[cairo] recursive quad-tree, or bounding box of changed area during drawing?

Mike Shaver mike.shaver at gmail.com
Fri Jun 2 09:37:35 PDT 2006

On 6/1/06, Federico Mena Quintero <federico at ximian.com> wrote:
> Blitting is not going to be your main performance problem, unless your
> blitter is absolutely horrible.  You need to do profiling on the whole
> pipeline.

I'm not sure entirely what part of the stack you mean here when you
say "blitter", but certain some operations that I would expect to be
simply blitting are quite slow -- I might even use your "horrible" --
term when using the xlib cairo back end.

http://people.mozilla.com/~vladimir/misc/xlib-results.html and the
first two lines, especially.  I think we have some whole-system
profiles of this around somewhere, but they're likely out of date at
this point.


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