Aaagh! Re: [Clipart] new site design in progress

Jeremy C. Reed reed at
Sat Sep 11 23:32:21 PDT 2004

On Sun, 12 Sep 2004, Jon Phillips wrote:

> Great, I affected most peoples changes, ie, links, flow, colors.
> The colors on the sidebars are prollly reflecting a poorly calibrated
> monitor (non-lcd). If really problem, will just change sidebar to be
> gray. The light gray was proving to have some contrast problems with the
> white links.
> Ok..check the site and get me your constructive crits pleez...possible
> shorter text ideas for the search bar would b nice...

Thank you, Jon, for the update.

The image inside the top "Share Your Vector Graphics" box is taller that
the box and overlaps in to the next box causing the:
A File"
to wrap. It is the image with a earth/mouse, pencil, calculator, and
Windows logo.

Also, I was not sure what the graphic on right side of Search box was for,
until I clicked it.

This monitor is not a LCD, and it may be a poorly calibrated monitor. But
all colors look great for years. The peasoup green is strange. I'd suggest
you use the nice light blue background like already used where it says
"1702 Clips" and Browse".

 Jeremy C. Reed

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