[cairo] Loading images

Sanjay Gupta GSanjay at novell.com
Tue Feb 24 06:19:40 PST 2004

I think i got the answer. I need to call gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels() which
guchar* which is a type def of unsigned char.

I will let u know my results.


>>> "Sanjay Gupta" <GSanjay at novell.com> 2/24/2004 7:43:04 PM >>>
Hi List,
How can i work with images loaded through
gdkpixbuf library. 
cairo_surface_create_for_image accepts a char* but
gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file() function of gdkpixbuf library
returns me a GdkPixbuf structure. Can anyone tell me
how to use GdkPixbuf struct with cairo?
Sorry if the answer to my question is very obvious, but
i am unable to find the answer.

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