[cairo] 'erasing' a surface

Jonathan Roewen jonathan.roewen at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 22:57:48 PDT 2005

> That should be as simple as:
>        cairo_rectangle (cr, x, y, width, height);
>        cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0);
>        cairo_fill (cr);

Should be that simple. However, I'm still having rendering issues--not
sure if it's because of the ocaml-cairo bindings, or whether it is
something more obtuse in my code.

I'll fill out all of what I'm doing:

1) create a buffer into which to draw
2) do all the necessary drawing to the buffer
3) draw buffer into my linear frame buffer

creating the buffer:
let double_buffer () =
  let cr = Cairo.create () in
  let surface =
    Cairo.image_surface_create Cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32 width height in
  Cairo.set_target_surface cr surface;
  Cairo.rectangle cr 0. 0. width height;
  Cairo.set_rgb_color cr 0. 0. 0.;
  Cairo.fill cr;
  cr (* this last bit returns the Cairo.t *)

then drawing into the buffer is just normal cairo operations (in this
instance, my 'port' of fdclock drawn over a background image).

then, finally, drawing the result into the linear framebuffer.
let buffer_to_screen cr =
  let surface = Cairo.current_target_surface cr in
  Cairo.show_surface cairo surface width height

where 'cairo' is a global instance representing the framebuffer.

On the first time drawing to the framebuffer, everything is rendered
correctly. However, successive redraws result in the output at

Any help with this would be appreciated. I'm still trying to figure
out the best way to do redrawing with cairo and translucent layers--so
if anyone can shine a light on something better than what I'm
currently doing, please tell me!


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