[Clipart] public domain links

Jeremy C. Reed reed at reedmedia.net
Sat Aug 28 12:05:23 PDT 2004

The public domain links on the browsing webpages go to
http://web.resource.org/cc/PublicDomain (which appears to have no content
about it)  and http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/.

It seems better to just have the link for explaining public domain go to
our own wiki webpage about the licensing.

Also, it is nice that it says public domain, but is this superfluous?
Would we ever have clipart provided that is not public domain? Each
clipart item doesn't need to restate it since the bottom already says "The
clipart downloads on this site are dedicated to the Public Domain."

 Jeremy C. Reed

 	  	 	 technical support & remote administration

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