[cairo] Coordinate from device to user space without a context [RESOLVED]

Bryce W. Harrington b.harrington at samsung.com
Fri Nov 8 19:31:35 CET 2013

On Fri, Nov 08, 2013 at 03:21:29PM +0200, Donn wrote:
> On 06/11/2013 21:25, Bryce W. Harrington wrote:
> >Essentially, you have two sets of coordinates, one of which is offset
> >from the other, and perhaps multiplied by some factor, and maybe rotated
> >or skewed.  To calculate the x,y coordinates in one system from the
> >other, you use this formula:
> >
> >  x_new = xx * x + xy * y + x0;
> >  y_new = yx * x + yy * y + y0;
> Bryce,
> I've been at it for hours and some things are getting clearer.
> My program does involve a tree - children with children and there
> will be many nodes under rotation and skew etc. So, I needed your
> first formula above.
> I tried, with high-school algebra that's 24 years old and got:
> userx = ( mousex - mymatrix.xy * y - mymatrix.x0 )/mymatrix.xx
> usery = ( mousey - mymatrix.yx * x - mymatrix.y0 )/mymatrix.yy
> (Monkey see, monkey solve. Understanding is a million miles away.)
> So, that worked ;) It's "jerky" though - perhaps something to do
> with doubles and rounding or such voodoo.

Yeah, since convert to floating point before doing any division, then
back to int afterwards.
> The "cairo function" route is way smoother:
> var tm = mymatrix;
> tm.invert();
> //outputs user space into my,my
> tm.transform_point(ref mousex, ref mousey);

Yep.  :-)

> I have also come to some détente with transforms and save/restore
> and when in that process to calculate device->user coordinates. The
> mad jumping is under control now. I hope it stays that way.
> (The secret is to save mymatrix *before* doing any transforms.)
> So, my thanks to Bryce and ed and this list. I couldn't have done it
> without ya.

Great to hear, good luck with your app!


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