[cairo] Java-GNOME adding cairo bindings

Jeff Morgan kuzman at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 16:47:24 PST 2005

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 19:26:10 -0500, mental at rydia.net <mental at rydia.net> wrote:
> Have you talked with the existing CairoJava maintainer(s) as to
> whether you could pool efforts instead of creating two mutually
> incompatible bindings?

Thanks for the quick response.  I have not talked to the maintainer
but have spent some time looking at the code and project structure.
There are numerous fundamental differences between the projects
that caused us to make the decision to start our own bindings.  Here
are a few of those differences:

1. The method that CairoJava uses to store pointers is very different 
and incompatible with our approach.  This would cause problems when 
integrating with our gdk and gtk bindings.  Furthermore the approach
taken by CairoJava could have problems on certain platforms.

2. There is a dependency on the swt libraries.  Some of the types used
throughout the bindings are swt types.  We do not want such a dependency
in our bindings.

3. We package all of our projects using the gnu build tools such as
automake and libtool.  This is an essential component for our 
strategy to support multiple platforms and to support downstream
package maintainers.  The current project doesn't utilize these tools.

> What changes might you require to the existing CairoJava?

If there is a desire to create a common bindings package I would
be interested in discussing what is required.   At a minimum we
would need to address the three items described above.

> -mental

Jeffrey Morgan

"The highest reward for a man's toil is not
what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it"
    - Jon Ruskin

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