[Clipart] tools: why use SVG::Metadata for transforming xml?

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Sat Apr 16 15:42:54 PDT 2005

Mike Traum <mtraum at yahoo.com> writes:

> I took a look at the perl tools. Why is SVG::Metadata being used all
> over the place to transform xml? Shouldn't xslt be used (I assume
> perl has an xslt processor)? You then have then benefit of easily
> porting these tools, as well as having the xsl files available to
> other projects.

In a word, no.

SVG::Metadata and the code that uses it does quite a lot more than
just transform XML.  XML transformation, such as XSLT does, is only a
small part of what we are doing with SVG::Metadata.  Most of what we
are doing with the metadata is NOT just transforming it from one
XML-based form to another.

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