[cairo] Observations from a newb

Dirk Schönberger dirk.schoenberger at sz-online.de
Thu Nov 8 11:28:05 PST 2007

First of all thanks for your help. Sorry if I am a little picky ;)

> So, the answer to your question above on how to render a transformed
> surface might look like this:

>  void
>  draw_transformed_surface (cairo_t *cr,
>      cairo_matrix_t *matrix,
>      cairo_surface_t *surface)
> {
>     cairo_save (cr);
>     cairo_transform (cr, matrix);
>     cairo_set_source_surface (cr, surface, 0.0, 0.0);
>     cairo_paint (cr);
>     cairo_restore (cr);
>  }
> After setting up a source pattern based on the given surface, we use a
> "paint" operation to paint the entire surface.

> And notice that "draw an image" is not a primitive at all. You can use
> the same set_source_surface to then fill or stroke an arbitrary path
> with the contents of an image, or you can fill text with image
> contents. (And where I'm saying "image" here, you can use any type of
> surface or any other type of pattern as well---such as gradients).

Ok. But what if I want to transform just the image data, not the
Basically I would like to draw the image at (10,10) in user coordinates
(i.e. without further transformations), but the image itself should be
rendered with a scale factor of (.5, .5)
I think basically I would like to see more operations about image surfaces
(transformations, filtering, bitmap level operations like darken, edge
detection, gaussian blur, drop shadows etc)


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