[cairo] Write ups on Microsoft Avalon

Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro gjc at inescporto.pt
Fri May 7 06:08:41 PDT 2004

A Sex, 2004-05-07 às 04:55, Jon Smirl escreveu:
> General description:
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/Longhorn/understanding/pillars/avalon/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dnlong/html/avalongraphics.asp
> More detailed information:
> http://longhorn.msdn.microsoft.com/?//longhorn.msdn.microsoft.com/lhsdk/core/overviews/road_map.aspx
> Detailed drawing API:
> http://longhorn.msdn.microsoft.com/?//longhorn.msdn.microsoft.com/lhsdk/ref/system.windows.media.aspx
> How does Cairo compare to the drawing pieces?

  Just glanced over the first of those links.  Very interesting.  If I'm
not mistaken, Cairo compares to the GDI+ Windows API, while SVG is
equivalent to the drawing elements in XAML.

  This reminds me of Miguel de Icaza's warning about the need compete
with this powerful XAML framework.  He's probably right.  The Open
Source world already has most of the pieces of the puzzle
(SVG+Cairo+Glade+Python|Mono|whatever), but it is still missing the
required integration work:
	1- Integration of SVG + Glade + Scripting language in a single XML
	2- A browser plugin or standalone program that executes the above XML

  Of course, some people argue that Mozilla's XUL does the same, but for
a gnomer like me XUL doesn't compare to Gtk+.

Gustavo João Alves Marques Carneiro
<gjc at inescporto.pt> <gustavo at users.sourceforge.net>
The universe is always one step beyond logic.

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