_BUFFER(buf[0], CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, count_input * sizeof(double), NULL);
+  OCL_CREATE_BUFFER(buf[1], CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, count_input * max_function * sizeof(double), NULL);
+  OCL_SET_ARG(0, sizeof(cl_mem), &buf[0]);
+  OCL_SET_ARG(1, sizeof(cl_mem), &buf[1]);
+  OCL_SET_ARG(2, sizeof(int), &count_input);
+  globals[0] = 1;
+  locals[0] = 1;
+  clEnqueueWriteBuffer( queue, buf[0], CL_TRUE, 0, count_input * sizeof(double), input_data, 0, NULL, NULL);
+   // Run the kernel
+  OCL_NDRANGE( 1 );
+    clEnqueueReadBuffer( queue, buf[1], CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(double) * max_function * count_input, gpu_data, 0, NULL, NULL);
+    int index = 0;
+    for (k = 0; (uint)k < count_input*max_function; k++)
+    {
+       OCL_ASSERT(abs(gpu_data[k] - expectResult[k]) < 2);
+        if(abs(gpu_data[k] - expectResult[k]) > 2)
+        {
+            printf("failed at function:%s, index:%d  expect value: %lx, but get :%lx \n", testFunc[k/count_input], k%count_input, expectResult[k], gpu_data[k]);
+        }
+     }

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