[Cairo] Re: [Xr] Cairo

Trevor Woerner xwin641 at vtnet.ca
Thu Jul 17 20:10:50 PDT 2003

On July 15, 2003 03:12 pm, Carl Worth wrote:
> None of the code has changed yet, but when it does, I'll also provide
> some scripts to simplify the effort to shift existing code from the
> old names to the new.

I humbly submit the attached python script to perform the
above-mentioned conversion. It's not perfect (see what it does with
identifiers that have "RGB" in them! :-) but it's a start.

I've also included a diff of Xr.h after running the script on it so you
can see for yourself. I hope you find it useful.


--- Xr.h	2003-07-17 02:49:52.000000000 -0400
+++ out.h	2003-07-17 23:03:24.000000000 -0400
@@ -28,356 +28,356 @@
 #include <Xc.h>
-typedef struct _XrState XrState;
-typedef struct _XrSurface XrSurface;
-typedef struct _XrMatrix XrMatrix;
+typedef struct _cairo_state cairo_state;
+typedef struct _cairo_surface cairo_surface;
+typedef struct _cairo_matrix cairo_matrix;
 /* Functions for manipulating state objects */
-XrState *
+cairo_state *
-XrDestroy(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_destroy(cairo_state *xrs);
-XrSave(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_save(cairo_state *xrs);
-XrRestore(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_restore(cairo_state *xrs);
 /* XXX: I want to rethink this API
-XrPushGroup(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_push_group(cairo_state *xrs);
-XrPopGroup(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_pop_group(cairo_state *xrs);
 /* Modify state */
-XrSetTargetSurface (XrState *xrs, XrSurface *surface);
+cairo_set_target_surface (cairo_state *xrs, cairo_surface *surface);
-typedef enum _XrFormat {
-    XrFormatARGB32 = PictStandardARGB32,
-    XrFormatRGB24 = PictStandardRGB24,
-    XrFormatA8 = PictStandardA8,
-    XrFormatA1 = PictStandardA1
-} XrFormat;
+typedef enum _cairo_format {
+    cairo_format_a_r_g_b32 = PictStandardARGB32,
+    cairo_format_r_g_b24 = PictStandardRGB24,
+    cairo_format_a8 = PictStandardA8,
+    cairo_format_a1 = PictStandardA1
+} cairo_format;
-XrSetTargetDrawable (XrState	*xrs,
+cairo_set_target_drawable (cairo_state	*xrs,
 		     Display	*dpy,
 		     Drawable	drawable);
-XrSetTargetImage (XrState	*xrs,
+cairo_set_target_image (cairo_state	*xrs,
 		  char		*data,
-		  XrFormat	format,
+		  cairo_format	format,
 		  int		width,
 		  int		height,
 		  int		stride);
-typedef enum _XrOperator { 
-    XrOperatorClear = PictOpClear,
-    XrOperatorSrc = PictOpSrc,
-    XrOperatorDst = PictOpDst,
-    XrOperatorOver = PictOpOver,
-    XrOperatorOverReverse = PictOpOverReverse,
-    XrOperatorIn = PictOpIn,
-    XrOperatorInReverse = PictOpInReverse,
-    XrOperatorOut = PictOpOut,
-    XrOperatorOutReverse = PictOpOutReverse,
-    XrOperatorAtop = PictOpAtop,
-    XrOperatorAtopReverse = PictOpAtopReverse,
-    XrOperatorXor = PictOpXor,
-    XrOperatorAdd = PictOpAdd,
-    XrOperatorSaturate = PictOpSaturate,
-    XrOperatorDisjointClear = PictOpDisjointClear,
-    XrOperatorDisjointSrc = PictOpDisjointSrc,
-    XrOperatorDisjointDst = PictOpDisjointDst,
-    XrOperatorDisjointOver = PictOpDisjointOver,
-    XrOperatorDisjointOverReverse = PictOpDisjointOverReverse,
-    XrOperatorDisjointIn = PictOpDisjointIn,
-    XrOperatorDisjointInReverse = PictOpDisjointInReverse,
-    XrOperatorDisjointOut = PictOpDisjointOut,
-    XrOperatorDisjointOutReverse = PictOpDisjointOutReverse,
-    XrOperatorDisjointAtop = PictOpDisjointAtop,
-    XrOperatorDisjointAtopReverse = PictOpDisjointAtopReverse,
-    XrOperatorDisjointXor = PictOpDisjointXor,
-    XrOperatorConjointClear = PictOpConjointClear,
-    XrOperatorConjointSrc = PictOpConjointSrc,
-    XrOperatorConjointDst = PictOpConjointDst,
-    XrOperatorConjointOver = PictOpConjointOver,
-    XrOperatorConjointOverReverse = PictOpConjointOverReverse,
-    XrOperatorConjointIn = PictOpConjointIn,
-    XrOperatorConjointInReverse = PictOpConjointInReverse,
-    XrOperatorConjointOut = PictOpConjointOut,
-    XrOperatorConjointOutReverse = PictOpConjointOutReverse,
-    XrOperatorConjointAtop = PictOpConjointAtop,
-    XrOperatorConjointAtopReverse = PictOpConjointAtopReverse,
-    XrOperatorConjointXor = PictOpConjointXor
-} XrOperator;
-XrSetOperator(XrState *xrs, XrOperator op);
-/* XXX: Probably want to bite the bullet and expose an XrColor object */
-XrSetRGBColor(XrState *xrs, double red, double green, double blue);
-XrGetRGBColor(XrState *xrs, double *red, double *green, double *blue);
-/* XXX: Do we want XrGetPattern as well? */
+typedef enum _cairo_operator { 
+    cairo_operator_clear = PictOpClear,
+    cairo_operator_src = PictOpSrc,
+    cairo_operator_dst = PictOpDst,
+    cairo_operator_over = PictOpOver,
+    cairo_operator_over_reverse = PictOpOverReverse,
+    cairo_operator_in = PictOpIn,
+    cairo_operator_in_reverse = PictOpInReverse,
+    cairo_operator_out = PictOpOut,
+    cairo_operator_out_reverse = PictOpOutReverse,
+    cairo_operator_atop = PictOpAtop,
+    cairo_operator_atop_reverse = PictOpAtopReverse,
+    cairo_operator_xor = PictOpXor,
+    cairo_operator_add = PictOpAdd,
+    cairo_operator_saturate = PictOpSaturate,
+    cairo_operator_disjoint_clear = PictOpDisjointClear,
+    cairo_operator_disjoint_src = PictOpDisjointSrc,
+    cairo_operator_disjoint_dst = PictOpDisjointDst,
+    cairo_operator_disjoint_over = PictOpDisjointOver,
+    cairo_operator_disjoint_over_reverse = PictOpDisjointOverReverse,
+    cairo_operator_disjoint_in = PictOpDisjointIn,
+    cairo_operator_disjoint_in_reverse = PictOpDisjointInReverse,
+    cairo_operator_disjoint_out = PictOpDisjointOut,
+    cairo_operator_disjoint_out_reverse = PictOpDisjointOutReverse,
+    cairo_operator_disjoint_atop = PictOpDisjointAtop,
+    cairo_operator_disjoint_atop_reverse = PictOpDisjointAtopReverse,
+    cairo_operator_disjoint_xor = PictOpDisjointXor,
+    cairo_operator_conjoint_clear = PictOpConjointClear,
+    cairo_operator_conjoint_src = PictOpConjointSrc,
+    cairo_operator_conjoint_dst = PictOpConjointDst,
+    cairo_operator_conjoint_over = PictOpConjointOver,
+    cairo_operator_conjoint_over_reverse = PictOpConjointOverReverse,
+    cairo_operator_conjoint_in = PictOpConjointIn,
+    cairo_operator_conjoint_in_reverse = PictOpConjointInReverse,
+    cairo_operator_conjoint_out = PictOpConjointOut,
+    cairo_operator_conjoint_out_reverse = PictOpConjointOutReverse,
+    cairo_operator_conjoint_atop = PictOpConjointAtop,
+    cairo_operator_conjoint_atop_reverse = PictOpConjointAtopReverse,
+    cairo_operator_conjoint_xor = PictOpConjointXor
+} cairo_operator;
+cairo_set_operator(cairo_state *xrs, cairo_operator op);
+/* XXX: Probably want to bite the bullet and expose an cairo_color object */
+cairo_set_r_g_b_color(cairo_state *xrs, double red, double green, double blue);
+cairo_get_r_g_b_color(cairo_state *xrs, double *red, double *green, double *blue);
+/* XXX: Do we want cairo_get_pattern as well? */
-XrSetPattern(XrState *xrs, XrSurface *pattern);
+cairo_set_pattern(cairo_state *xrs, cairo_surface *pattern);
-XrSetTolerance(XrState *xrs, double tolerance);
+cairo_set_tolerance(cairo_state *xrs, double tolerance);
-XrSetAlpha(XrState *xrs, double alpha);
+cairo_set_alpha(cairo_state *xrs, double alpha);
-XrGetAlpha(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_get_alpha(cairo_state *xrs);
-typedef enum _XrFillRule { XrFillRuleWinding, XrFillRuleEvenOdd } XrFillRule;
+typedef enum _cairo_fill_rule { cairo_fill_rule_winding, cairo_fill_rule_even_odd } cairo_fill_rule;
-XrSetFillRule(XrState *xrs, XrFillRule fill_rule);
+cairo_set_fill_rule(cairo_state *xrs, cairo_fill_rule fill_rule);
-XrSetLineWidth(XrState *xrs, double width);
+cairo_set_line_width(cairo_state *xrs, double width);
-typedef enum _XrLineCap { XrLineCapButt, XrLineCapRound, XrLineCapSquare } XrLineCap;
+typedef enum _cairo_line_cap { cairo_line_cap_butt, cairo_line_cap_round, cairo_line_cap_square } cairo_line_cap;
-XrSetLineCap(XrState *xrs, XrLineCap line_cap);
+cairo_set_line_cap(cairo_state *xrs, cairo_line_cap line_cap);
-typedef enum _XrLineJoin { XrLineJoinMiter, XrLineJoinRound, XrLineJoinBevel } XrLineJoin;
+typedef enum _cairo_line_join { cairo_line_join_miter, cairo_line_join_round, cairo_line_join_bevel } cairo_line_join;
-XrSetLineJoin(XrState *xrs, XrLineJoin line_join);
+cairo_set_line_join(cairo_state *xrs, cairo_line_join line_join);
-XrSetDash(XrState *xrs, double *dashes, int ndash, double offset);
+cairo_set_dash(cairo_state *xrs, double *dashes, int ndash, double offset);
-XrSetMiterLimit(XrState *xrs, double limit);
+cairo_set_miter_limit(cairo_state *xrs, double limit);
-XrTranslate(XrState *xrs, double tx, double ty);
+cairo_translate(cairo_state *xrs, double tx, double ty);
-XrScale(XrState *xrs, double sx, double sy);
+cairo_scale(cairo_state *xrs, double sx, double sy);
-XrRotate(XrState *xrs, double angle);
+cairo_rotate(cairo_state *xrs, double angle);
-XrConcatMatrix(XrState *xrs,
-	       XrMatrix *matrix);
+cairo_concat_matrix(cairo_state *xrs,
+	       cairo_matrix *matrix);
-XrSetMatrix(XrState *xrs,
-	    XrMatrix *matrix);
+cairo_set_matrix(cairo_state *xrs,
+	    cairo_matrix *matrix);
-XrDefaultMatrix(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_default_matrix(cairo_state *xrs);
-/* XXX: There's been a proposal to add XrDefaultMatrixExact */
+/* XXX: There's been a proposal to add cairo_default_matrix_exact */
-XrIdentityMatrix(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_identity_matrix(cairo_state *xrs);
-XrTransformPoint (XrState *xrs, double *x, double *y);
+cairo_transform_point (cairo_state *xrs, double *x, double *y);
-XrTransformDistance (XrState *xrs, double *dx, double *dy);
+cairo_transform_distance (cairo_state *xrs, double *dx, double *dy);
-XrInverseTransformPoint (XrState *xrs, double *x, double *y);
+cairo_inverse_transform_point (cairo_state *xrs, double *x, double *y);
-XrInverseTransformDistance (XrState *xrs, double *dx, double *dy);
+cairo_inverse_transform_distance (cairo_state *xrs, double *dx, double *dy);
 /* Path creation functions */
-XrNewPath(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_new_path(cairo_state *xrs);
-XrMoveTo(XrState *xrs, double x, double y);
+cairo_move_to(cairo_state *xrs, double x, double y);
-XrLineTo(XrState *xrs, double x, double y);
+cairo_line_to(cairo_state *xrs, double x, double y);
-XrCurveTo(XrState *xrs,
+cairo_curve_to(cairo_state *xrs,
 	  double x1, double y1,
 	  double x2, double y2,
 	  double x3, double y3);
-XrRelMoveTo(XrState *xrs, double dx, double dy);
+cairo_rel_move_to(cairo_state *xrs, double dx, double dy);
-XrRelLineTo(XrState *xrs, double dx, double dy);
+cairo_rel_line_to(cairo_state *xrs, double dx, double dy);
-XrRelCurveTo(XrState *xrs,
+cairo_rel_curve_to(cairo_state *xrs,
 	     double dx1, double dy1,
 	     double dx2, double dy2,
 	     double dx3, double dy3);
-XrRectangle (XrState *xrs,
+cairo_rectangle (cairo_state *xrs,
 	     double x, double y,
 	     double width, double height);
-XrClosePath(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_close_path(cairo_state *xrs);
 /* Painting functions */
-XrStroke(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_stroke(cairo_state *xrs);
-XrFill(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_fill(cairo_state *xrs);
 /* Clipping */
-XrClip(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_clip(cairo_state *xrs);
 /* Font/Text functions */
-/* XXX: The font support should probably expose an XrFont object with
-   several functions, (XrFontTransform, etc.) in a parallel manner as
-   XrMatrix and (eventually) XrColor */
+/* XXX: The font support should probably expose an cairo_font object with
+   several functions, (cairo_font_transform, etc.) in a parallel manner as
+   cairo_matrix and (eventually) cairo_color */
-XrSelectFont(XrState *xrs, const char *key);
+cairo_select_font(cairo_state *xrs, const char *key);
-XrScaleFont(XrState *xrs, double scale);
+cairo_scale_font(cairo_state *xrs, double scale);
-/* XXX: Probably want to use an XrMatrix here, (to fix as part of the
+/* XXX: Probably want to use an cairo_matrix here, (to fix as part of the
    big text support rewrite) */
-XrTransformFont(XrState *xrs,
+cairo_transform_font(cairo_state *xrs,
 		double a, double b,
 		double c, double d);
-XrTextExtents(XrState *xrs,
+cairo_text_extents(cairo_state *xrs,
 	      const unsigned char *utf8,
 	      double *x, double *y,
 	      double *width, double *height,
 	      double *dx, double *dy);
-XrShowText(XrState *xrs, const unsigned char *utf8);
+cairo_show_text(cairo_state *xrs, const unsigned char *utf8);
 /* Image functions */
-XrShowSurface (XrState		*xrs,
-	       XrSurface	*surface,
+cairo_show_surface (cairo_state		*xrs,
+	       cairo_surface	*surface,
 	       int		width,
 	       int		height);
 /* Query functions */
-XrGetOperator(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_get_operator(cairo_state *xrs);
-XrGetTolerance(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_get_tolerance(cairo_state *xrs);
-XrGetCurrentPoint(XrState *, double *x, double *y);
+cairo_get_current_point(cairo_state *, double *x, double *y);
-XrGetFillRule(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_get_fill_rule(cairo_state *xrs);
-XrGetLineWidth(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_get_line_width(cairo_state *xrs);
-XrGetLineCap(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_get_line_cap(cairo_state *xrs);
-XrGetLineJoin(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_get_line_join(cairo_state *xrs);
-XrGetMiterLimit(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_get_miter_limit(cairo_state *xrs);
-/* XXX: How to do XrGetDash??? Do we want to switch to an XrDash object? */
+/* XXX: How to do cairo_get_dash??? Do we want to switch to an cairo_dash object? */
-XrGetMatrix(XrState *xrs,
+cairo_get_matrix(cairo_state *xrs,
 	    double *a, double *b,
 	    double *c, double *d,
 	    double *tx, double *ty);
-XrSurface *
-XrGetTargetSurface (XrState *xrs);
+cairo_surface *
+cairo_get_target_surface (cairo_state *xrs);
 /* Error status queries */
-typedef enum _XrStatus {
-    XrStatusSuccess = 0,
-    XrStatusNoMemory,
-    XrStatusInvalidRestore,
-    XrStatusInvalidPopGroup,
-    XrStatusNoCurrentPoint,
-    XrStatusInvalidMatrix
-} XrStatus;
+typedef enum _cairo_status {
+    cairo_status_success = 0,
+    cairo_status_no_memory,
+    cairo_status_invalid_restore,
+    cairo_status_invalid_pop_group,
+    cairo_status_no_current_point,
+    cairo_status_invalid_matrix
+} cairo_status;
-XrGetStatus(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_get_status(cairo_state *xrs);
 const char *
-XrGetStatusString(XrState *xrs);
+cairo_get_status_string(cairo_state *xrs);
 /* Surface mainpulation */
 /* XXX: This is a mess from the user's POV. Should the Visual or the
-   XrFormat control what render format is used? Maybe I can have
-   XrSurfaceCreateForWindow with a visual, and
-   XrSurfaceCreateForPixmap with an XrFormat. Would that work?
+   cairo_format control what render format is used? Maybe I can have
+   cairo_surface_create_for_window with a visual, and
+   cairo_surface_create_for_pixmap with an cairo_format. Would that work?
-XrSurface *
-XrSurfaceCreateForDrawable (Display	*dpy,
+cairo_surface *
+cairo_surface_create_for_drawable (Display	*dpy,
 			    Drawable	drawable,
 			    Visual	*visual,
-			    XrFormat	format,
+			    cairo_format	format,
 			    Colormap	colormap);
-XrSurface *
-XrSurfaceCreateForImage (char		*data,
-			 XrFormat	format,
+cairo_surface *
+cairo_surface_create_for_image (char		*data,
+			 cairo_format	format,
 			 int		width,
 			 int		height,
 			 int		stride);
-XrSurface *
-XrSurfaceCreateNextTo (XrSurface	*neighbor,
-		       XrFormat		format,
+cairo_surface *
+cairo_surface_create_next_to (cairo_surface	*neighbor,
+		       cairo_format		format,
 		       int		width,
 		       int		height);
 /* XXX: One problem with having RGB and A here in one function is that
    it introduces the question of pre-multiplied vs. non-pre-multiplied
-   alpha. Do I want to export an XrColor structure instead? So far, no
+   alpha. Do I want to export an cairo_color structure instead? So far, no
    other public functions need it. */
-XrSurface *
-XrSurfaceCreateNextToSolid (XrSurface	*neighbor,
-			    XrFormat	format,
+cairo_surface *
+cairo_surface_create_next_to_solid (cairo_surface	*neighbor,
+			    cairo_format	format,
 			    int		width,
 			    int		height,
 			    double	red,
@@ -386,89 +386,89 @@
 			    double	alpha);
-XrSurfaceDestroy(XrSurface *surface);
+cairo_surface_destroy(cairo_surface *surface);
 /* XXX: Should this take an X/Y offset as well? (Probably) */
-XrSurfacePutImage (XrSurface	*surface,
+cairo_surface_put_image (cairo_surface	*surface,
 		   char		*data,
 		   int		width,
 		   int		height,
 		   int		stride);
 /* XXX: The Xc version of this function isn't quite working yet
-XrSurfaceSetClipRegion (XrSurface *surface, Region region);
+cairo_surface_set_clip_region (cairo_surface *surface, Region region);
 /* XXX: Note: The current Render/Ic implementations don't do the right
    thing with repeat when the surface has a non-identity matrix. */
-XrSurfaceSetRepeat (XrSurface *surface, int repeat);
+cairo_surface_set_repeat (cairo_surface *surface, int repeat);
-XrSurfaceSetMatrix(XrSurface *surface, XrMatrix *matrix);
+cairo_surface_set_matrix(cairo_surface *surface, cairo_matrix *matrix);
-XrSurfaceGetMatrix (XrSurface *surface, XrMatrix *matrix);
+cairo_surface_get_matrix (cairo_surface *surface, cairo_matrix *matrix);
 typedef enum {
-    XrFilterFast = XcFilterFast,
-    XrFilterGood = XcFilterGood,
-    XrFilterBest = XcFilterBest,
-    XrFilterNearest = XcFilterNearest,
-    XrFilterBilinear = XcFilterBilinear
-} XrFilter;
+    cairo_filter_fast = XcFilterFast,
+    cairo_filter_good = XcFilterGood,
+    cairo_filter_best = XcFilterBest,
+    cairo_filter_nearest = XcFilterNearest,
+    cairo_filter_bilinear = XcFilterBilinear
+} cairo_filter;
-XrSurfaceSetFilter(XrSurface *surface, XrFilter filter);
+cairo_surface_set_filter(cairo_surface *surface, cairo_filter filter);
 /* Matrix functions */
-XrMatrix *
-XrMatrixCreate (void);
+cairo_matrix *
+cairo_matrix_create (void);
-XrMatrixDestroy (XrMatrix *matrix);
+cairo_matrix_destroy (cairo_matrix *matrix);
-XrMatrixCopy(XrMatrix *matrix, const XrMatrix *other);
+cairo_matrix_copy(cairo_matrix *matrix, const cairo_matrix *other);
-XrMatrixSetIdentity (XrMatrix *matrix);
+cairo_matrix_set_identity (cairo_matrix *matrix);
-XrMatrixSetAffine (XrMatrix *xrs,
+cairo_matrix_set_affine (cairo_matrix *xrs,
 		   double a, double b,
 		   double c, double d,
 		   double tx, double ty);
-XrMatrixGetAffine (XrMatrix *matrix,
+cairo_matrix_get_affine (cairo_matrix *matrix,
 		   double *a, double *b,
  		   double *c, double *d,
  		   double *tx, double *ty);
-XrMatrixTranslate (XrMatrix *matrix, double tx, double ty);
+cairo_matrix_translate (cairo_matrix *matrix, double tx, double ty);
-XrMatrixScale (XrMatrix *matrix, double sx, double sy);
+cairo_matrix_scale (cairo_matrix *matrix, double sx, double sy);
-XrMatrixRotate (XrMatrix *matrix, double radians);
+cairo_matrix_rotate (cairo_matrix *matrix, double radians);
-XrMatrixInvert(XrMatrix *matrix);
+cairo_matrix_invert(cairo_matrix *matrix);
-XrMatrixMultiply (XrMatrix *result, const XrMatrix *a, const XrMatrix *b);
+cairo_matrix_multiply (cairo_matrix *result, const cairo_matrix *a, const cairo_matrix *b);
-XrMatrixTransformDistance (XrMatrix *xr, double *dx, double *dy);
+cairo_matrix_transform_distance (cairo_matrix *xr, double *dx, double *dy);
-XrMatrixTransformPoint (XrMatrix *xr, double *x, double *y);
+cairo_matrix_transform_point (cairo_matrix *xr, double *x, double *y);
-------------- next part --------------
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