[Clipart] Image portability

Nathan Eady eady at galion.lib.oh.us
Mon Apr 18 13:14:36 PDT 2005

Andrew Archibald wrote:
> Hi,
> Does OCAL have any standards for portability or quality of images?  For 
> example, many images do not lie within their own stated page boundaries 
> (for example, eagle_01.svg hangs off the top of its page) which results 
> in many SVG viewers (konqueror, for example) showing only part of the 
> image. 

If you notice specific instances of this, you should list them
under the Edit Requests section of the Clipart Requests page on
the wiki, here:
Under the Edit Requests section of that page, just say something
like "Fix document bounds:" and list the images (by relative
path, like /animals/birds/eagle_01).  Some of these that I
had noticed were fixed for the 0.12 release, but I'm sure
there are some more that I didn't catch.  These are relatively
easy fixes (though, unfortunately, I don't know of an easy
way to _automate_ them; if someone else does, a tool to do
that would be most welcome).

 > Other images have either Inkscape- or Adobe-specific SVG
> extensions and so may display incorrectly on simple SVG 
 > viewers which can handle only plain SVG.

This may be harder to fix.

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