[cairo-commit] [cairo-www] 2 commits - src/summit

Carl Worth cworth at freedesktop.org
Tue Aug 26 13:22:34 PDT 2008

 src/summit/2008/notes.mdwn |   49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit c613bbd637172f9897649a432cd8908d4d5800f3
Merge: 1381ff3... 273dda0...
Author: Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org>
Date:   Tue Aug 26 13:22:05 2008 -0700

    Merge branch 'master' of annarchy.freedesktop.org:/srv/cairo.freedesktop.org/wiki

commit 1381ff34fe92f28fcdff453346556c45cdd66512
Author: Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org>
Date:   Tue Aug 26 13:16:52 2008 -0700

    More live notes

diff --git a/src/summit/2008/notes.mdwn b/src/summit/2008/notes.mdwn
index 38a9c16..095c2c2 100644
--- a/src/summit/2008/notes.mdwn
+++ b/src/summit/2008/notes.mdwn
@@ -144,3 +144,52 @@ needs damage tracking and hit detection, etc.
 Adrian: Biggest issue in PDF was fallback images---this is all fairly
 under control now. One of the next big things left is to not re-emit
 an image when a pattern is reused.
+Antoine: On my website I've posted a performance evaluation comparing
+Quartz and pixman backends. This identified some big outliers on the
+pixman side---hopefully identifying some low-hanging fruit for pixman
+Fred: Cairo's downscaling quality has been very poor for a long
+time. Over the past couple of months, I've done a mipmapping
+implementation for pixman. Uses about 30% more memory and the
+performance is reasonable.
+13:00 1.8 Planning
+Behdad: We want to release 1.8 in two weeks (!). There are still a lot
+of failing tests though, (some of which might be poppler issues,
+etc.). But meanwhile, we've put over 500 commits in place and we don't
+really have good testing to know if all of those commits are
+ready. We've only done one development snapshot so far.
+This release is targeting the GNOME release date which is September
+24. So tar files are due September 22, with pre-releases on September
+8 and September 1.
+1.7.4 is out already and there have not yet been any bad reports
+yet. Who is using it? It's in Fedora at least, but not Ubuntu. Is
+Mozilla using it yet?
+Vlad: Current cairo in Mozilla is about a month behind, (missing the
+LCD filtering stuff and a few fixes from Chris and Jeff's group
+device-scaling stuff). Vlad will update Mozilla this week to latest
+cairo and pixman which will get at least some daily testers.
+Behdad: Pixman release?
+Søren: Yes, we need a pixman release, (currently depending on an
+unstable version). Latest pixman bits are in Gentoo and Fedora and
+things are in good shape. Should be able to do a stable release in a
+couple of days.
+Carl: So let's take the results of our test-suite hacking session from
+this summit this week, and make a 1.7.6 snapshot by September 1 and a
+1.8 release-candidate by September 8.
+Behdad: There's nothing I really want to change at this point other
+than fixing any bugs identified by the test suite.

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